
Forget me? Don't even think about it.
"Yah, Kim Myungsoo!" Sungyeol yelled the moment he entered their shared bedroom. A loud thud followed soon after, and the older male gasped. "Oh, no," he rushed over to the bedside, and saw Myungsoo on the floor.

"Ow," Myungsoo groaned, rubbing his from the sudden fall. "What the hell was that for?" he asked lazily.

"I'm so sorry, Myung," Sungyeol apologized, squatting and bending to look at Myungsoo's disgruntled face. "You're late for work," he glanced at his wrist watch.

Myungsoo was now fully awake, and his eyes widened. "Wha --" he abruptly sat up, but accidentally bumped his forehead on Sungyeol's.

Both Myungsoo and Sungyeol yelped out simultaneously, pressing their palms to their own foreheads.

Ignoring the throbbing pain on his forehead, Myungsoo stood up and glared at Sungyeol. "Why didn't you wake me?"

Sungyeol cowered, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I did. Half an hour ago," he replied, fighting the urge to cry. "I really did, but you ignored me. So, I went downstairs to prepare breakfast, hoping that you'd be ready by then," he said, voice threatening to crack.

Myungsoo hissed in utter annoyance, making a run for the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

Sungyeol looked at the direction that the younger male just went, and slumped on the bed. Eyes fixed towards the carpeted floor, he sighed. "Why is he treating me this way?"

Myungsoo scowling and glaring at him was nothing new to Sungyeol. He'd been given nearly the same treatment for quite some time now, but he dare not fight back. It wasn't that he was weak, he was just...well, he knew that when the younger male wasn't --what's the word?-- happy, it wouldn't last long anyway.



". I'm so gonna get fired today," Myungsoo grumbled under his breath as he made his way across the somehow eerie hallway.

Well, to him it was. He was 45 minutes late, which meant that everyone was there, busy working their asses off.

He had run all the way from his car to the elevator, making his appearance look as if he had just walked straight across a bursting gale. His hair was messy, but he didn't do anything about it.

He did receive much unnecessary attention from some of his colleagues about his form. them.

He quickened his pace, and softly knocked on the door of the designated office. The nameplate centered on the upper space of the door was written in big, bold, and golden in colour. He had a habit of waiting for an answer from the other side to permit him to enter, and so he waited.

Not for long, though.

"Myungsoo, you're late," came the first thing out of Choi Seunghyun, the aforementioned's boss, when the young man entered his office.

Myungsoo bowed his head, not quite feeling apologetic. "I'm sorry, sir. I overslept." What's the use in lying? He had no good excuse for checking in late anyhow. "It won't happen again."

"It better not," Seunghyun said firmly. "You arrive late again, and you're fired. You hear that?" he warned, the pen in his hand pointed slightly at the younger in a mocking manner.

Myungsoo felt his heart skip a beat. "Yes, sir," he nodded. Note to self: DON'T BE LATE ANYMORE. Got it.

"It's not the first time you're late," Seunghyun added for good measure, and Myungsoo could do nothing but nod his head. "Further tardiness from you, I will not tolerate. Off you go."

Myungsoo bowed again, and exited the office. He sighed, arms hanging by his sides. Well, that went better than I thought. He knew that it wasn't the first time he'd been late; he didn't need anyone to remind him that. As he walked idly in the hallway, he bumped into his colleague.


"Hey, Woohyun," the younger greeted back solemnly.

"Rough day, huh? Late again?" Nam Woohyun, who was also his bestfriend, said knowingly with a smile.

If it were any other person asking him that question, Myungsoo would've done something to their face. He hated being questioned, especially when the answer was so obvious.

"Yeah. I overslept," Myungsoo nodded. "Sungyeol said he woke me up half an hour earlier, but I ignored him. I don't know whether or not it's a lie or the truth," he continued, a glare slowly creeping up in his eyes. Though he did remember seeing the older male's facial expression earlier, and he looked earnest about it.

Woohyun paid no heed to the sudden hostile aura his friend was emitting, already used to it. "Cheer up, pal," he patted the other's back. "What do you say we head off to the bar once work is done?"


"Sungyeol-ah," Kim Sunggyu began as he entered the kitchen. He was also the taller male's bestfriend; a confidant, to say the least.

"Hmm?" Sungyeol, who was previously busy washing the dishes, stopped and turned off the tap to look at the other.

"Am I weird? I... I don't --" Sunggyu stammered, and looked down on his hands as he sat himself down on one of the bar stools. "I'm confused."

Sungyeol wiped his wet hands, and went over to Sunggyu's side, holding his shoulders firmly. "Is it -- Woohyun?" he asked, and received an embarrassed nod from his bestfriend.

Sunggyu pressed his lips together, expecting another question...or something, because hell, the atmosphere was suddenly quiet! Slightly frowning, he slowly looked up, only to find Sungyeol smirking at him.

Sunggyu's eyes widened, and he was taken aback by his bestfriend's creepy look. "Y-yeol, why a-are you looking at me like t-that?"

