
The princes court

Sungmin grunted as he tripped over another log. How had the two gotten lost? Not to mention Ryeowook was supposed to be injured how could he have gone this far?

“Minnie, we’re lost.” Kyuhyun pouted taking a seat exhausted on a fallen tree trunk.

“Yeah, your point?” Sungmin asked as he sat next to his young lover.

“My point is that I don’t think anyone would miss us if we just left.” Kyuhyun stated. Sungmin scoffed before glaring up at the rainy sky.

“Sorry, but Jongwoon is my savior and my prince. He saved me from his uncle. If it wasn’t for him, I would still be sitting in that dungeon being his and his guards slave and cook.” Sungmin snapped.

“I thought you were target practice,” Kyuhyun asked.

“No, that was Hyukjae.” Sungmin smirked remembering the poor boy’s injuries when he had aided the prince in dragging him to Siwon. The whole group had it bad.

“Hey, you two I found you,” Shindong smiled emerging from the foliage to greet his friends.

“Thank you for finding us we were so lost,” Kyuhyun cheered. Shindong chuckled lightly, placing his hand behind his head.

“Miahnae guys, but I’m lost to I’m afraid.” He blushed in embarrassment making both men groan.

“Jongwoon is going to kill us for getting lost.” Sungmin pouted falling backwards off the trunk. A loud screech filled the air as Sungmin jumped from the lumpy form he had landed on.

“Holy crap,” the three yelped glancing over the trunk in surprise. There covered in dirt and mud, laid Ryeowook. He was extremely pale and the bandage that had once been on his arm was gone allowing the mud and grime to cover the wound.

“Crap, we have to get him back to the castle or he’ll die from hyperthermia.” Shindong paniced. Both Sungmin and Kyuhyun quickly lifted the boy and positioned him safely on the cook’s back.

“Ok, now which way is the prince?” Sungmin asked as they glanced in each direction utterly lost.


Yesung screamed for Ryeowook hoping the boy could hear him as both Hyukjae and Donghae followed close behind and searched.

“Jongwoon, we’re sorry, we tried to help him, but the king… your uncle, you know what he’s like.” Donghae tried to apologize.

“Yeah, we also had to injure him so that it looked like he struggled, not to mention his own blood needed to mix with the pigs.” Hyukjae added. Jongwoon sighed before twisting around to face the two males.

“I’m still mad at the both of you for not coming to me first.” the prince snapped.

“Sorry, but we knew you would go to your uncle in anger, so we had to get the others involved.” Donghae moaned.

“Plus if Wookie knew then he would tell you.” Hyukjae continued. Once again, the prince sighed before marching ahead. The EunHae couple glanced at one another before rushing after their future king.

Jongwoon’s whole body tensed as the search continued without a word from any of his friends or his little lover. He needed Ryeowook’s small frame near him, he felt so lost and incomplete. How could he have just allowed those two to sway him to leave like that? Did he not love him? Was he scared to become his prince and he a king?

“Ryeowookie, please come back to me.” Jongwoon prayed as he led the two others back to the horses they had left by the pond.

“Jongwoon, where are the others?” Hyukjae asked searching for the others. They noticed their friend’s horses still unattended with worry. It was getting later and the rain was starting to fall more fervently.

“Let’s search for them,” Jongwoon ordered before they went after the other groups.


Heechul growled in frustration as the rain pelted down on him.  He was a fashion artist, not an umbrella!

“Hannie, we are lost!” the man moaned from the Chinese friends back.

“I can only move so fast Hee, now please get your heels out of my kidney.” Hankyung ordered. Heechul sighed but did as he was told. They were lost and he knew it. Right now he could go for a hot bath, maybe some food. He loved Ryeowook, but as soon as they found the kid, he was going to murder him.

“Hey Heechul, did we pass that tree already?” Hankyung asked pointing towards a low branched tree.

“Yes Hannie, we did. Over ten times already. I am wet, frustrated, angry, mad, and I need a drink!” the man snapped making his friend roll his eyes.

“Why don’t we take a break then?” Hankyung suggested with a smile as the older man nodded in agreement. As they sat down, Hankyung noticed his friend try and dry his wet hair that clung to his pale face.

“You know, we will get found. I bet you anything the prince is looking for us right now.” Hankyung smiled. Heechul sighed, leaning back against the tree and closing his eyes.

“I grew up with the prince you know. Me, Leeteuk, Kangin. We were the sons of his parents most trusted servants. But when his uncle took over, we became obsessed with protecting Jongwoon.” Heechul explained as Hankyung nodded his head.

“But now, now he has to find me because I trusted your leading abilities!” Heechul whined.

“Wait, why is it my fault we’re lost, you’re the one who said you could find your way through a sandstorm!” the china man snapped.

“And you believed me?” Heechul yelped unaware of the bushes rustling  beside them.

“Well yeah, I did.” Hankyung argued.


Leeteuk shook his head as he followed Kangin towards the yells ahead of them. They had long since discovered the noise being that of Heechul and Hankyung, the Hanchul couple.

“Should we interrupt them?” Leeteuk asked placing his hands on his hips.

“Yeah, before Heechul has a breakdown, not to mention Hankyung’s own melodramatic ways.” Kangin stated. Leeteuk nodded as he pushed through the bushes and glared at the two men.

