Lingering Regret

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They say you'd regret more the things that you didn't do than those you did and Seulgi couldn't agree more.


Just a short one-shot to express some 3am thoughts. :(


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PilotIsMyJob #1
Chapter 1: If you live in Seoul, Korea, then good because the chance to meet her might be often but honestly if you're from another country..respectfully greet her and if it's not taking her privacy too much + she allows it, just greet her. Sorry but if I were you I would regret it too πŸ˜…
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 1: Well u did a very great job, but next time u better greet her^^
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 1: Well u did a very great job, but next time u better greet her^^