
Forget me? Don't even think about it.

"Myung, wake up!" Sungyeol shook the sleeping male's shoulders.

Myungsoo groaned, voice trembling due to the shaking his boyfriend was doing to his abused shoulders. "Yeol, what're you doing?" he managed to let out, and held his hands up to stop the older male, blinking his eyes repeatedly to adjust to the beaming sunlight. Or was that just his boyfriend's blinding smile?

"Wake up," Sungyeol whined, ignoring the younger's question, softly slapping Myungsoo's cheeks.

Myungsoo's eyes snapped open at the sudden contact. "Okay, I'm...I'm awake," he stifled a yawn while rubbing his left eye.

Sungyeol bounced up and down the bed, trying to annoy the younger male so he would be more attentive.

Myungsoo gave in and sat up, resting his back on the headboard. The seemingly hyper male stopped bouncing when the younger had a quizzical look on his face. 

"Where're you going?" Myungsoo asked cluelessly, observing his boyfriend from head to toe.

A huge smile was imprinted on the fully dressed male. "Dongwoo's coming back, remember? Come on," Sungyeol pulled Myungsoo out of bed, in which the now fully awake male reluctantly obeyed, and spun the shorter boy away from his view. "And you need to get ready. We don't want to keep Dongwoo waiting for us," he clasped his hands in excitement, and then slapped Myungsoo's with his left hand, the other on his back.

Sungyeol pushed Myungsoo towards the direction of the bathroom, indicating that he should get a move on.

Myungsoo groaned, and pouted at the taller male. "But Dongwoo hyung arrives at 9 o'clock. It's too early to shower. Let me go back to sleep," he said in a monotonous tone, slouching in the midst of it.

Sungyeol narrowed his eyes, not knowing how to make the other to go get ready. He was serious about not wanting to let their old friend wait for them (It's so rude, okay! he mused); which was why he had a back up plan.

Hiding the mischievous grin he had on, Sungyeol pointed to the wall clock, making the pouting and slouching male look at it.

Myungsoo's droopy eyes shot open widely at the time. "Holy -- 8.35!" he cried out, dashing to the bathroom. "!" he shut the door behind him, and began to remove his clothes clumsily.

Sungyeol had an amused look on his face, trying to suppress his laughter. He giggled, and walked out of their bedroom. "I'll wait for him in the kitchen," he plastered the silly grin on his face, descending the staircase.


Sunggyu looked away from his mirror, and faced the door. "Ugh, she's so annoying," he shook his head. He rolled his eyes and went back to fixing the buttons of his shirt. "Dongwoo's coming back, for good. Jeez, could his flight be any more early? Thank goodness Sungyeol planned everything all in one day yesterday," he smiled in satisfaction once he had seen how he looked like.


"Argh!" Sunggyu grunted, stomping out of his bedroom. What does she want now?

Walking ever-so-slowly down the stairs, he saw his sister grinning ear to ear at him, her pearly whites showing.

Sunggyu gave her a disgusted look, and stared at her face. "Yeah, that ain't gonna make you any cuter," he sneered, and walked past her.

"Nam Woohyun is here."

Sunggyu froze in his steps, and took his time to turn back to look at his sister. Namjoo smirked triumphantly, and pursed her lips, pretending to admire the walls around them.

Sunggyu swallowed the huge lump in his throat. "W-what?" he voiced out timidly.

Namjoo nodded her head towards the main entrance door, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"He's outside?" Sunggyu said, voice accidentally coming out as a squeak, and he held the sides of his head in worry.

Come to think of it, he realized that he'd been squeaking an awful lot lately. Whenever the word 'Woohyun' reached his ears, he found that he'd squeak, one way or another.

"Jeez, Gyu oppa. When did you get stupid?" Namjoo raised her eyebrows.

Sunggyu glared at her. "It's your fault, you brat. You spread the disease of stupidity to me," he pointed an accusing finger at his questioning sister.

Though Namjoo knew that her brother was only joking. Pfft, the boy fails at being mad. "Go on. He's been waiting at the garden for about 15 minutes or so."

