Chapter 03

Rothenwest academy: Falling

" nailed it, the last time that I've seen teacher D. So happy was when her husband accepted the divorce." 
Chan, me and the rest of the soccer team were going to the field.
"Yes...talking about it, I think I will go home earlier today, you are having extra practice right?" 
He stopped in his tracks, trying to hide something from him was always pointless. 
"Guys go ahead and start stretching. I need a minute" 
The team listened to their captain immediately. The respect that they have for him is amazing.
" You are going to Jisung's school”
It wasn’t a question "Yep"
"Why?" He said in a low tone, what means that he was pissed, also I didn't really have an answer for that question, Han has helped me get my first perfect score in a test and if he could do that again then I would do whatever It’s needed, it's a bonus that he is extremely cute.
"Bona. We did something good yesterday but that's it, it's over, let it go" 
I knew this but I was too headstrong to let it go I also needed to improve my grades…and I really wanted to check if he was fine after the beating.
" I need him for my grades, you even said that Ms.D was never happier."
" you know what? go, get your heart broken I don't care” 
I laughed and hugged him, I knew that he was only worried about me. 
Since my father left Chan made his life mission to act like an older brother to me, always being there when I needed.
" Don't be like this, you are still my favorite man in the world" he relaxed a little.


Luckily when I got to Jisung's school on the other side of the city the students were coming out.
I thought that finding Han would be hard but even though he was a really short guy he was easy to spot. I jumped and started to wave at him, the other students side eyed me, but it didn’t matter cause the only person that I wanted to see was smiling at me.
"Bona, what are you doing here?" He had a friend with him, he was a little taller but they had the same shade of brown hair, he looked like a puppy.
"Do you know each other?" He looked displeased when he saw me.
"Yes, she came to my rescue yesterday...Seungmin this is Bona, Bona this is Seungmin" 
The guy faked a smile and we shook hands, he looked dandy? like a spoiled rich kid from a movie.
" Thanks for helping him"
I smiled.
"It wasn't a problem, did those guys bother you again? Are you feeling better?” he sighed
"I’m way better, my mom saw my situation yesterday, I told her that a group of 15 strong, tall gang members came to attack me out of nowhere, and that I was almost winning but they had weapons and stuff”
I laughed.
“Did she buy it?” he laughed as well.
“ Of course not, but it made her humor get a little better before she scolded me….and called their parents….. and the principal” 
"Well, if you weren't so stubborn none of this would have happened" Seungmin said, Jisung just ignored his remark.
“But why did you come all the way here? Perhaps to see me?” 
He winked at me, I smiled again, he wasn't so swollen today, his cuts were all cleaner and he was so charming, really I could listen to him talk for hours.
"Of course I came to see you! who else is going to help me with physics and chemistry, and you own me for helping so you can’t say no"
Seungmin looked at me in disbelief
" Do you even know who he i......" Jisung closed his mouth
"I'm feeling that you are taking advantage of my good innocent nature, but sure, no problem" 
Seungmin looked even more startled now "WHAT??" I totally ignored it
" Really? It's not going to be a bother? I mean I said that and all, but you still can say no" It's not normal for me to get happy about studying but I was in cloud 9, Seungmin on the other side was having a mental breakdown 
“How could I say no to the person who helped…” he was cut by a really annoyed Seungmin
"Bona, I have a name" if eyes could kill I would be already dead
"Whaterever, what's your family's name? What kind of school is this uniform from?" I was really starting to get offended.
"Seungmin stop” Jisung looked like he was going to kick Seungmin if he kept going with the insults.
"Who is your friend Han?" Three people approached us, a guy that looked similar to those ones that had beaten Jisung yesterday, a really pretty red haired girl holding his arm and a blonde cute guy with freckles, he was gorgeous, Jisung clench his fist, and looked at the couple I could feel a little tension between them. 
"What is this? ” The bigger guy asked looking at me, but got quiet when the girl looked at him angrily. I was starting to think that Chan was right.
"Well, this is “Bona”, I am a person, besides I just came to say hi, I'm going already" 
They looked unimpressed with me, minus Seungmin he was giving me a suspicious look, luckily it only lasted a second because they all totally went back to ignoring my existence, while asking what they would do today, I tried to sneak out and leave without being noticed, but Jisung just followed me.
"Wait, I'll go with you, study remember? " 
I won’t lie, everybody was really surprised by that, even me.
"You really don't need to, and I'm sure your friends..." He smiled and stopped me mid sentence.
"They will be fine without me"

