
Forget me? Don't even think about it.


“Myungsoo, you really shouldn’t miss work because of this,” Sungyeol advised for the twelfth time (yes, he counted) that day.

When Myungsoo remembered that Sungyeol’s sister would be arriving this night, he decided that not coming to work for a day to help his boyfriend prepare wouldn’t hurt. Sungyeol wasn’t particularly ecstatic to hear it, though.

“Sungyeol-ah, it’s fine,” Myungsoo took off his reading glasses, folding the newspaper and putting it back on the coffee table. “I want to help you. I can’t let you do this alone.”

“B-but –“


“B-but, Myung –“

“Shush-sshh-shh,” Myungsoo stood up and placed a finger to Sungyeol’s lips, silencing him. “I love you, and you love me. So let me do this, okay? Okay,” he gave his boyfriend a chaste kiss on the lips, and pulled him down to sit on his lap.

Sungyeol complied with a befuddled expression, his lower lip jutting out in what seemed like a pout. After all these years of knowing him, he’s learnt that each time Myungsoo made a decision, he would stick with it. Nothing and no one – not even him – can make him change his mind.

His attempts at getting his boyfriend to not skip, as he’s put it, work since morning was futile. And so he contemplated that it’d be better if he forgets trying to convince him again.

Heaving a heavy but inaudible sigh, Sungyeol leaned back, laying his head on Myungsoo’s shoulder. This never fails to make me feel weird, he thought. Comfy…but weird.

Sensing his boyfriend’s stillness, Myungsoo chuckled. “What is it?” he wrapped his arms around Sungyeol’s waist securely.

“This,” the older one replied simply.

The younger male nuzzled his nose at the crook of his boyfriend’s neck. “Mm-hmm, and I’m supposed to know what ‘this’ is?”

Sungyeol shook his head. “This,” he flailed his arms around them, as if trying to make Myungsoo see what he was getting at. “has always been weird.”

Myungsoo raised questioning eyebrows at the odd gesture. No, he definitely didn’t see what he was trying to get at. “I speak Sungyeol, but I don’t quite understand this weird Sungyeol language.”

“You’re hopeless, Myung,” Sungyeol huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in a childish manner. “I’m trying to say that this – me sitting on your lap – is weird. Get it?”

Myungsoo was taken aback by the comment, moving his head at an angle where he could see whether or not Sungyeol was serious. The older male looked him in the eye, expression not faltering.

Then it hit him.

Myungsoo laughed out loud, his arms inadvertently clutching Sungyeol’s waist tighter, making said male squirm.

“Yah! What’s so funny?”

“Is that why you’re so worked up about?” Myungsoo coughed. “It’s not weird, Yeol.”

“Yes, it is!” Sungyeol exclaimed. “It’s supposed to be the other way around. I’m older. And taller. I’m a man, too! It makes me feel like –“

“A girl?”

Sungyeol glared at him. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“But you are the girl in this relationship. Are you not?” Myungsoo grinned ingenuously.

The older male gasped. “You dare say that? You dare call me a girl? You –“

Myungsoo rolled his eyes, mouth quirking up into a smile as his tongue swiped across his lips. “Relax, Yeol. That wasn’t what I meant,” he caressed his boyfriend’s cheek affectionately. “This, for me, is not at all awkward or weird, okay? Besides, I think it’s kind of fitting.”

Sungyeol tilted his head in confusion. “You lost me at you thinking it’s not awkward.”

“It feels right, Yeol. Don’t you feel it, too?”

“Ew. Where did all this cheesiness come from, you cheeseball? You hang out with Woohyun too much,” Sungyeol pushed the side of his boyfriend’s head lightheartedly.

“Maybe,” Myungsoo laughed, taking a hold of Sungyeol’s wrist. “Seriously, though. Would you mind if I sit on your lap?”

Sungyeol grimaced at the thought. “Uh…yes.”


The older male gave up, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. “Okay…okay. We’ve known each other for years, and I’ve grown accustomed to this position anyway.”

