Chapter Eight

The Moneylender


The rest of the tour in the greenhouse was done holding hands.


To me, it was the best thing that ever happened in my life, but it really turned me off when Yunho looked as if it was pretty normal to do so.


I sulked and it was the first time I was glad the whole tour was over. I couldn’t believe I said, ‘These hydrangeas are no big deal, let’s just go back home to have breakfast.’


I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY MY DEARIES, MOMMY WAS SUFFERING FROM A BROKEN HEART!!! I promise to feed you dearies fertilisers later to fatten you up.


When we got back to the main house, Yoochun and Yesung were busy looking though my kitchen to look for food to eat.


‘GET OUT, THE BOTH OF YOU!!! I’ll whip something up really quick,’ I lost my temper and Yoochun looked positively shocked because I had never shouted at him before, or rather, at anyone.


Yoochun quickly dragged Yesung out and the 3 of them proceeded into the living room.






‘Your best friend’s sure pissed today, isn’t he?’ Yesung asked Yoochun.


‘This has never happened before,’ Yoochun frowned.


‘Come to think of it, the two of you came into the kitchen together! What did you guys do!? Did you make him angry!?’ Yesung accused Yunho.


‘No, I didn’t, I think…’ Yunho thought about it for a while before he shook his head, ‘We just went to visit his greenhouse and toured the entire area.’


‘Then, did anything funny happen?’ Yesung eyed Yunho closely.


‘He was walking really quickly and when I pulled to stop him, I found out he was already crying.’


‘Is it because of his mom?’ Yoochun asked.


‘Maybe… but he said it’s because his flowers turned out so pretty,’ Yunho laughed a little.


‘Sounds suspicious though, he never brags about his work, not openly, at least,’ Yoochun thought hard.


Yunho stopped laughing and stared hard at Yoochun.


‘I seriously didn’t offend him in any way, I swear.’


‘Breakfast is ready and if you want to talk behind my back, at least do it softly and not get caught by me,’ with that, Jaejoong stomped back into the kitchen.


The 3 friends looked guiltily at each other and went into the kitchen.






‘Why am I so angry for?’ I thought as I chewed the pancakes in my mouth.


The table was eerily quiet except for the sounds of utensils making contact with the plate.


‘I’m angry because I’m mad at myself, not at any of you guys,’ I broke the silence and my friends nodded.


Silence again.


‘Talk, someone please talk,’ I said.


‘This is really delicious, thanks for making breakfast for us all, Jae,’ Yoochun smiled at me.


I smiled back, ‘Thanks and you’re welcome.’


‘I hate pancakes, but this is an exception,’ Yesung confessed, looking very surprised at the food on his plate.


‘Thanks again,’ I stood from the table and went to wash up since I was already done with my breakfast.


I couldn’t eat much, I didn’t have the appetite since Yunho was at the table and all I could do was watch his arm muscles flex and retract as he ate.


‘I’ll do the dishes, I don’t want to be a freeloader,’ I found Yunho beside me.


‘It’s fine, I can manage. You guys helped me so much yesterday, turning this garbage yard into what I can finally call a home,’ I smiled at all of them.






‘I hope you guys can fit into these,’ I knocked and entered the guestroom that Yunho and Yesung shared.


‘Thanks a lot,’ Yesung took the pile of clothes I had taken from both my Dad and my own closet.


I was sure Yesung could fit into my clothes since we’re about the same height and size, only that he was slightly more muscular. I was laughing on the inside because Yunho had to wear my Dad’s clothes since mine would be too small and short for him.


‘Oh my lilies!’ I yelped when Yunho emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist, shoving the clothes quickly into Yesung’s arms and running out of the room.


I shut the door behind me and breathed deeply, trying hard to my overworked heart.


I shook my head when I tried to recall Yunho in his half- glory.






‘Erm, thanks for all the help you guys!’ I tried not to make eye contact with Yunho or risk looking redder than a tomato.


‘No problem and you’re very welcome,’ I shook hands with Yesung before he got into Yunho’s awesome Audi.


When Yunho offered his hand, I pretended not to see it and bowed deeply instead. He did the same and revved up the engines and took off.


‘What was that?’ Yoochun remarked beside me.


‘What was what?’ I asked, confused at what Yoochun said.


‘You shook Yesung’s hand but totally treated Yunho like as if he didn’t wash his hands.’