“Is that guy from the couple involved with the ones that beat you yesterday? They have the same team jacket” He thought about it for a minute.
"Hard to explain?"  
"He looked like he didn't want to talk about it so I changed my question.
" humm...ok, question 2 why is there a black limo following us?" It wasn't a joke the car was literally by our side.
"Would you believe If I said it was only your imagination ?"
"Of course not" I eye sided him.
" Seungmin and Felix, they are probably curious about you"
"How do you kno….wait! I'm offended, do they think that I’m blackmailing you or something? where were they yesterday when you needed?" 
suddenly I felt the same suspicious eyes on me from before. I looked in the direction of the car to see Seungmin and Felix getting out. 
" For your information, your countryside girl, we looked for him everywhere. How could we guess that he would end up in this kind of place?" 
Seungmin said going to Jisung side.
"Best spies ever " He said Seungmin ignored his sarcastic intonation because he answered like it was nothing 
" There is no use in hiding anymore, besides we couldn't hear anything at all " I laugh. He was shameless.
" Weren't you going to have dinner with the others?" Jisung asked, looking at Felix.
“I thought so too, Seugmin trapped me, he told me to go with him and I ended up here" I looked at Felix and asked.
"Aren't you bothered that he tricked you?" He put an arm around my shoulder and said.
"Of course not! Being in my car alone is so lonely! And now I have a new friend too“ 
We started to walk and he kept talking. He wasn’t so bad after all.
"Do you live in this neighborhood? I always wondered how less privileged people lived!’’ Felix said, Jisung looked like he wanted to get inside a hole and stay there forever, I was just in disbelief again, those rich spoiled kids.
"Can we go to your house too B?" .
“I don`t think you would feel comfortable in my humble home Felix” I tried to be polite
”Nonsense, I`ve been in worse places before” 
I was controlling myself, Seungmin only rolled his eyes.
“Jisung, just tell me one thing why someone like you is helping someone like her? No offense"
“ I am taking offense, I should be the one feeling angry, why is it such a big deal for you guys?” 
Felix was the one that answered that.
“Jisung is part of our friends circle besides he is also a genius. He got a degree when he was only 14…but for some weird reason he decided to get here and attend the last high school year with us, and now tutor a complete stranger…..He also can’t play any sport at all, and it’s a introvert …” Jisung gave him a dirty look. “But with studies he is our school pride” 
“ Well, since he is a “genius” helping me won't decrease his grades , I'll not make him dumb or something.”
“We can never know” Seungmin said, I hate this boy so much.
“ He also should be doing something more productive with his time. He is heir of the Han’s industries” 
Now this got me. Jisung looked at him with shocked eyes that then transformed into pure anger for saying something that he wasn't supposed to, but again Seungmin couldn't look less bothered.
“ It was never a secret” So the guy who helped me study was a billionaire...I’m not going to lie, I got a reality check and start to ask myself, why he had decided to come here too. Jisung on the other side looked desperate to explain himself.
“It's true, but yesterday you didn’t know about it and decided to help anyway and even brought me to your house…...I really liked to be there with you...even with that other guy….It was nice to talk to someone...different, not that you are weird...what am I even saying? it was nice to not have to pretend to be know? 
” It was funny how he was really desperate to explain himself, I looked at Felix and Seungmin, who looked shocked with their friend's burst of words.
I put my hand on Jisung shoulder and gave him a little smile
“ I'm not angry, this is not some TV show relax, I’m just a little shocked for not connecting the dots, you told us your name was Han Jisung ” He chuckled with relief. 
“Should I call you your highness now or something like that? maybe sweep the floor for you to walk haha” He made a disgusted face. 
” Really funny” He smiled at me with relief and oh my gosh I wish I could see this smile all the time.
“Wait, isn't this enough for you to know your place?” Jisung and Felix looked really done with him.
" I saw his uniform yesterday, it's not like I didn't know you guys had money to begin with" it was more than I expected but I didn't voice that out.
"See, she is only after your wealthy" I rolled my eyes " you are right, this all Is part of my evil plan to seduce rich guys with my poor knowledge in math" Seungmin looked irritated what made me smile, he didn’t like it at all.
“Now that you know let's head to your house B” 
“Again Felix, you are not invited” 
"We are here" I said, and thank God we finally came, I didn't have a chance to talk to Jisung since Felix was like a little kid asking me about everything that he saw, and Seungmin spend the whole walk complaining.
"It's smaller than I thought" said Seungmin who was looking at my house with curiosity, I side eyed him, it become a routine. As soon as I opened the door the boys entered my house and started to explore, I guess to them it was like a museum or something.
"Look Jisung, is this a fridge? …'s so small" 
"How do you watch something on this?" Asked Seungmin while he was sitting on the sofa.