Myungsoo couldn’t stop the grin that stretched on his face as he embraced Sungyeol in his arms securely. He inhaled his boyfriend’s hair deeply, content. Myungsoo’s always had a thing for Sungyeol’s scent; the older one found it creepy at the start of their relationship, but then let it slide once he got used to the odd .

Sungyeol was hoping, so much, for this moment to stay like this forever. He would never use the term ‘forever’ because it sounded too much like a fairytale – not to mention, cheesy – but no better word could be applied for the current position they were in.

The older of the two entwined his fingers with the younger one, playing with it. Myungsoo had nice hands, Sungyeol concluded; his fingers weren’t as long and slender as his own, but Sungyeol loved it anyway. Plus, those fingers did wonders to him.

Still, Sungyeol can’t help but to be bothered about Myungsoo skipping work. He was really happy that the younger male wanted to assist him, and that would also mean that they get to spend more time with each other.

So, he couldn’t help but ask again. “Soo, you sure you don’t want to –“

“You ask me that one more time…” Myungsoo’s face was serious, but his tone had a hint of mirth in it.

“Okay!” Sungyeol lifted his hands up in defeat, somewhat giggling. “Sorry. I’m just concerned is all.”

Myungsoo let out a chuckle as he pinched Sungyeol’s chubby cheek lovingly. “Don’t be, babe. All is good, hmm?”

Smiling a little, Sungyeol nodded, leaning forward to peck Myungsoo on the lips quickly (which earned him an amused quirk of the lips from the other, because it was such an adorable move).

“What time does your sister’s flight land?”

“Hmm…mom said 8 o’clock?”

Myungsoo’s eyebrows rose. “Are you sure? Cause you don’t seem sure.”

Sungyeol laughed. “Yes, I’m sure. She’ll be here by 8 tonight.”

The younger male’s hand moved up to play with the older one’s ear that’s been marred by piercings. It looks sickening on everyone else, but so y on him, he thinks. “After dinner, huh?” he said, more of a statement than a question.

Nodding once, Sungyeol stared into the distance, allowing his boyfriend’s fingers to graze his ear.

“She’s not staying here, is she?” Myungsoo asked, suddenly feeling uneasy should his boyfriend’s sister live with them.

“Why? Can’t she?” Sungyeol teased.

“I…I mean –“

“Of course she’s not, you dork!” Sungyeol laughed once more. “She’ll be staying at my parents’ house. Even I don’t want her to stay here. I’ve lived with her all my life, so I’m pretty much satisfied that it’s just you and me now.”

Myungsoo emitted a laugh of his own, unable to help himself as his boyfriend’s laughter was so infectious. It was one of his traits that made him fall in love with the older male.

“Oh,” Sungyeol, all of a sudden, said. “Have you informed the company yet?”

Myungsoo’s smile slipped from his face as he gaped at his boyfriend, wide-eyed. “Uh…”

He instinctively stuffed his free hand inside his jean pocket, feeling around for his phone. , how could he forget to inform Seunghyun he won’t be coming in today?

Sungyeol removed himself from the younger’s hold and sat himself next to him instead. Myungsoo bit his lower lip, his eyebrows furrowing as he searched his other pocket.

Sungyeol merely raised his brows at the sight, blinking twice…thrice. “If you’re looking for your phone – “ he said flatly. “—it’s in our room.”

Myungsoo’s shoulders relaxed as he stood on both his feet. He gave his boyfriend a toothy smile before running up the stairs, but not before kissing Sungyeol on the lips.

Sungyeol looked after him with amused affection. He made himself comfortable on the couch and hugged his knees to his chest. He kept the smile on his face as he absent-mindedly pulled on the fine thread that mysteriously appeared at the hem of his shirt.




“Why didn’t you say earlier that it would be just you and me, Nam?” Sunggyu asked as they neared his doorstep.

The moment he led the way to the café, he couldn’t help but feel elated. Of course he didn’t show the excitement on the outside, but on the inside, he was performing cartwheels. He did feel utter disappointment when Woohyun said it was just lunch between friends.

