Chapter Nine

The Moneylender




‘I’m really sorry to hear that,’ Yunho sympathised.


‘I’m both sorry and thankful for this though,’ I laughed bitterly, ‘I’ve never seen her with shut before.’


‘That’s so evil, I never expected that to come out from you, Joongie,’ Yunho laughed.


‘I like that,’ I smiled.


‘Like what?’ Yunho questioned.


‘You calling me Joongie,’ I grinned.









Yunho stared wide-eyed at me and cleared his throat.


‘Great job, Jaejoong, you have just successfully scared Yunho and you’re going to lose a friend now, and how many do you have left, 2?’ I thought bitterly in my head.


‘Joongie, can I join you after practice in the library later?’ Yunho asked rather shyly.


Now, it was my turn to stare wide-eyed at him.


It was now or never.


‘Sure, Yunnie,’ and as soon as the pet name was out of my mouth, I ran away as fast as I could.


My heart was still beating wildly when I sat at the table in the library. Because I was still a pathetic chicken-hearted loser, I hoped that the fact I had intentionally ‘blurted’ out my secret pet name for him would give him a clue that I was ‘at least’ attracted to him.


Attracted would be such an UNDERSTATEMENT. I was obsessed with him, he would pop up in my mind in every single thing I do.


- Wake up, imagine Yunnie lying beside me.

- Bath time, recall the half Yunnie scene.

- Eating, pretend we’re eating together.

- Lesson time, Yunnie’s the one giving the lecture.

- Hanging out with Chun, pretend it’s Yunnie instead. (I AM SO SORRY DEAR YOOCHUNNIE!!!)


I’m going crazy, seriously.


‘YUNNIE, I LOVE YOU!’ I screamed in the library and the librarian immediately looked up, walked over and gave me an earful.


Luckily, she was the only one in the library apart from me.






‘Joongie, hey, did you wait lon-,’ Yunho stopped when he saw me doodling his name all over a library book.


‘Oh hey, Yunho,’ I smiled then I followed his gaze and it landed on the library book that I was currently vandalising.


My eyes went wide and I screamed - AGAIN in the library.


This time, the librarian threw me out after having to pay 50 bucks for the destroyed book. Well, at least I got to keep the book with my ugly chicken scratches.


I was so embarrassed walking next to Yunho that I just wanted to curl up in a corner and die from a ‘Yunho-obsession-mental-disorder’.


It seemed like eternity until we reached the school café ran by students in the Business Faculty.


‘What would you like?’ Yunho asked.


‘Whatever you’re having,’ I answered softly and he nodded.


He came back with different drinks though.


‘I got you Jasmine green tea latte. You know… flower reference…’ Yunho laughed sheepishly, putting the glass cup before me.


I thanked him and took a sip of it.


Wow, it was the best cup of latte I ever had in my life, but I’m most probably being biased here because Yunho selected, paid and served me this.

‘Is it to your liking? I could buy you another drink, of your choice this time of course,’ Yunho looked at me nervously.


‘I’m fine, this drink is really great, thanks,’ I smiled at him.


‘About the book…’ Yunho began.


I looked down and played with the buttons of my cardigan nervously.


‘Okay… forget it. I know it’s embarrassing for you,’ Yunho took a sip of his iced coffee.


‘It’s embarrassing, yes. But regretting doing so and getting caught by you, no,’ WHERE DID ALL THIS COURAGE COME FROM?


Yunho looked so stunned, like as if someone had just given him a slap across his face for no apparent reason.


‘Yo-you li-like me?’ Yunho stuttered.


I shook my head.


His face fell and he brought the coffee to his lips and took a big gulp from it.


‘I love you,’ and coffee was spat all over my face and clothes.

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 11: Aww YunJae just so cute n its so awesome that they being together bless everything around them *<* For the first time in forever Kim Appa proud toward his son lol and Bravo Yun for succesed bring Jae's parent to rehab €<€ I love all the humour so much haha Jae was such a rock here :D Really Good job Author-nim :D
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 7: God you both just so hopeless *facepalm*
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 2: Garden fairy? smh that quite fitting :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 1: How Jae turn out to be a proper human being when raised by the pair is a miracle lol..
Chapter 11: Gosh!!! jae's parent are soooo hilarious!!! this story is soooo freaking funny hahahahah!
Chapter 11: Uwaa,,
Chapter 11: I can see progress from here to Blitz ;D I love how various authors depict Jaejoong... This is my second favorite <3
DeadMeru #9
It was really REALLY nice *still laughing stupidly*
chullie_samonim #10
too many words to describe how i like your writing, darl, until i speechless.
love it!!!
Thank for share
*give you a flower from JJ's garden then run before he hurl something massive at me*