seasons and weather

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Winter and Karina in various universe.




​​​​​One-shot collection | Marked as completed but will be updated from time to time.

  1. denser of the two - wherein Minjeong works in a convenience store and suddenly, Jimin keeps showing up. It just so happens that Minjeong has been avoiding the girl since their last Chemistry class.
  2. under pearly moon, where poets choose their verse - and Minjeong found her muse in a random walk, with only the moon to be their witness.
  3. and i’ve never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my peripheryJimin talks, Minjeong listens. Minjeong remembers. and well, Jimin is just Jimin. She was hammered.
  4. and in darkness, there's you - Minjeong was stuck, unable to write a single song since that day. Not until she found herself in Japan, courtesy of Aeri. There she found Jimin, and Minjeong thinks that the girl couldn't even stand her presence. And yet she didn't expect to be invested on someone like this. There she found the lingering darkness bursting from her, and Minjeong hoped that she could provide a little bit of light for Jimin's dark world.
  5. AUTUMN: with these falling leaves, i remember and fall - Jimin navigates her second year in college with someone unexpected - Kim Minjeong, who coincidentally is her new dormmate. Her childhood neighbor, and the girl that will always see an opportunity to always confess to Jimin - which of course, always gets rejected. And so, Jimin expects to have a bubbly and annoying Minjeong in the dorm, but when the latter just greeted her with a timid smile on their first day, something didn't sit right with her.
  6. WINTER: in death, i am alive Death was inevitable to anyone, and Minjeong was its god. She watches people die and forgets them all together. She has never understood why they are afraid when it would be their eternal rest. She sees mortal as insignificant because of their attachment to their lives - and then she meets Jimin, and Minjeong starts to question her existence.
Hope you have a great Christmas everyone, take care! :)


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i haven't read the latest updates yet bcs i'm scared but is it possible for jimin's illness to be cured in exchange of minjeong losing her powers and living her life as a mortal
Tobiramaa #2
Chapter 8: Thank you for this!!
Tobiramaa #3
Chapter 8: This is now my favorite. The feels and the song huhu
Tobiramaa #4
Chapter 8: I changed my mind this is my favoriteHi
Tobiramaa #5
Chapter 8: I skipped this one. This was recommended by my friend. She’s right this is so good
Tobiramaa #6
Chapter 4: TT
Tobiramaa #7
Chapter 1: What a generous author for sharing such great reads!
Tobiramaa #8
Chapter 14: Wow! This might be my favorite so far
Chapter 29: nooooo 😭 please…don’t just disappear from her life..
Chapter 29: daaaamn
i cant waitt