Chapter Seven

Loser at Love

ch. 07 - promise hard to keep

I don't know why but it's been like this for the past two weeks. I've been going to movie dates, bowling dates, double dates, mini dates; basically anything. Talon has been calling me up many times for these dates. I guess he was the fun type. I was otherwise happy. These dates have been enjoyable.


"Olene, you're sickening me with your cheesy joy. Take off those rose-coloured glasses."

Sakura rolled her eyes when I just gave her a huge grin.

"I'm sorry, but I can't take off these 'rose-coloured glasses', since I'm not even wearing any." I made quotation marks with my fingers.

"Well, at least, keep it down a notch, or two...." Sakura insisted.

"Or three." Beverly scowled.

I sighed and decided to relax my jaw. It was difficult though. It felt like my mouth had frozen in this smiling position. Who knows? I probably was smiling in my sleep.


I was doing my math homework, ready for the ringing phone as usual. Because of the dates, I've been behind in homework. At least I was a fast and efficient worker. After two whole hours, I was finished with all my homework and was now working on my club assignments. I was part of the student council and they had asked me to rent a DJ for the dance next week. I was thinking of asking Talon to go to the dance with me while we were on the phone. I decided to go on with calling.

The DJ I called for was surprising cheap and was guaranteed to meet the needs of today's music society. I laughed at their motto but was glad that I was finished with all my work that was needed to be finished tonight. I guess Talon needed some rest. He had friends...


It's been a week. I had left a message for Talon about the dance tonight but he hadn't even called to reply. I sighed. I know he had a life. I decided not to act so obsessive. I dressed in my new purple dress. Suddenly the phone rang. I gasped. 'Was it Talon??'

It was Sakura instead. "Hey, are you going to dance with us or your little boyfriend?" I could tell by her tone of her voice that she was jealous of me. She had met Talon previously at the Bowling Alley when we were hanging out there.

"Oh well, Talon hasn't called me so I guess I'll be spending the night with my ladies." Sakura laughed which was good to hear.

"Promise not to ditch?" It was a hard promise to keep. What if he appeared suddenly that night? I decided that I hadn't really hung out with my friends for a while.

"I promise."


I was supposed to take the shift for checking for the tickets, but something was bothering me. I kept seeing this boy who looked like Talon. He had disappeared to the stage.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I asked as I chased after him. When he turned around, he was a completely different person. It was the DJ I had hired.

"Uhhh..." I was so embarrassed. "Just don't blast the speakers." I left immediately after the DJ started to set up. Why oh why was I so obsessive?! I screamed in my head.


I took back my shift at the table.

"Thanks Justin."

"No problem." Justin then left for the snack shack.

The dance was going pretty well. After I took over, literally hundreds of students came. I was pretty sure we had enough money for the new gym equipment we wanted.

"Uh, hello. One ticket please." Someone asked. This voice sounded all too familiar, but it might be me hallucinating.

"Sure. Are you with anyone else? Family tickets save you a doll--" I gasped when I looked up. It was Talon.

"Sorry I haven't been calling you. Had this major Science project and my partners have been on the phone with me for the whole week."

"That's fine..." I mumbled. I was so flabbergasted. He came! Then the promise I made my friends popped in my head. Now what was I going to do...?

"Olene, your shift is over." Stephanie Devon poked me on my shoulder.

"Uh, okay and thanks."

Talon grinned at me. "Shall we dance then?"

I nodded feebly. My friends hadn't arrived yet... Maybe I could dance with him for a little while... 

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
LoveYou12345678 #2
yesss yesss yessss
visiting old fics
please update sooon <3
seems interesting
Frostneko #7
please update sooon <3
zeeyzaa #8
update please ^∇^♡