Breadwinners' Bread

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Breadwinners—but when do they get to eat the bread?


To all the breadwinners out there, I salute all of you!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful 🤍
Chapter 1: The way you wrote this is just perfect. I love how they both needed each other for different reasons. Seulgi needed a friend to confide with and who supports her, and Irene needed someone who's caring and who could give her a different look on life. The plot is just too good. Thank you for writing this incredible story. Stay happy and healthy <3

p.s. Irene's mother dying after that conversation killed me. I thought about my own mother and how I'll never know when my last day with her would be. I truly think the way you wrote that scene is just amazing.
Chapter 1: Such beautiful story and all the emotions can be felt thru the words alone. Its been awhile since I've read a good leisure one-shot. This story makes me rethink about my situation currently. Thank you ^^
Chapter 1: I cry at night. It's so sad. I'm weak with stories about the relationship between mother and child. T_T
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 1: It was so beautiful 👏🏻
Chapter 1: Oh my god this was so beautiful 🥺
Ekolai #7
Chapter 1: This is soooo good. ^_^
1093 streak #8
Chapter 1: thankyou for this authornim 🤧
Chapter 1: A beautiful story 🫶🏼