Sunggyu took a deep breath, and pretended to not have seen the smirk on his sister's face. Since when did she become so -- erted? he marched to the door and placed a shaking hand on the doorknob.

"Good luck with Namgrease." 

Sunggyu whipped his head just in time to see his sister running for the stairs, cackling her head off.

What in the... he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time.

He opened the door, and stepped out of the house. Why would Woohyun come here? he looked around, and found the said male sitting on the swing in the garden. Sunggyu's heart started to beat unevenly just by looking at his back. "Umm, Woohyun," he called out.

Woohyun spun his head around, and met with Sunggyu's eyes. "Hi!" he waved exitedly.

"Hi," the older male replied with a smile. "Uh, what're you doing here?" he asked, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm here to take you to the airport."

"Are you serious? I have my own car, just you know."

Woohyun screamed in his head, and tried to think of a comeback. "W-why waste parking space and gas just to go to the same place, right?" he scratched his not-so-itchy head. Stupid stupid stupid!

Sunggyu was about to protest, but Woohyun beat him to it. "No buts!" he held a hand up in the air to make his point. "I'm taking you, and that's final," he stated firmly, authority filling in his voice.

Sunggyu contemplated the offer. This is Woohyun, he'll never take no for an answer. "Fine," he finally answered, earning a huge grin from Woohyun. "We should go in first, though. It's still so early," he invited the other inside the house.

Sungyeol glanced up at the wall clock, and snickered to himself. He was eating his cereal, without Myungsoo, and he kept wondering how the younger was doing.

Why do I feel so bad? Nah, I shouldn't feel guilty!

Suddenly, he heard the scuffling of footsteps coming his way.

"Yeol!" Myungsoo called out, slightly panting.

"Kitchen!" Sungyeol shouted back, and then he saw Myungsoo's figure entering the said place, all neat and casual.

"Hey, we're gonna be late and you're still eating?" Myungsoo gestured to the wall clock. He looked at it once, and then -- "Eh?" he squinted unto the numbered thing on the wall. "B-but the clock upstairs read 8.45," his eyes widened in shock.

He took the whole 10 minutes to prepare himself; 5 minutes in the bathroom and another to get ready. He nearly tripped on his own feet while putting on his jeans, and he had his shirt on inside out the first try.

"I -- I -- now the time is still 8?" he blinked twice. And thrice, not believing it. "Eight, as in the number 8 with no 45 next to it; E-I-G-H-T?"

Sungyeol padded towards the other, who was still gawping at the clock. "Myung," he crooned, and made the younger one face him. "You're not angry, are you?" he bit his lower lip, suddenly feeling bad about himself.

I'm not angry, right? I should be thankful to him. If he didn't do what he did, I'd still be sleeping like the dead! Myungsoo calmed down, his lips suddenly curling upwards into a smile. "N-no, I suppose not," he shook his head.

Sungyeol beamed at the reply, leaning forward to kiss Myungsoo's cheeks. He pulled the younger by the hand to sit down at the bar table in the kitchen.

"So, you showered for 5 minutes? Only?" And Sungyeol was trying his best to not snort.

"Ah, shush you," Myungsoo picked up the spoon from Sungyeol's cereal bowl, and finished off the remainings. "And that glint in your eyes, get rid of it."

"I didn't do anything!" Sungyeol laughed out, lifting his hands up to prove himself.

"You dork," Myungsoo sighed, a slight smirk forming. "You better not tell anyone about what happened to me this morning."

"I cross my heart," the older male gestured what he said with a grin.

Myungsoo chuckled, standing up and opening the fridge.

Sungyeol stared after his back, a small smile on his lips. This is the real you, Myung. Show this side of yourself to me everyday...every night. Please don't repeat your attitude from before, don't hurt me anymore.

Please God, help me feel this happy longer than you intend to.

"I think we should go." He heard Myungsoo suggest. Sungyeol looked up and saw him standing from across him, a smile gracing his face. 


"You okay to drive?" the younger male asked, but winced when his boyfriend gave him a blinding grin. "Guess not."

"Myungsoo! Sungyeol!" 