Woohyun gulped. “I—“

“Seriously, though,” the older male continued, turning around to face him. “You didn’t have to drag in Howon and Dongwoo’s names, you grease.”

“S-sorry,” the younger one laughed nervously. “Like I said, I didn’t know how to bring it up. I was afraid you’d – I don’t know – smack me or something.”

“Repeat what you did the next time, and I’ll definitely smack you.”

Woohyun’s eyes lit up in an instant at the first few words, but it swiftly went away before Sunggyu noticed. “You’d…you’d go out with me again?”

Sunggyu looked genuinely surprised. “W-what?” Don’t joke with me now, you stupid.

The shorter male tittered, rubbing the nape of his neck. “I…I mean if I ask you to din – I mean eat with me again, would you?”

Looking as if he was deep in thought, Sunggyu gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I guess,” he cleared his throat, disliking the way his voice sounded. “No harm would do me, right?”

Woohyun nodded happily (and Sunggyu had to resist sighing dreamily out loud at how cute the gesture looked). “Thanks for today, Gyu. I appreciate you coming to meet me.”

“Uh, yeah. Sure,” Sunggyu waved him off with a flick of his wrist. “I’ll…” he motioned to the door behind him with his thumb. “I’ll go in now. Thanks for treating me, and have a good day at work. Umm, bye.”

Woohyun was about to raise his hand to bid his farewell, but the door shut in front of his face. He flinched at the sound, eyeing his surroundings carefully, worried if anyone saw it. He felt slightly self-conscious by the action (No one closes the door in my face! Oh, the mortification.”), but he shrugged and moved away.

Sunggyu peeked through the living room curtain, watching Woohyun’s back disappear from his sight. Once the younger male’s car sped off, he went straight to his room, feeling silly.

“What was I thinking? That he liked me back?” he huffed, opening his bedroom door. “Impossible. I shouldn’t keep my hopes up.”




“Yeol! Come on!” Myungsoo tapped his foot impatiently.

It’s not that he was mad, it’s just that he had been waiting at the end of the staircase for over ten minutes. Sungyeol kept shouting from inside their bedroom that he’d be ready in five, but that was a total lie.

After the successful phone call to Seunghyun barely an hour ago, Myungsoo literally grinned from ear to ear, scaring Sungyeol just a little.

Sungyeol was just about to ask what happened – or why the heck his boyfriend was grinning like some creeper – but couldn’t finish his sentence when Myungsoo lifted him up and spun the both of them around in sheer happiness. Sungyeol had to swallow the shriek of surprise that threatened to fill the entire house, and out of reflex wrapped his arms and legs around Myungsoo’s neck and waist.

“Seunghyun approved!” Myungsoo had said, almost forgetting that his boyfriend was really in close proximity and not a deaf. “He approved!”

“I can see,” Sungyeol giggled.

“Can you believe it, Yeol?” the younger male set his boyfriend back on his own feet. “I thought he’d yell at me for asking, but he didn’t.”

All Sungyeol could do was smile at that moment. He could be selfish for once, can’t he? It was rare to see his boyfriend look this animated and…just plain jovial. He didn’t ever want to see that ridiculous (but charming) lopsided grin disappear.

In the midst of this, Sungyeol remembered that he should go shopping for when his sister returns. He didn’t know what he should get, but maybe once he steps into one of the shopping malls, he’d see something that’ll interest him.

Which brings us back to the now…

“Sungyeol-ah, this century please, babe!” Myungsoo glanced at his wrist watch. They still had a lot of time before heading to the airport, but the mall was huge, and they might lose track of time! “Yeol –!

“Okay, I’m coming, I’m coming,” Sungyeol rushed down the stairs. “Take a breather, Captain Edgy.”

Myungsoo’s eyes narrowed, but once he took in Sungyeol’s appearance (and that adorable playful grin on his face), he shook his head instead. He went over to the small table near the entrance door and grabbed his keys, but he was left in shock when Sungyeol snatched it from him.

