
Forget me? Don't even think about it.


A week went by since Dongwoo’s return, and a week since they were introduced to Lee Howon. And in the span of that short amount of time, the boys learnt much about him. One of the few things they learnt was that he had a passion for dancing, just as much as Dongwoo did. He was quiet at first, but then opened up more as days passed (“You’re the complete opposite of Dongwoo!” Sungyeol had laughed).

“Sunggyu hyung! Howon! What are you guys doing here?” Sungyeol beamed when he opened the door, surprised to see the two there.

Sunggyu patted the tallest male’s shoulder as he let himself in. “We’re nice people, Yeol. Live with it.”

Howon chuckled. “To hang out, what else?”

Closing the door and locking it at the same time, Sungyeol’s lips curled upwards at their responses, following them into the living room. He saw Sunggyu making himself comfortable on the floor, and Howon sitting beside him, so he made his way over to the couch near them and sat down.

Ever since Dongwoo and Howon came to Seoul, they had become great friends, as if Howon had been with them since the beginning. Also, Dongwoo was pleased to hear that there was a job opening at where Myungsoo and Woohyun worked at, so he applied and got accepted immediately.

“So, how are you and Woohyun?” Sungyeol asked casually.

Sunggyu nearly choked while drinking his bottled water, sputtering. “Yah! That’s the first thing you ask?”

Howon tried his best to not laugh out loud, pressing his lips together. He knew of Sunggyu’s huge crush towards Woohyun, and there was no need for secrecy anymore. (“Woohyun’s an oblivious ,” he had announced.)

“Whaaat?” Sungyeol whined. “You’re a nice person, hyung. Live with it,” he mimicked playfully. “Answer it.”

Sunggyu knew he could never stay mad for long at him, so he sighed. “Well, I don’t know,” he shrugged, drawing random patterns onto the carpet with his fingers. “He always seems to be talking to himself. Or staring into space. And!” he lifted a finger in the air, startling Sungyeol who drew his face back, and Howon who glued his backside to the front of the couch. “He always visits.”

“That’s a bad thing, how?” Howon raised an eyebrow.

“For stupid reasons! That’s how it’s bad! He visits for stupid reasons.”

The room went silent for a while.

“I think he likes you, hyung,” Sungyeol whispered.

“What? I doubt it,” Sunggyu frowned. “And why are you whispering?”

“But what if he does?” the youngest said, ignoring the second sentence.

“No, it’s highly unlikely.”

Howon and Sungyeol exchanged worried glances with each other. They were both thinking the same thing: One friend was stubborn, while the other was an idiot.





Sungyeol was in the kitchen when Myungsoo came home, and Sunggyu and Howon had gone home hours ago. He smiled, wiping his wet hands, walking out just in time to see his boyfriend placing his keys on the table.

“Hey, Myung.”

Myungsoo turned around, and saw Sungyeol standing right behind him. He grinned and pulled him into a tight embrace, kissing his neck in the process. The gesture made Sungyeol giggle, and he pulled away.

The younger male caressed his boyfriend’s cheek affectionately. “I missed you.”

“I missed you,” Sungyeol spoke softly, pressing his lips to the other’s.

Myungsoo smiled through the kiss, gripping Sungyeol’s waist tightly and pulling him in closer. The older of the two suddenly separated their lips, making the younger one frown.

“Go clean up, babe. You stink of work,” Sungyeol joked.

Myungsoo clicked his tongue, amused. “Aish, you spoiled the mood.”

“I’ll make dinner, alright?” Sungyeol loosened Myungsoo’s tie. “Go now.”

The younger male nodded, pecking his lips before making his way up the stairs. Sungyeol watched him from downstairs, then proceeded to the kitchen to make dinner. Like he always did.

Myungsoo had been less irritable the last week, in fact…he didn’t get angry at all. Sungyeol made sure to not say or do anything that might trigger anything in him that’ll end up badly.

And he was hoping that the situation would stay that way.



“Myungsoo,” Sungyeol said when the younger sat down at the dining table. “Woohyun called earlier when you were in the shower.”