"They are not mocking you at all...I promise, they are really excited about it...and sorry about Seungmin…he acts like this but is his way to be safe ?" I laughed " So do you think that I am dangerous and after your money?" I smiled and raised an eyebrow 
" After my money probably not, you look too prideful for that, but dangerous is another story.”
I blushed, did he flirt with me? My heart was doing spinings when a terrible annoying voice decided to interrupt it.
“Are you getting ready for an apocalypse or something? you only have cans in your kitchen, where is the fresh food?”
“I thought you guys were supposed to have some etiquette or something”
I answered Felix who was messing everything in my kitchen. Seungmin on the other side sat down on my sofa and was behaving pretty well, I was shocked. 
“Aren’t you going to make a sarcastic remark or something?
“Don’t need to, living here is already pretty depressing ” 
I heard a sigh behind me, it was Jisung.
“ I swear that he is trying right now….where are your books? Guys don’t you want to call a restaurant to get us something to eat?” 
“I can make food for you”
“Don’t need being here is already torture enough, I don’t want to get poisoned too besides the fastest you study the sooner we can get out of here” 
I throw a pillow at him.
“The door is totally open for you to leave when you wish”
“I’m full, this was one of the best hamburgers that I had in my life” I said truly happy, we had a long debate about what we were going to eat, Seungmin refused all of my and Felix suggestions, and Jisung shockenly agreed with him, what I got to know was that both are picky eaters who loved fancy and expensive food, Felix and I had to work pretty hard to convince them that hamburger was the best option, they agreed as long as they could choose the restaurant what didn't happened since I gave my speech about 
" lets order something cheap because I can't afford the restaurant that you guys chose" they argue that they obviously would pay for me but I was stubborn and said that I would not eat something expensive, they end up paying but I choose the place.
I still think that we should have had chosen the French restaurant” said Jisung.
“Jisung, I would never eat mussels” He laughed
“ Maybe I can convince you....we should go together someday’’.
“Yes, we should all go, Hyunjin and Changbin will be free after their swimming competition ” Felix said
“Who are those?” 
“2 idiots” Seungmin said.
“Oh… Idiots like Felix or idiots like you?” 
“HEY” Felix said, Seungmin as always couldn’t look less bothered, he kept eating his hamburger like it was something really fancy and gourmet, when in reality it was just a jack in the box.
They paid and I would have hated it if the had bought something super expensive.
“I’m just kidding” And I really was, during this short afternoon that we had spent together I learned a lot about them, Felix was a lot like Chan, so he didn’t care much when I played around, Seungmin was annoying as hell but I laughed a lot of his sarcastic comments about his friends, And Jisung was…... too focused on being a teacher, he looked really serious when doing it and didn’t want to play around, he even call out Seungmin saying that his comments were distracting me.
“Jisung, I’m pretty sure that you taught her all that you could for a day, lets go?” I wasn’t going to beg for them to stay, but honestly I wish that they could, my mom was going to work at the night shift again, and Chan had a swimming championship coming so he probably wouldn’t come to my house today.
“Do we really have to go? B and I were going to watch Stranger things“ Seungmin rolled his eyes and got up from the table “I already called my driver, he is coming to pick us up” Felix pounted.
“Hey B, may I have your phone? so we can watch and talk about it later” I looked at Jisung his eyes suddenly became huge,he looked annoyed and angry at the same time.
“I just realize that I forgot to review trigonometry with you” He said coming next to Felix and hitting him with his shoulder. “I’m pretty sure that you taught this to her, “ Seungmin said, looking bored and impatient. “Indeed, but I think we need to review, so maybe we could study again tomorrow” 
I had to gather all the strength that I didn’t have at this moment to not jump of happiness.
“There is no way that we will come here aga..”
“YOU ARE NOT INVITED” Jisung said pretty fast giving his friend an angry look and then turned at me again.
“ would be...kind of….easier having your phone we can set a time.”
“Why don’t you set a time now?”
Felix said, smirking. I was still super nervous and melting inside but tried to talk to save him from this situation.
“Well, We should create a group chat, Seungmin you can participate if you want” Seungmin who was looking at the door like waiting for his salvation to came just said “never”, and went back to ignoring us.
“Here is it” I gave them my number and as soon as they went to their houses my phone was filled with a lot of memes from Felix,and followed by annoyed emojis from Seungmin, I found funny that Felix totally ignored his request to not be on the group, he even tried to get out but Felix would put him again just to annoy him. Later at night I receive a good night with a smiley face in private from Jisung, and thank God that I was alone because I think that I never jumped so much in my life. I guess I wasn’t going to feel so lonely tonight after all.

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Chapter 4: oooohhh
cat's out of the bag; Bona looks like Jisung's unrequired crush?
Really curious to see how this goes onn
Thanks for the chapters!