
protect my love forever

ryeowook POV

I have been here at hospital for a week. kibum is back to his job as a nurse. He doesn't want to talk to siwon for now since he didn't tell kibum about me. he always comes to my room after his shift is over and sleeps on the couch near me. yesung in other hand slept on the chair next to my bed. i feel really bad that kibum is acting like that with siwon.


"bummie ah, i am really sorry. How many times should I say that? I really wanted to tell you about ryeowook and those kidnappers, but in other hand I wanted you to relax for a while in America with your family. You were really stressed out before you left here. Can you pleaseeeeeee talk to me?" siwon said sadly when he came to hospital again.

“You are sorry... that doesn't work this time. You know how much worried I was. I kept thinking what if those kidnapers have already killed ryeowook. I am really mad." once kibum said the reality hit me again. I lowered my head and started to tear quietly. yesung was the first once to notice me.

"OMO... you are crying again. shhhh... it's okay ahhh" he hugged me tightly and whispered softly.


awwwwwww sungie has been so protective toward me. Today is the first day after a while that he is going back to police station. After all the promises that i made with him. I can't believe he wanted to leave the station forever because of me. What does he want to do after I get better and do my nursing duty? He can't honestly follow me around or stay home take care of his turtles and my kiki.


As I was deep in my thought, i heard the door opened and kibum walked in.

"ryeowook, what's up?"

"ummm...let me think. OH got it…the flower next to me grew 1 cm taller."

"HAHAHA you are funny. There’s someone from kid’s section who is here to visit you. He literally is killing all the doctors and nurses with his bad attitude. I didn't know you have a lot of lovers."

"Wait, are you saying that Youngjae is here today???????? awwwwwwwww i miss him so much."

"yahh..." before kibum get to finish his sentence, a ball of fire ran inside the room, jumped on my bed, and hugged me tightly.

Youngjae is one of the patients that I always took care of. He is 6 years old. Because of the disease that he has, he needs to stay at hospital for more than a few months. Once he found out about it, he became really bad. He never followed what everyone told him until when we met and I bought him chocolate ice cream. After that he became my friend and always listened to ONLY me.

"Ouch Youngjae my back hurts so much, can you hug me lighter?" I pushed him back lightly and looked at him

"i donno, I just want to hug you." he said pouting

"You miss me?" I pouted back and he nodded and hugged me again.

“did you listen to other nurses in here while I was gone?" I asked him while his tiny back slowly

"You better ask others in here. They are all going crazy because of him" kibum chuckled ruffling Youngjae's hair.

"NOOOOOO... youngjae is he saying the truth??? You really didn't listen to others. What was our deal? Didn’t you promise me that you will be a good boy and I will buy you ice cream? " I tried to push him back to look at his eyes but he just hugged me tighter.


"are you not going to talk? but why? come one i won't scold you, but tell me what's wrong?" I pulled him back again and he looked up with his teary eyes.

"I was so alone. My parents came to visit me only once and I thought that you don't want to talk to me anymore, so I thought if I make troubles than someone would call you to come and visit me. yesterday they told me that you had an accidents, but whyyyyyyy?" aw he hugged me again. i can't believe this Youngjae is the one I met the first day. he used to be so troublesome, but now he is so sweet with me. but it hurts now that he is crying.

" youngjae do you want me to call doctor mini t come and do some aegyo?" he shook his head.

"mmm... then do you want to play starcraft with kyuhyun? oh sorry i forget he is busy."

"ryeowook, he needs to take some tests now. we need to go in a few minutes." kibum told me.

"I DON WANNA TAKE TESTS ANYMORE." youngjae yelled.

"ouch CAN YOU NOT SHOUT, I AM GOING TO HAVE HEAD ACHE. aish this kid can be very loud" I yelled back

"but you are yelling at me too."

"that's what you get when you yell at me. didn't I tell you to not do this?" I need to have my serious tone and sound like I am going to scold him. He needs to learn how to be respectful after all.

He shifted uncomfortably on and looked down. kibum how was behind me gave me a thumbs up telling me that it's a good way to make youngjae realize his mistake.

"iamsorry." he mumbled

"what did you say, I didn't hear you." I brought my ear closer to him to hear his voice and he suddenly kissed my cheek ad looked at me

"I am sorry for yelling and being troublesome while you were gone. but I am tired... really really really tired. I don't want be here anymore. It’s so tiring." I could totally understand him. I don't want to be a patient too.