Both boys turned to where the voice was, and saw Sunggyu waving at them. Sungyeol linked his arm to Myungsoo's, and glided to where Sunggyu and Woohyun were.

"Hey, how long have you guys been waiting?" Myungsoo asked.

"Not long ago. We just arrived," Woohyun smiled, a little too brightly than usual.

"How come the both of you are together?" Sungyeol queried, wriggling his slender finger back and forth the two eldest.

Sunggyu blushed, and Woohyun saw it. "I brought him here; because I'd be alone if I came without him," he gave the older male a cheesy wink, slinging an arm around his shoulder.What am I doing?

Sunggyu flinched at the contact. Oh. My. God. He. Has. An. Arm. Around. Me, he took a deep breath. And aww, he doesn't wanna be alone, he felt himself blush even more.

Just then, the P.A. system sounded overhead, announcing that Dongwoo's flight had finally landed.

"That's Dongwoo's plane. Come on!" Woohyun exclaimed, subconsciously grabbing Sunggyu's hand, and pulling him to the Arrival Zone.

Myungsoo and Sungyeol exchanged glances with each other, and shrugged it off. They held each other's hands tightly, and caught up with Sunggyu and Woohyun's pace.

"I'm so excited, Myung! Aren't you?" Sungyeol jumped as he went on, dragging the shorter of the two with him.

"Very," Myungsoo replied, feeling somewhat amused and embarrassed at the same time. Well, his boyfriend was jumping around like some kid who had just received a box of cookies (in Sungyeol's case, coffee). And not that his answer was clearly heard anyway, his boyfriend was much too excited.

Passengers from flight GM296 walked in line out of the security area; their flight had arrived earlier than expected. The four of them sighed in relief that they came and woke up early. []It was a hunch[/i], Sunggyu had voiced out.

"Do you think he's changed?" 

"Has he grown taller?" 

"Nah, he'll forever be a shortie."

"Does he have someone?" 

"Will he recognize us?" 

"Would you two girls relax?" Myungsoo gave an exasperated look, shutting Sungyeol and Woohyun up.

"Is that Dongwoo?" Sunggyu squealed.

All four turned to look at the entrance arrival door. A man walked confidently with his sunglasses on, pulling along his suitcase and carrying his luggage bag.

"Jang Dongwoo!"

The said man caught the sight of the people that called out for him. When he recognized them, he took off his sunglasses, giving them his infamous toothy grin.

He braced himself for the impact that was to come, his friends crushing him in a tight bear-hug.

"Guys!" Dongwoo let go of his stuffs just in time, and hugged them with the same strength.

They hugged, squealed (Sunggyu and Sungyeol were the ones squealing like girls) and laughed, loudly at that, but did they care? 

They stayed in that position for a while, and then released before they ran out of oxygen.

Questions and statements were thrown at the young man. He halt them, and laughed at his old college friends. They have not changed at all, Dongwoo thought. "Okay okay okay," he tried to stop laughing. "Umm --" he started, but a voice interrupted him.


A man, a little taller than he was, came up to him. The other clueless boys could do nothing but gape at the (gorgeous) newcomer.

Dongwoo wrapped an arm around the man's waist, earning him a raised eyebrow from his friends. "Guys, this is," he looked at the man next to him. "Lee Howon; my boyfriend."

"Hi," Howon greeted, a warm smile on his face as he shook each individuals' hands.

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[21/05] Wait for me, guys?


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 7: This is good for sure possessive myungsoo is the best
Update soon please? :P
aBee18 #3
Chapter 8: It's such a shame for a computer to break down. I have a feeling this only happens to writers! What the computer! Control your feels or something! I mean I know the story drafts are good and all but gosh!
Anyway, I'll be patiently waiting~
Thanks for writing!
Chapter 8: dont ever leae this fanfic hanging .
eo ? ^^
Chapter 8: I waaaanna know what will happen next. Please update soon :)
Chapter 8: Update soon please! Hahahaha! Myungie is jeaaaalousssss! :)))
dulcie #7
update soon! i truly love your story:)
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1