‘Whatever,’ I went back into the house.


‘Oh my God, you like Yesung!’ Yoochun stupidly concluded, looking very pleased with himself.


‘Noooooo,’ I groaned, it’s the other one, dear Chunnie.


‘Oh, right. Sorry,’ Yoochun scratched his head embarrassedly.


Chun and I proceeded into the used guestrooms to change the bed sheets, tidy up the rooms and cleaned up the toilets. After that, I cooked Chun lunch and called a taxi for him home.








(Yunho’s POV)


‘Yunho, did you confess? Was that why he got pissed at you?’ Yesung bubbled, breaking the silence in the car on our way home.


‘Unfortunately, I didn’t confess, Yesung,’ I wanted to smack myself for being such a chicken.


‘C’mon man, you’re the captain of the basketball team, whatever you want, you can get! All the cheerleaders are falling at your feet, even the mascot, and that’s a guy for heaven’s sake!’ Yesung spat.


‘He obviously doesn’t like it when it’s just the two of us because he was so desperate to finish the greenhouse tour and get back into the house,’ Yunho recalled unhappily.


‘Is that so…’ Yesung frowned, this Jaejoong guy was one tough cookie/flower/whatever.







Jaejoong woke up to the sound of the alarm clock near his bedside. Annoyed at the fact that he had to wake up at 3.30am everyday for paper rounds, he silenced the alarm, threw the soft comforter and pile of frilly pillows off himself and dragged his half-awake self towards the bathroom.


He looked at himself in the mirror.


Great, he was crying in his sleep again. His eyes were puffy and no matter what Jaejoong did by using his fingers to open them wide, they were still swollen.


Fantastic, how was he supposed to get his newspapers delivered with small half opened eyes that early morning?


He managed to freshen up and pulled on a white basic tee, accompanied by a black vest, a pair of striped skinny jeans and black creepers.


He finished his newspaper rounds at around 5.45am but decided to head to school despite the school holidays to do his holiday homework.


When he got into the school campus at around 7am, he spotted the basketball team doing their usual rounds along the perimeter of school. He naturally spotted Yunho, who was leading the team since he was the captain.


‘Good morning,’ Jaejoong greeted and waved as ran Yunho past him.


Signaling for the rest of the team to go ahead without him, Yunho jogged back to Jaejoong and greeted back, ‘Hey there, Jaejoong!’


‘I heard about the regional competition,’ Jaejoong remarked and Yunho nodded.


‘Yeah, I’m feeling really pressured right now because I’ve got to keep the school’s basketball team’s reputation. Winning the overall championship title for the past 8 years is such a hard track record to maintain,’ Yunho stated, looking at his team from afar.


8 years? Wow,’ Jaejoong could sense the stress oozing out from Yunho.


Yunho took a deep breath and looked back at Jaejoong, ‘So, what are you doing here then?’


‘School’s the best place to have assignments done, and besides, my Dad’s really erratic nowadays since there’s no sign of my Mom waking up anytime soon.’


‘I’m really sorry to hear that,’ Yunho sympathised.


‘I’m both sorry and thankful for this though,’ I laughed bitterly, ‘I’ve never seen her with shut before.’


‘That’s so evil, I never expected that to come out from you, Joongie,’ Yunho laughed.


‘I like that,’ I smiled.


‘Like what?’ Yunho questioned.


‘You calling me Joongie,’ I grinned.



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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 11: Aww YunJae just so cute n its so awesome that they being together bless everything around them *<* For the first time in forever Kim Appa proud toward his son lol and Bravo Yun for succesed bring Jae's parent to rehab €<€ I love all the humour so much haha Jae was such a rock here :D Really Good job Author-nim :D
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 7: God you both just so hopeless *facepalm*
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 2: Garden fairy? smh that quite fitting :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 1: How Jae turn out to be a proper human being when raised by the pair is a miracle lol..
Chapter 11: Gosh!!! jae's parent are soooo hilarious!!! this story is soooo freaking funny hahahahah!
Chapter 11: Uwaa,,
Chapter 11: I can see progress from here to Blitz ;D I love how various authors depict Jaejoong... This is my second favorite <3
DeadMeru #9
It was really REALLY nice *still laughing stupidly*
chullie_samonim #10
too many words to describe how i like your writing, darl, until i speechless.
love it!!!
Thank for share
*give you a flower from JJ's garden then run before he hurl something massive at me*