"Okay let's do this. If you go take your tests and listen to kibum well, then I will call yesung to come over and buy smothieeeee for both of us." I said smiling at him. His eyes brightened and he showed me a wild grin.

"Really? YAY!" he said and gave me the last hug before jumping out of my bed.

"youngjae don't I get a kiss too??? Why only ryeowook, I am really getting jealous." kibum pouted and I clapped my hand together and laughed.

"okay, here muaaah" he kissed kibum before jumping on his back and locking his hand around kibum's neck and him legs round kibum's wrists.

"YAH get off of me. you can use wheelchair if you can’t walk, not my back."

"I like your back better now let's go take my tests." he said with a wild smile. kibum sighed and walked toward the door. but suddenly youngjae pulled his hair to stop him.

"OUUUUUUUUUUCH my hair hurts. YAH why did you do that?" kibum yelled. XXX turned toward me and said

"ryeowook, I forgot to give you my order. I want the usual order for smothie, but I want extra large bottle this time. ohh and also a bag of chip and chocolate chip cookie."

"okay youngjae I will keep it in my mind, but remember I will get it for you IF you be good. I am already getting unhappy, why are did you pull pull kibum's hair??? That’s wrong" I said shaking my head.

"oh don't worry kibum is my best friend. he is not even mad at me, right kibum?" he then looked at kibum with pleading eyes and kibum nodded.youngjae is really cute. I should call yesung and make sure to give him right orders or else youngjae will be mad. I wish I had a son like him kekeke. I feel so bad that youngjae. he is always alone in here, he must be so tired. Should I give kiki to him, so he can play with it? but I love kiki so much, what should do?


"I AM BACK" youngjae yelled once he ran into ryeowook's room.

"HEYYYYYYYY youngjae. you wanna give me a big bear hug?" yesung turned to him and hugged him tightly while smiling.

"hmmmmm....i miss you so much youngjae, did you miss me too?"

"deh" younjae smiled and hugged yesung even tigher

"youngjae, tell us fast who did you miss the most me or yesung?" ryeowook said knowing the answer

"mmmmm...i think...i miss yesungie more." ryeowook's wide smile turned down and yesung laughed happily.

 "but why? youre so mean"

"cause yesung bought me all those things" youngjae said pointing to a big bag on the ground

"YAA!...but..." ryeowook had nothing to say, he just sad there staring at two immature boy in front of him while pouting.

" two are so mean" he pouted more.

"AWWWWWW... don't be sad, it's just a joke. youngjae, let's give him a bear hug" and with that they both leaned forward and pulled ryeowook to a hug. first ryeowook didn't accept the hug, but then youngjae and yesung started to tickle him, which caused him to laugh in defeat and give them a group hug.

"i love these group hugs we give each other, it makes me energetic" yesung said.

"for rme it's like a family hug. i wish i could give a family hug to my mummy and daddy now" youngjae said sadly which caused ryeowook to look at him and tear up.  in that time yesung broke the sad moment.

"it's okay youngjae, since we don't have a cute child like you we will give you more family hugs, so you won't feel lonely. don't you want to eat smoothie and cookie now?" youngjae shook his head and jumped on ryeowook, pecking his cheek as yesung reached down to open the bag.

"ryeowook...i was joking when i said i missed yesung more than you." youngjae whispered as he look up to see if yesung is busy then he tured to ryeowook and said, "actually i said  i missed him more than you because of wanted to make sure that he is going to give me my snacks hehehe, don't tell him...i miss you more." ryeowook chuckled at him and nooded.

the rest of the night went happily with yewook and youngjae, laughing together just like a real family.

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Chapter 18: when will you update again authornim? im really excited!!
Chapter 17: please update soon authornim!! such a nice story!!
Chapter 18: nice update
Chapter 17: omg i love that show so much.... this is actually starting to scare me i really should stop reading this in the middle of the night.... i hope that Sungie is ok
Chapter 16: Wahhh....thats soo....uwah detailed...that almost grossed me out...almost
Chapter 16: W-what?! It was so suspenful, I really felt like a part of story during reading it...
Amazing chapter! I hope Yesung will be alright and Wookie too... Poor boys "-_- Please update soon to assure us they will be okey
i liked this chapter~
it's good that you fix all the errors now i like it more.
hey did you finish your homework that's due tomorrow?
Chapter 16: wah unnie just ignore the person you are doing a great job and poor wookie right when he gets healed he has to go to the hospital again and please let yesung be ok please im going to cry if anything happens to my bias like seriously it wont even be that funny and yay i get to see my monkey and my baby hae in the next chapter yay