“What – “

Sungyeol dangled the key around his forefinger with a slight smirk. “I’m driving.”

Myungsoo did an internal ‘uh-oh’ in his head. Sungyeol may look fragile, innocent, pure and whatnot in some ways, but when it came to driving, it made Myungsoo remember that God exists and accepts prayers of any kind, and that’s what he’ll do when he gets in the car.

He took a deep breath as he opened the car door, slowly plopping his down to the leather seat. Sungyeol got in the driver’s seat cheerfully, sticking the car key where it should be. He started the ignition, adjusting the mirrors and seat to make him more comfortable.

Sungyeol was about to step on the gas pedal when he noticed Myungsoo’s eyes fixed to the front. He eyed his boyfriend up and down, a frown forming on his face.

The younger male felt a stare on the side of his face, so he eventually turned to face the perpetrator. “What?”

The older of the two nodded his jaw to his boyfriend’s right, indicating something. Myungsoo raised his eyebrows in question, but side-glanced anyway to see what it was. He immediately hissed inwardly at the hint. No, not the seat belt. Not the dreaded seat belt! He slapped a hand to his forehead, crying on the inside.

“Yah, wear it…or we go nowhere.”

Sungyeol’s tone was stern, but Myungsoo couldn’t bear to look at the other’s face for confirmation. He didn’t want to laugh, it’d be a wrong timing; Sungyeol plus seriousness didn’t exactly produce a perfect chemistry.

“Don’t pout at me, young man. You know how I don’t like to drive slow. Chop chop!”

I was pouting? Myungsoo sighed in defeat, unwillingly pulling the seat belt downwards his torso. Once he was done, he childishly crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Sungyeol felt accomplished by this, ignoring his boyfriend’s pitiful self.




“Hurry up, Myung!” Sungyeol urged as he planted both his feet firmly on the ground in order to not run and leave his snail of a boyfriend behind.

The boys had lost track of time when they were in the mall, and now that they were at the airport, Sungyeol was restless.

Myungsoo’s eyebrows creased (not out of frustration, it’s too big a word and too strong a feeling) as he locked the car and caught up with Sungyeol, who was not far from where he was. “Calm down, Yeol,” he said, linking their fingers together as he led the way.

The younger male planned to simply walk at a normal pace, but his anxious boyfriend thought otherwise, and he had to refrain Sungyeol from running to the Arrival Gate by pulling him closer to his body,

According to Sungyeol, they were 10 minutes late (“I’ll miss my sister’s arrival, you poop! She might think I didn’t come!”). Myungsoo begged to differ (“Not on my watch,”) and according to him, they made it to the airport just in time.

And right he was. The P.A. System echoed, informing that Sungyeol’s sister’s flight had landed a few minutes ago, and all they had to do was await for the passengers to come out.

Sungyeol immediately let go of Myungsoo’s hand, pretending to look elsewhere but his boyfriend’s smug expression that clearly read ‘I told you so’.

Myungsoo chuckled at this as he wrapped an arm around Sungyeol’s waist, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You’re just too adorable.”

Sungyeol clicked his tongue, pouting. “We’re in public. Stop that,” he gently pushed his boyfriend away.

“Sungyeol-ah! Myungsoo-yah!”

Both males turned to find the source of their names being called, and damn this huge and somewhat crowded airport.

Sungyeol squinted, and saw a hand wave at him from in between a couple. The tall male grinned, waving back, and dragging Myungsoo with him to them. “Mom!” he pulled the woman into a hug as she came into view.

“Aww, my giant baby!” Mrs. Lee giggled.

Sungyeol pulled away, his gummy-smile still plastered on his face. Mrs. Lee grabbed Myungsoo and gave him a tight bear hug as well, startling him, but making him happy nonetheless. The two boys then proceeded to hug Sungyeol’s father who stood quietly beside his wife (well, Myungsoo merely exchanged a simple handshake and smile with the man; awkward hug will be awkward).

Myungsoo’s relationship with both Sungyeol’s parents throughout all the years he’d been with the other boy had grown, and they treated him like a family, like their second son; and he immensely appreciated that.