“Geez, I can’t leave you alone for a moment can I?” the oldest male snapped making the two glance over at him.

“Leeteukie umma!” Heechul beamed, happy to be lost with some friends other than the man he was currently arguing with. Leeteuk shook his head before glancing over at Kangin for aid.

“Shindong and the others found Ryeowook, all we need to do is return to Jongwoon and help him.” Kangin announced.

“Good lets aid the missing brat and then he owes me a new outfit, this one is all wet.” Heechul growled, though secretly happy the boy was safe again.

Yesung held Ryeowook’s shivering form protectively close to his body as Siwon stitched the red heads shoulder. Ryeowook was still unconscious though, causing them to worry.

“We need a place to stay that’s dry.” Kibum piped in. Yesung nodded, agreeing with the boys words.

“I know a place close to here where some friends of mine live.” Hankyung announced making all eyes turn to him.

“You knew where we were the whole time!” Heechul snarled. Hankyung smiled sheepishly before leading them to a small village near the woods end.

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1641 streak #1
Chapter 21: What a beautiful ending T^T I'm so glad Wookie survived and can stay at Jongwoon's side. And Jongwoon, the rightful king, will be the best what this kingdom ever had. I'm sure about it ❤️
The story was so nice to read. I'm grateful that you keep all your old stories here. It would be a pity to miss this out, because old Yewooks feel like the best. Good old times, you know ❤️ I'm not sure if you still write about this couple, but yours are definitely one of my favorites here. Thank you for writing, sharing and keeping this amazing work ❤️❤️
1641 streak #2
Chapter 20: Poor Wookie, but does it mean he can survive...? I want to see him getting protection from Yesungie >_< At the same time he belongs to his king's side to save his life. Everyone else would be happy, too. First of all for their king. And with a happy king Jongwoon the kingdom will blooming again, for everyone to live a better life. Already excited for the grand final ❤️
1641 streak #3
Chapter 19: Oh no. Please don't tell me you let Wookie die... T^T Jongwoon won't be willing to be king anymore. If Wookie dies Yeye's soul will die with him... it's so sad. I'm hoping for Siwon working a medical wonder on the petite body, or else Jongwoon won't be the same anymore and I fear he will end like his uncle. Ok, maybe not the exactly same, but his heart will turn stone cold without his pretty little turtle by his side. Hopping for Wookie to survive ❤️
1641 streak #4
Chapter 18: I wouldn't have guessed Soo Man as, Yesung's uncle here. But thinking about how that man treated Yesungie in their early days I get an idea why he inspired you for being the cruel and unfair uncle. But it's an interesting fact the fake king had known Wookie's mom. Does it mean he once was after her and maybe harmed her and now feels excitement to harm her son?! Go Jongwoon and take what's rightful yours. Thank you for writing ❤️
1641 streak #5
Chapter 17: I'm a bit worried about the safety of Zhoumi and his kingdom >_< But king Mimi and Henry are also a very sweet couple. I haven't had them really in mind, but here I like the chemistry in their interactions. Nevertheless, nothing tops Yewook ^^ I like them growing as couple and how they give each other strength preparing for the final battle. Their special moments was damn hot. The shy and innocent Wookie from the start is nowhere to find anymore. Well done, Yeye XD
Thank you for this ❤️
1641 streak #6
Chapter 16: The final scene reminds me of Wookie's pretty drawing skills. Don't know if you planned to include it here, but his work on Yeye's skin must looks like a pretty piece of art. I'm glad Wookie let the prince stay with him. But somehow they're on the same level now what makes them fit even more to each other. Wookie would fight for his love and prince and this makes him more mature, while at the same time Jongwoon is ready to fight his uncle and take back what is rightful his. The kingdom. They will be an amazing king's couple ❤️
1641 streak #7
Chapter 15: I hope Wookie accepts Yeye's request >_< A pity Jongwoon haven't realized it sooner that he can fight for his rights and his kingdom. But maybe he needed to come to a certain age and also meet a certain someone. Wookie is more than just the light of his life. He's like the air the prince needs to breath for living. And without him by his side the prince is just a lifeless doll. Wookie really needs to understand this. Thank you for writing ❤️
1641 streak #8
Chapter 14: It feels like everyone get ready for the big final battle. The reval of Wookie's origin is an new interesting fact. I never guessed Wookie was born to be a killer, the right hand of the king. But the thought of the former king and Wookie appa shared a bond of trust with each other is nice to think about. Does it mean that little Jongwoon and baby Wookie could have met in the past? It would be adorable ❤️
Hope Yesung will find his little turtle before the crule king and make him understand that the safest place for them is in each other's arms. Thank you ❤️
1641 streak #9
Chapter 13: Oh no why he's running from the man who can protect him the most? I understand that Wookie thinks he's helping Jongwoon, but now when the prince seems to have an alliance with someone against his uncle, I think it would be wiser to stay at the prince's side. Come back, Wookie. You didn't even recovered from your injuries >_<
Thank you for sharing ❤️
1641 streak #10
Chapter 12: I'm so happy they found Wookie T^T But please let him be safe and not suffering from an infection in his wound. Yewook suffered enough so far T^T And Jongwoon is right, I'm also still mad at Eunhae -_- # I'm glad they didn't killed the petite boy but it would have been wiser to inform the prince from the start. Get well soon, Wookie ❤️❤️