“Hmm, really?” Myungsoo tilted his head, his eyes following his boyfriend’s movements as he set the dishes onto the table. “What’d he say?”

Sungyeol sat down across him. “Nothing much. Just said to remind you that work starts after lunch tomorrow.”

“Ah, yeah. Thanks,” the younger male smiled.

“Why work that late, though?” the older of the two asked, scooping up his rice.

Swallowing his food, Myungsoo replied. “My boss has VIPs coming in to check the building for I don’t know what. Rodent infestation probably.”

Sungyeol gasped, his eyes growing bigger than it normally was. “Myungsoo!”

Myungsoo laughed loudly. “Kidding, babe. But seriously, I don’t know why the VIPs are checking the building. Don’t know, don’t care.”

Pouting, Sungyeol nodded. Stupid Myungsoo, making icky jokes like that. “What if there really was a rodent infestation?”

This question had the younger look up from his plate slowly, his expression turning into a somewhat horrified one.



“Oppa,” Namjoo peeked her head inside her brother’s room.

Heaving an annoyed sigh, Sunggyu stopped fixing his hair, turning to look at his sister by the door. “What do you want?”

“Woohyun oppa is here.”

Sunggyu gulped. “W-what? Why is he here again? Don’t he dare give me another flimsy excuse!”

Namjoo gave her brother a weird look, but he ignored it, walking past her and out of his room. He hoped that Woohyun would wait outside like he did the other day, but luck wasn’t on his side for today because the younger male was waiting for him by the end of the stairs.

“What is this?” he grumbled underneath his breath. “I feel like I’m in one of those Disney movies, and I’m Belle.”

Sunggyu looked anywhere but Woohyun, somehow self-conscious. “What are you doing here?” he asked the moment he stepped off the stairs. “And don’t give me the I-was-nearby-looking-at-this-hamster-at-the-petshop-and-thought-I’d-stop-by excuse!”

Woohyun looked surprised. I never said that! Well, something along that line at least. “Umm, tomorrow we’re going on a double date with Howon and Dongwoo,” he said.

“WE? What makes you think that I’ll go –“

“Meet us at Café Bliss tomorrow at 12 sharp,” Woohyun cut in. “Bye!”

Just as fast as he said those words, Woohyun waved and made a mad dash for the door, leaving Sunggyu dumbfounded.

He shook his head, as if snapping out of his reverie and running to the door. “Yah! Double dates are for people who are dating, you numbskull!”

He groaned when Woohyun sped off the pathway, waving cheesily through his car window.

“You better not have breathed a word, Howon.”




“Yeol, I’ll wait for you upstairs, okay?” Myungsoo kissed Sungyeol’s neck from behind.

“Sure,” he replied while washing the dishes.

Myungsoo made his way up, and entered their shared bedroom. He suddenly felt tireD, and he had the urge to just drop himself on the bed and snore away. He laid his head on the pillow, propping his arms to the back of his head, and sighing in content at the softness.

He changed his mind about sleeping first, not wanting to do so without Sungyeol by his side, so he opted to just rest.

Myungsoo’s thoughts wandered in his head. He isn’t unaware that he’s made Sungyeol cry numerous times before, and he hated it. He hated what he’s done to him mentally, and he was disgusted at himself. He knew better than to make his boyfriend cry, but even he sometimes had no control over his behavior.

He was never as sensitive as he’d been now, and he didn’t like to think about what had made him become like this.

Sungyeol walked into the room a while later. And just as he entered, his ringing phone snapped Myungsoo out of his thoughts.

The older male wondered who it could be, and sauntered over to the bedside table, eyes scanning the caller ID on the screen. “Mom?”

Myungsoo sat up straight, and Sungyeol sat himself at the edge of the bed, pressing the answer button.


Myungsoo thought it rude to be listening to his boyfriend’s conversation with his mother, so he looked the other way, trying to occupy his hands with something. He did catch a few words, things like: “I’m good, mom. You?” and a “So is Myungsoo,” and also a “I’m glad you called.”