“You guys came!” Sungyeol beamed. “I thought you’d be too busy or something.”

“Silly boy. We wouldn’t miss our daughter’s return,” Mrs. Lee shook her head. “Plus, your sister said she has a surprise for us.”

“Really?” Sungyeol’s eyes widened, his face a mixture of delight and shock (however that may look like). “Is she finally moving out?”

Mrs. Lee good-naturedly smacked her son’s arm. “You’ve got your own house, doesn’t matter if she stays in the Lee Residence her entire life.”

“Mom..!” Sungyeol rubbed his abused arm while laughing.

Myungsoo couldn’t help but to laugh a little at the sight, and he massaged his hand up and down his boyfriend’s so-called abused arm tenderly.

“Anyway, the surprise...she didn’t say yet.”

“No, duh, mom. It wouldn’t be a surprise if she told us beforehand now, would it?”

Mr. Lee frowned at his son’s response, but since his son was a childish oddball, he overlooked it. “I see your bratty attitude still hasn’t changed, boy,” he chuckled while ruffling the tall male’s hair.

Sungyeol wanted to object to that, but then noticed people walking out of the arrival door with their luggage in hand. His hands went to Myungsoo’s arm in a vise grip, and the latter had to suppress his pain by placing his hands on top of the older male; he could tell the boy was excited.

“Oh, my God! Noona will come out soon!” Sungyeol squealed, hopping on one feet to another, unable to contain the glee.

He hadn’t seen his sister in nearly 4 years! True she had come home for the holidays when she first got in one of the universities in New York 8 years ago, but her schedule had gotten so hectic she hadn’t been able to do so anymore. Sungyeol missed his sister too much, and he was positive his parents did as well.

Myungsoo never did get the chance to personally meet her, and now that he would be, he felt nervous. For goodness sake, it was just his boyfriend’s sister! He knows it’s stupid, but his heart was beating faster than it should be (not as fast as it was when he first laid eyes on Sungyeol), and his hands were shaking.

“Hey,” Sungyeol called out softly, loosening his grip and making the younger male face him. “Relax, Soo. I can feel you trembling like an earthquake. Take it easy,” he smiled warmly.

Sungyeol understood that Myungsoo was probably nervous out of his wits, and he could only reassure him that everything would be fine. His sister was a nice woman, so he needn’t be worried about her not liking the younger.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling sharply, Myungsoo pressed his lips together in a thin line, closing his eyes for a brief second before nodding with a small smile. I can do this, he thought. I can do this.

Seeing as Myungsoo calmed down (the boy honestly looked like he was hyperventilating!), Sungyeol released his hold on the shorter male and eyed the arrival door once again for his sister.

Jeez, where the heck is this woman –


Said boy blinked. That voice. It was – He stared straight ahead and saw the one person he had come here for, standing not far from where he stood with a huge smile on her face. Sungyeol’s grin that spread on his features came on its own accord, and he made his way over to her, as she moved forward as well.

“Noona!” he threw himself to his sister’s embrace, almost squeezing her small frame. “Chaerin noona! You’re finally back!”

“Yes, I am, baby brother. I am,” Chaerin giggled, patting her tall brother’s back soothingly. “I missed you, love.”

“Me too.”

“Chaerin-ah, what about us?”

The girl reluctantly let go of her brother once she saw her parents standing nearby. “Mom…dad. I missed you guys so much,” she gave them both a hug at the same time.

Myungsoo stood at the side awkwardly, uncertain on what to do. It would be some time until they notice he’s actually alive and well. He didn’t want to ruin their family reunion; they had been separated from the eldest daughter for a long time, and he had no intention of butting in. They looked much too happy to be disturbed.

Sungyeol never forgot his boyfriend of course, so he tapped his sister’s shoulder for attention. “Noona-ah.”

Chaerin turned around, finding her brother and another boy standing side by side, quite intimately, might she add. She had a feeling she knew who the boy might be. The boy was handsome in her view (perhaps even more so than her brother), but he looked so timid, as if she would gobble him up.

