
protect my love forever

"The surgery is over." Kibum announced Leeteuk and Eunhae who sighed in relief.

"Is he alright now?" Hyuk asked worriedly as he walked toward the window to see if they are about to bring Ryeowook out of the surgery room or not.

"He will be fine if he rests well. Even though he had internal bleeding, none of his organs were hurt, so we stopped the bleeding and ended the surgery."

"We need to interview him as soon as possible. Yesung has been missing for five hours already; it's dangerous to start the investigation late." Donghae said without looking up from the case in his hand. He has already started to study Ryeowook's kidnapping case, so he can find a connection to the groups who kidnapped Yesung.

"I know you're all worried, but you can force Ryeowook to speak right after he's conscious. He should relax first rather than stressing himself. Just ask him if he's really to cooperate before questioning him." kibum persuaded four officers who nodded at him in appreciation.

"No worries body" Kangin patted Kibum's shoulder, before Ryeowook's bed rolled out of the surgery room toward another room where kibum helped other nurses to settle Ryeowook in.

Kangin and Eunhyuk left to the police station after they made sure that Ryeowook was tucked in the bed comfortably. While Donghae and Leeteuk stayed with Ryeowook to take care of him.

3 hours later Ryeowook started to gain his conscious back, but refused to talk due to an excruciating head ache and pain in his stomach.

"ryeowook ah~ just now they injected pain killer, are you feeling better now?"

"ahhhhhhhhh...it hurts~ Sungie, tea..."

"Huh? You want tea?!?!?! Oh OK i will get it for you." Hae left the room to get a cup of tea quickly while Leeteuk thought of reminding Ryeowook that Yesung is missing.

"Ryeowook ah~ do you remember what happened before we bring you here?" Ryeowook looked around trying to remember when his eyes suddenly widened.

"HYUNG!...HYUNG! Where’s Yesung????? Come on hyung say something."

Leeteuk stood up from his seat next to Ryeowook's bed and hugged the frantic looking Ryeowook close to his chest. Not really sure how to tell his dongsaeng the truth.

"Well...the thing is that...when you called us...ummm...ye-sung w-was gone, so_"

"GONE? WHERE? Hyung he was with me last night and...and we_" the reality suddenly hit Ryeowook as he remember the event from last night.

"Hyung? Where is he?...hyung, I thought you always get the bad guys, so did you find them?" tears rushed from Ryeowook's eyes as his shoulders started shaking slightly. Leeteuk's heart shrink, the moment he felt helpless not knowing how to calm his dongsaeng.

"I’m sorry darling...really sorry. We didn't find him in the house. We think that he ..."

"HE WHAT???????" Ryeowook pushed away from Leeteuk forcefully and stared at him frowning. At that moment Donghae walked in the room and felt the intense atmosphere between Leeteuk and a lost-looking Wook.

"Donghae..." Leeteuk whispered worriedly.

"Donghae hyung, you are back?...what's going on?" Ryeowook raised his eye brow not understanding why no one is really explaining things to him.

"Yah, Eunhyuk and I returned when he found out about the attack in your house. Ryeowookie, I know you feel really upset and confused now, but you are the one who can give us some clues to find Yesung. uhh~ this is kind of difficult to say...but based on the evidence left in your house, we figured out that this relates to your kidnapping case." Donghae sighed deeply after he finished explaining. It was better to say everything right away than torturing Ryeowook by speaking with hesitation. He glanced at Leeteuk before walking toward Ryeowook. Donghae bent in front of the boy who was crying silently and softly massaged his knee.

"Ryeowook-ah~ don't you know Yesung? I bet by now he is making those immature people cry for their life. You know he never lets bad guys win, right?" Donghae smiled at Ryeowook when he nodded his head and pouted sadly.

"Aigooooo~ no wonder Yesung can never win over you no matter how many times he wins over bad guys. Your weapon is stronger, you use adorable pouts!" Donghae laughed softly knowing that it'll change the intense and sad atmosphere, while hugging Ryeowook close his firm chest.

Hae then mouthed the leader for permission to start their little interview. Leeteuk sadly nodded before calling Ryeowook to get his attention.