However, one particular sentence caught his full attention.

“What? She’s seriously coming back? When, mom?”

She? Who’s she? Who is this she? Myungsoo’s eyes burned, but it went unnoticed.

“Tomorrow night? Great! I’ll see you then, mom.”

And why does Sungyeol sound awfully happy?

Sungyeol hung up, biting his lower lip to prevent himself from screaming in happiness. He turned around, and his smile immediately dropped when he saw Myungsoo already on his feet and giving him this unreadable expression. No matter how much he couldn’t interpret what his boyfriend had on his face, he knew enough what was going on through his head.

“Myung, I –“

The other simply scoffed, his orbs darkening. Without waiting for an explanation, Myungsoo went out of the room.

Please, God. Not this again. Sungyeol’s breathing became uneven, and he chased after the younger male.

By the time Sungyeol got out of the room, Myungsoo was on the ground floor, grabbing his keys from the table.

“Myungsoo!” Sungyeol shouted, and Myungsoo halted his actions, but didn’t turn around. “Myung, it’s not what you thi –“

“Shut up,” he snarled, gritting his teeth. Although his voice was low, Sungyeol heard it…clearly. And without another word, he began walking for the door.

“But she’s –“ Sungyeol started, but the loud slam of the door made him stop.

Myungsoo was already gone. He had taken the car keys with him, and he had driven off to God-knows-where. Sungyeol whimpered, his form suddenly weakening as he sat himself atop the staircase, hands gripping the hand rail.



Myungsoo punched the steering wheel a few times, yelling out profanities as he did so. Wherever his car would take him, he didn’t care. He wasn’t fully concentrating, and he honked those who were too slow…or in his way; whichever comes first.

He really had no idea where he was taking himself to. His mind was too fogged up, and he was pissed off.

He honestly didn’t get why Sungyeol always brought up random people. Was it jealousy? Not exactly, he thinks. He’d get irritated whenever his boyfriend mentioned someone, anyone. Seriously, does he even realize it?

“Such a .”

Why he suddenly left home was beyond him, and he’d forever think about that.

Amidst his thoughts, his car came to a halt. He scrunched up his face, and peered outside his window.

The loud music booming from the inside was enough to tell him that he was at the parking lot for Club Garnet.

Shrugging, Myungsoo took his phone out from his jean pocket, and dialed a familiar number.




Sungyeol wiped away his tears harshly. He had been in the same position for at least an hour an a half, and he felt his muscles ache all over.


He looked up at the wall clock with sleepy eyes. “11 o’clock? Already?”

His voice came out hoarse, and he didn’t like it one bit. He looked around him, and it was silent. And it only meant that Myungsoo wasn’t home yet. His vision began to blur, but he forced himself up. With his hands clamped on the hand rail, he began to walk down the stairs.

He felt nauseous, and he lifted a hand to pinch his temple as if to ease the pain, but to no avail. He nearly lost his balance along the way, but with both his hands on the hand rail gripping it as tight, he continued down the stairs. He could feel his energy draining, but he disregarded it.

After avoiding countless falls, he wobbled to the kitchen, sitting himself down on the nearest bar chair and resting his aching head in between his crossed arms. He had a splitting headache, and he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t.

The pain in his head lessened after a few minutes, but the pain in his heart worsened as the clock ticked away. He had the urge to break down, but he held it in. It seemed as though his tears won’t come out. He gazed up to the framed picture of the both of them hugging just above the kitchen counter, his heart hurting at the sight.

“Why are you like this, Myungsoo?”

The genuine smile on the younger male’s was no longer here, and it hurt Sungyeol too much. The smile he loved a lot, the smile that made him fall for the younger – and the smile overall.

Sungyeol stood up, walking to the kitchen cabinet, and taking out an aspirin. No use in moping, Lee Sungyeol. Get rid of this aching head first.




“Myungsoo,” Woohyun frowned, his eyes locked onto the younger’s profile.

“What?” the said male voiced out, glaring at him.