Releasing Sunggyu's shoulders, Sungyeol chuckled lightly, "You're really love-strucked, aren't you, Gyu hyung?" he ruffled the older one's hair.

"Eh?" Sunggyu squeaked, and raised his eyebrows.

"I'll cut to the chase. How long have you liked Woohyun?"

"Four years," Sunggyu responded a little too fast for his liking, timidly.

"Why haven't you confessed to him anyway?" Sungyeol asked; plus, he'd been wanting to ask the question for a while, just never gotten a chance to.

"Because I --" Sunggyu started. "Because he's so popular with girls. He never looks at me in an affectionate way. He always looks down on me!" he frowned, anger boiling in him. "Am I that ugly, Lee Sungyeol?" he pouted, and pressed his palms on either sides of his cheek. "Pshh, I know he's good-lookin' and all, he doesn't have to rub it in my face all the time."

Sungyeol merely laughed at his bestfriend. How he wished that the older male would just confess already! He'd been bottling up his feelings for years, and yet, he didn't have the courage to say anything. He was supposed to be the eldest one here!

"Enough about me. How are you and Myungsoo, by the way?"

Sungyeol's facial expression immediately darkened at the mention of Myungsoo's name. Why, hyung? "Hmm, I don't know," he replied curtly, shrugging.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean, he's become more... I don't know," Sungyeol hit his hands on the kitchen counter. "He didn't even eat the breakfast I made him..." he glared at the table behind the older male. "...AGAIN."

Sunggyu frowned even more, "Sungyeol." And he felt sympathetic towards the younger male. He may be his bestfriend's confidant, but there were just some things that the taller boy wasn't telling him. That much he knew. "How can you stand him, Yeol?"


"He treats you like dirt, and then the next he's all calm and collected," Sunggyu explained. "He was never like this. What's wrong with hi --"

"I love him, hyung," Sungyeol smiled bitterly. "I don't know what happened to him. And I don't care. No matter what he does, I can't seem to stop loving him," he said softly. "Cheesy or not, I can't help myself. Deep inside, the Myungsoo I once knew is still in him...somewhere."

He's got me, hyung, was what Sungyeol wanted to add, but decided against it.


"Did you get in trouble at work, Soo?" Sungyeol asked, and sat down at the dinner table.

"Sort of," Myungsoo simply replied, picking up his fork and spoon. He didn't sound harsh at all like he did earlier in the morning. And he had a smile on his face, albeit a small one, it was a smile nonetheless.

Sungyeol bit his lower lip. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't worry about it," Myungsoo shook his head, and continued eating.

He had declined Woohyun's offer to go to the bar, and told the other male that he wanted to spend the night with his boyfriend.

After all, he did skip breakfast.

Not that Myungsoo rarely spent time with Sungyeol.

Woohyun had the tendency to spend his evenings at the bar both males frequented, though his intentions were to bring, at least, a girl home. Myungsoo only went along to accompany his bestfriend, and to, sometimes, release his stress by drinking something. He could tolerate alcohol well, unlike someone.

Plus, he wasn't too fond of driving Woohyun home. That man is a nightmare when drunk! He'd turn the car radio on full blast, touching Myungsoo's hair and tickling his arms, all the while giggling like an obsessed girl.

Someone else should be Woohyun's driver. Someone who'd tolerate him.

"So, anything happen while I was working?" Myungsoo asked after some time.

Sungyeol thought for a while before replying. "Not really. Only Sunggyu hyung visited and --"

A loud clang suddenly interrupted his words. Sungyeol looked up from his plate, and saw Myungsoo's what-the- look.

Sungyeol knew that look. He knew it all too well. And he regretted ever mentioning of his bestfriend's visit.

, how could I forget? "Myung --"

The screeching of the chair Myungsoo was sitting on was clearly heard, echoing in the sudden pin-drop silent dining room. "Excuse me. I suddenly lost my appetite," he stated coldly.

With that, Myungsoo ascended the staircase without looking at the puzzled male.

"Why...why don't I think before I speak?" Sungyeol said to no one in particular, tears welling up in his eyes.
OMG. 40 subscribers just for the foreward? *flails* I...I don't know what to say! Thank you, though, for subscribing. I do hope I won't disappoint you guys, And I promise you as this story progresses, the chapters will get longer.
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[21/05] Wait for me, guys?


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 7: This is good for sure possessive myungsoo is the best
Update soon please? :P
aBee18 #3
Chapter 8: It's such a shame for a computer to break down. I have a feeling this only happens to writers! What the computer! Control your feels or something! I mean I know the story drafts are good and all but gosh!
Anyway, I'll be patiently waiting~
Thanks for writing!
Chapter 8: dont ever leae this fanfic hanging .
eo ? ^^
Chapter 8: I waaaanna know what will happen next. Please update soon :)
Chapter 8: Update soon please! Hahahaha! Myungie is jeaaaalousssss! :)))
dulcie #7
update soon! i truly love your story:)
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1
Chapter 7: Update jusayo :") I love it ♡♡1