"Ryeowook, do you think you tell us a little bit about last night? Our team can't fully understand what exactly happened last night."

Ryeowook pulled away from Donghae and sighed before following Leeteuk's instruction while Donghae started to record their conversation.

"Alright Ryeowook, I want to take a deep breath and close your eyes. Let’s start from yesterday afternoon: what were you doing?"

"I was with Yesung; we were in the car on our way home from hospital."

"Now that you are focus, look in the car's mirror: do you see any car following you from behind? Maybe something strange?"

"i don't see anything strange...we are the only car taking this exit from the high way."

"Alright, then what happened?"

"Yesung turned to our street and parked in front of our house and helped me in. he has the dinner table ready and walked in kitchen to head our night."

"Okay try to focus, do you see anything like a hidden camera somewhere?"

"No, the entire walls are plain...but *gasp* there is a black circle behind the flowers on the counter. I don't remember using that before."

"That’s one of the cameras. Do you see another one?"

"No...Then Yesung returned with food and we chatted, until I took my medicine and due to its affect started to get sleepy like usual. So he piggy backed me to our room and helped me changed my giraffe pajamas."

"Did you see anything strange in your bedroom?"

"No. I was half sleep. But then Yesung finished changing his clothes and returned to our bed. Next-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but how long where you left alone without Yesung?"

"I wasn't alone; he was changing in out walking-closet with the door open." Ryeowook said, feeling a little shy.

"How do you know?"

"He was talking to me about turtles and his voice was clear. Plus, he always knows I don't stare at him when he is changing...even when half ."

"Hahaha~ let's move on."

"Well then he walked jumped on the bed and showed me his pajama full of ninjas before hugging me. He kissed me and it...kinda…progressed." Ryeowook's cheeks turned rosy when he described their start of make out session.

"Ryeowook focus on the room, do you see a camera or maybe a shadow or a strange light?"


"Do you wanna continue?"

"Wait! There’s something. Under the door...something passed quickly."

"What, wait? Does it look like someone passing from the front of your room to toward the stairs?"

"No, like someone passed from the stair toward the direction of stairs toward the guest room. North to west."

"Do you hear footsteps?"

"No, it can be Kkomin though!"

"Oh yah...I guess! So then what happens?" Leeteuk wanted to move on in order to not freak Ryeowook out, but he had already made an inference based on the explanation.

"Yesung suddenly breaks our kiss and removes his hands from under my shirt. He stares seriously at the door. When I want to talk he holds my lips and quietly takes me to our walk-in-closet. Then pulls his gun out from the vest on hanger and leaves me alone."



"Ryeowook are you alright?"

"Hyung, that's"...the last time I..." before Ryeowook could finish his sentence, he felt a lot of pressure on heart and everything turned blank.

While Donghae freaked out and pressed the Emergency button frantically, before rushing out of the room along with Leeteuk to clear the area for doctors and nurses.

It wasn't hard for either one of them to guess what Ryeowook's uncompleted sentence was. He indeed misses Yesung just like how Yesung missed Ryeowook when he was unconscious for days.


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Chapter 18: when will you update again authornim? im really excited!!
Chapter 17: please update soon authornim!! such a nice story!!
Chapter 18: nice update
Chapter 17: omg i love that show so much.... this is actually starting to scare me i really should stop reading this in the middle of the night.... i hope that Sungie is ok
Chapter 16: Wahhh....thats soo....uwah detailed...that almost grossed me out...almost
Chapter 16: W-what?! It was so suspenful, I really felt like a part of story during reading it...
Amazing chapter! I hope Yesung will be alright and Wookie too... Poor boys "-_- Please update soon to assure us they will be okey
i liked this chapter~
it's good that you fix all the errors now i like it more.
hey did you finish your homework that's due tomorrow?
Chapter 16: wah unnie just ignore the person you are doing a great job and poor wookie right when he gets healed he has to go to the hospital again and please let yesung be ok please im going to cry if anything happens to my bias like seriously it wont even be that funny and yay i get to see my monkey and my baby hae in the next chapter yay