“Are you okay?” Woohyun asked concernedly at his bestfriend. The younger had called him up while he was watching his favourite show, and when he asked why he should come, the younger had hung up on him.

Myungsoo and Woohyun were sitting in a secluded area in the back of the club. Girls tried to dance with them, but Myungsoo acted as if they weren’t there, feigning deafness by letting it go in one ear and out the other. While Woohyun, being the womanizer that he was, declined their offer with a greasy wink.

Both males were in absolutely no mood to dance with or entertain anybody that came their way. They didn’t come to socialize with anyone at all.

Myungsoo scoffed. “Why wouldn’t I be?” he removed a draped arm around the random girl next to him’s shoulder.

Woohyun’s eyes followed Myungsoo’s hand, which was reaching out for the drink on the table. “I mean, you left the house just like that, leaving Sungyeol –“

“Nam Woohyun.” Myungsoo’s voice sounded so intimidating that it shut the older one up. “I didn’t call you here to talk about that, did I?"

Woohyun remained silent. No, of course you didn’t. You hung up on me, you stupid kid. His eyes were still trained on the younger’s face as he downed another drink. How could you do this to Sungyeol? You’re such a sadist, Myungsoo.

“Hey, take me home, baby,” the girl placed a freshly manicured hand on Myungsoo’s chest.

Disgusted by her, Myungsoo shoved her out of the seat. “Take yourself home, .”

Still on the floor and unsatisfied, she caressed his leg. “Oh, come on. You’re welcome to stay with me. I’ll let you do things…your way. Please,” she tried again.

Ugh, could she be any more repulsive? “How ing gross,” Myungsoo kicked her hands away from his legs. “Get the out of my sight, you revolting !”

“But –“

“Get your ing face out of my ing sight before I do something to your ing fake pathetic face!” he growled, and the girl immediately disappeared herself.

Even the girl Woohyun was with ran away, feeling immensely scared.

Woohyun though, who had been silent the whole time, stared intently at his friend. Myungsoo gulped downed the drink in front of him, and ordered another one.

I guess the order is reversed for tonight. And I’m gonna be in for a long night. Woohyun sighed, grabbing his drink.




Sungyeol was awakened by the sound of the door handle being rattled, and he sat upright on the sofa he was sleeping on. “Is that Myungsoo?”

He dragged his feet on the floor, switching on the living room lights clumsily. His blurry eyes made out a figure walking unsteadily a few feet away from where he was, and he rubbed the traces of sleep from his eyes.

Sungyeol’s eyes widened. He was about to run to the drunken male, but the younger fell to the floor before he could even go far.

“Myungsoo!” Sungyeol rushed to him. Once he reached him, the younger male was already unconscious. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?” he tried his hardest not to cry again.

Woohyun had insisted on helping Myungsoo get home, but the more aggressive male yelled at him, saying that he could manage himself. And fortunately for everyone (and himself), he did manage to get home safely.

“It’s all your fault!”

Myungsoo’s sudden outburst shocked Sungyeol, who by now, had Myungsoo’s head on his lap.

“I’m so sorry, Myungsoo.”

“You know me. You know how I am,” Myungsoo slurred. His eyes were shut, but his arms flailed around, nearly smacking Sungyeol in the face. “You…”

“Myung-ah, you won’t remember this tomorrow. I doubt you will, but really – she’s my sister. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I know I should’ve told you this earlier, but I was going to tell you after I’d end the call. You walked away instead.”




Myungsoo groaned, rubbing his eyes in the process. He allowed his vision to adjust to the bright light as he slowly sat upright.

He surveyed his surroundings and he knew where he was immediately: their living room. He looked down on himself and noticed that he was wearing t-shirt and boxers. Did I change the clothes myself?

Sungyeol didn’t have the energy to carry the younger up to their room, so he ended up changing the dirty clothes of the unconscious male downstairs.

Deciding that he was much too tired to go upstairs, Sungyeol opted to sleep on the other unoccupied sofa.

Myungsoo tried to recall what had happened the night before, but he couldn’t. Damn it, why can’t I remember anything? He shook his head in order to get rid of the hangover.