“This is – “

“Don’t tell me,” she lifted a finger, a smile gracing her lips as she moved closer to the boy. “Myungsoo, I believe?”

Myungsoo bit his lower lip, rubbing a hand at the back of his neck, smiling. “Hello…Chaerin-sshi.”

“Aww, Sungyeol’s told me so much about you I feel like I’ve known you long enough!” she said with enthusiasm. “Can I hug you?”

Without waiting for Myungsoo’s answer, Chaerin pulled him into a hug. She finally got to meet her brother’s boyfriend, and couldn’t be more pleased that her brother made a good choice. The boy seemed nice and well-mannered, a someone who she would want to take care of her brother. What’s even cute was that he was being formal with her.

Myungsoo was taken aback by the hug, but he didn’t complain. He was extremely nervous earlier on, afraid that Sungyeol’s sister wouldn’t approve of him, but the anxiety was for nothing apparently. Chaerin was nicer than he thought she’d be, and he felt ashamed for doubting in the first place.

“By the way,” Chaerin said after pulling away. “I consider you family. Don’t be too formal with me, yeah? You’re my brother’s boyfriend, so treat me as if I’m your sister as well.”

Sister? Myungsoo thought that it’d be pleasant to genuinely think someone as his sister. Sure, he’d do that.

“Chaerin-ah,” a new and unfamiliar voice called out.

Surprised by the sudden new voice, they found a man walking over to Chaerin’s side. She smiled at the stranger, and pulled him closer to her.

“Mom…dad,” she looked at her parents, who were staring at the man and her with anticipation. “Sungyeol…Myungsoo,” she inhaled. “You remember Kwon Jiyong, right?”

Kwon Jiyong? Who? Sungyeol tilted his head. Oh, wait. Wasn’t he noona’s high school sweetheart or something?

Myungsoo knew for sure that he had no idea who this Kwon Jiyong is, and all he could do was stare at him in confusion.

“Jiyong?” Mrs. Lee finally spoke, probably thinking. “Ah, yes! Of course I do. You two went to the same school before, did you not?"

“It’s a pleasure to meet you once again, Mr. and Mrs. Lee,” Jiyong bowed slightly, a smile on his lips.

Chaerin clasped his hand tightly in hers. “We met by chance the first year I got in the university. And now we…” she looked to Jiyong, and he nodded his head as he squeezed her hand. “…we’re engaged.”

Sungyeol’s eyes almost popped out of its sockets when he heard that. His sister was, at long last, getting married? Myungsoo handled the news better than his boyfriend though, and he merely smiled as he wrapped an arm around Sungyeol’s shoulder, resisting the temptation to snap his mouth close.

Their parents were happy for their daughter, and Mrs. Lee began squealing in excitement. Mr. Lee managed to compose himself, congratulating his daughter and future son-in-law. He was delighted that Jiyong was the one Chaerin chose; he had met Jiyong countless times before. They had been friends for years, and they’d known each others’ flaws and weaknesses, so it was good for them all.

“So my guess for the surprise was right after all!”

Mrs. Lee did smack Sungyeol’s head at that.




Nothing much happens here, I know. Myungyeol fluff though! LOL. College has been holding me back from updating frequently, I'm sorry. Please bear with me, guys. I love you for subscribing and commenting! <3 Much love.

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[21/05] Wait for me, guys?


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 7: This is good for sure possessive myungsoo is the best
Update soon please? :P
aBee18 #3
Chapter 8: It's such a shame for a computer to break down. I have a feeling this only happens to writers! What the computer! Control your feels or something! I mean I know the story drafts are good and all but gosh!
Anyway, I'll be patiently waiting~
Thanks for writing!
Chapter 8: dont ever leae this fanfic hanging .
eo ? ^^
Chapter 8: I waaaanna know what will happen next. Please update soon :)
Chapter 8: Update soon please! Hahahaha! Myungie is jeaaaalousssss! :)))
dulcie #7
update soon! i truly love your story:)
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1