He felt guilty. He knew he shouldn’t have left the house like that.

He removed himself from the sofa, unsteadily standing on both feet. “Sungyeol.” He called out, barely audible.

His eyes instinctively scanned the exterior of the kitchen, and his feet moved on its own to the said place.

Myungsoo stopped by the doorway, watching Sungyeol’s back as the taller male transferred some food from the pan to two plates. Do I really deserve you, Sungyeol-ah? He leaned against the doorframe, a small smile lingering at the corner of his mouth.

Sungyeol hummed to himself in satisfaction, turning around to face the doorway. He let out a small gasp when he saw the younger male there. “Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo cracked a smile. “Hi.”


Myungsoo walked over to where Sungyeol was, stopping just in front of the taller one.

“I’m sorry,” both males spoke simultaneously.

Not giving Sungyeol the chance to say anything more, Myungsoo continued. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have done what I did last night I was a jerk, I know –“

“Please stop apologizing, Myungsoo. There’s nothing to forgive. I should be the one to say sorry,” Sungyeol held up his hands to stop the other from interrupting.


“Myungsoo, shut up.” And that mere sentence had the younger male mute. “My mom called me last night…to tell me that my sister is coming back tonight.”


Sungyeol nodded. “Yes – sister. Please, you have to believe me, Myung. I wouldn’t lie about this –“

Before the older male could finish talking, the shorter of the two pulled him into a tight embrace. Sungyeol hugged Myungsoo back with equivalent strength, burying his face deep onto his hair.

“I’m so sorry for leaving you like that. I’m so sorry. I believe you,” Myungsoo dug his face into Sungyeol’s neck. “I believe you.”

Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s parents were very well acquainted, and they treat the younger as if he were their own son. Sungyeol’s sister however, Myungsoo’s never seen. He’d only seen pictures, and damn it, how could he forget that his boyfriend had a sister? Why didn’t that cross his mind before slamming the door the night before?

Sungyeol’s told Myungsoo of his sister, but that didn’t mean the latter knew much about her. She went abroad to further her studies, and that was eight years before, prior to Sungyeol and Myungsoo’s meeting.



Sunggyu frowned as he looked into his own reflection. “No, this hair won’t do.” He ruffled his hair, making it look as messy as he could. Then he frowned even more. “No! Now I look like I didn’t shower.”

He stomped his feet onto the hardwood floor of his bedroom, bringing both hands to his hair and grabbing it out of pure frustration, groaning.

He pouted a little while after, feeling his head throb. “Ow,” he whined, rubbing the top of his head. “Why am I even getting ready for this? It’s not like I’m going anyway.”

Sunggyu sighed, plopping himself at the edge of his bed. “I’m killing myself here!” he looked at the wall clock. “It’s 11.55,” he uttered. “11.55,” he mumbled under his breath repeatedly as he stared at the floor.

Suddenly, his head shot up, and his eyes widened to the extent (he didn’t know it was even possible!).

“Oh, lord! It’s five minutes ‘till 12! I can’t let Dongwoo and Howon wait, that’ll be rude!”

And with that, he made a mad dash for the stairs.



Woohyun paced back and forth around the park, waiting.

He let out a low frustrated groan, hoping for Sunggyu to just get his over at the park already.

He checked his wrist watch for the umpteenth time for the past five minutes, and it read 12.15. Damn you, Sunggyu. You’re 15 minutes late, old man.


Speak of the devil. Woohyun whipped his head around so quick that his bangs hit his eyes in the process. He felt no pain whatsoever, because Sunggyu was standing before him, looking like a dazzling….being.

The younger of the two males felt himself blush, and he shook his head. “Hey, hamster Gyu-gyu.”

“What’s up, greasetree?”

Greasetree? Woohyun frowned. I guess we’re even then, huh? “Umm, you’re late,” he said, clearing his throat when his voice came out funny.

“Well, Dongwoo and Howon are much later than I am,” Sunggyu looked around, seeing as it was just the two of them.

Woohyun began to panic. ! “Uh, Sunggyu…they might still be –“ his eyes widened once he saw Sunggyu take his phone out of his pocket.


“Oh, .” Woohyun bit his lower lip when Sunggyu started talking on the phone.

“Hey, Dongwoo-yah.”

‘Ah, hyung. What’s wrong?’

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you here yet?”

‘I’m sorry, what? Is there someplace I’m supposed to be?’

Sunggyu frowned. “Eh? I thought – Woohyun said we were supposed to – umm…”

It then dawned on him that maybe Dongwoo and Howon weren’t to meet them today at all. He glanced at Woohyun from the corner of his eyes and saw him fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, guiltily looking at him.

‘Hyung? You there?’

“Uh, yeah. Listen, forget I called. Sorry for bothering you, Dongwoo-yah. See you next time, yeah?”

A final goodbye, and Sunggyu hung up. He turned to look at Woohyun with narrowed eyes, and the younger gulped audibly, grinning.

“Well?” Sunggyu raised his eyebrows in question.

“Well what?” Woohyun responded in a small voice, pretending to not know.

“Don’t answer my question with another question. I came here in a rush only to find out that Dongwoo and Howon are clueless about this?"

“Rush? You came 15 minutes late!” Woohyun exclaimed, regretting immediately at his sudden loud voice.

A scoff. “Don’t try and make it look like I’m the guilty one, you liar.”

Woohyun groaned. He knew he couldn’t get out of this. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to lie to you. I didn’t know how else to ask you.”

Sunggyu’s eyes softened. “Ask me what?”

“Ask you to have lunch with me today.”

“Oh,” the older male said simply. “Lunch, huh?” and the shorter male nodded his head, gazing down. Then Sunggyu snorted. “Yah, why didn’t you say so, you tree?”


“You should’ve told me that yesterday. I won’t kill you, you know. Let’s go,” he wrapped an arm around Woohyun’s shoulders, dragging them both in the direction of the café.

“What?” Woohyun blinked, openly bewildered as he let the older male do as he pleased. “I thought you said yesterday that you didn’t exactly want to –“

“As long as you’re payin’, boy,” Sunggyu laughed.

Woohyun couldn’t help the grin that stretched across his face.



Dongwoo stared at his phone, confusion imprinted on his features. Howon saw this and approached him.

“Hey, what’s with the face?”

The older male looked up, seeing his boyfriend standing in front of him. “Uh, nothing. Were we supposed to go anywhere today?”

Howon pursed his lips, thinking. “No. None that I know of, though. Why?”

“Sunggyu hyung just called me. He sounded – agitated. He said something about Woohyun…saying that Woohyun said we were supposed to…something. He left it at that.”

Howon furrowed his eyebrows, tenderly placing a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “Don’t think too much, love. Sunggyu hyung will be fine.”

Dongwoo blinked, shrugging and proceeding to do his research.

Sunggyu and Woohyun will be fine, Howon thought, his lips slowly curling up into a smile. I don’t know what has happened, but anything involving those two, I hope everything goes well. It’s high-time the idiot and the old man get together.



A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED THIS FIC! HAHA. I'm so sorry for the long wait. This chapter is extra long because...well, it's to make up for the long wait. Consider this chapter a double update. :D Do make my day by commenting, yeah? I'll reply to them now. No worries.

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[21/05] Wait for me, guys?


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 7: This is good for sure possessive myungsoo is the best
Update soon please? :P
aBee18 #3
Chapter 8: It's such a shame for a computer to break down. I have a feeling this only happens to writers! What the computer! Control your feels or something! I mean I know the story drafts are good and all but gosh!
Anyway, I'll be patiently waiting~
Thanks for writing!
Chapter 8: dont ever leae this fanfic hanging .
eo ? ^^
Chapter 8: I waaaanna know what will happen next. Please update soon :)
Chapter 8: Update soon please! Hahahaha! Myungie is jeaaaalousssss! :)))
dulcie #7
update soon! i truly love your story:)
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1