Chapter Three

The Moneylender

Sims says: Hello there, and thanks for sticking by this series so far. As usual, any type of mistake(s) found in this chapter is(are) unintentional and should be forgiven and forgotten. Enjoy! 





‘I’m sorry, but I really cannot accept you,’ I bowed and apologised profusely.


‘Are you in a relationship with someone else?’ the guy questioned.


‘I’m not and I have no interest in having a relationship, at least not right now. I’m truly sorry.’


This poor child has been sending me love letters almost everyday since I first stepped into the Gardening club (And that would be the 6th day of school).


I had been rejecting him a couple of times but he would continually come and pester me to get into a relationship with him.


It’s not that he wasn’t handsome or anything. I would say he’s quite attractive, but I’m pretty sure everyone would run away once they have met my parents.


I would say I’m a closet romantic as well and I believe in this ‘one true love’ thing. Go ahead and laugh at me, but if I do not feel an immediate attraction to a particular person, I would forever be not attracted to him/her. I want to date just one person, and settle down, case closed. Lazy dater? Perhaps so.






‘How come you always get the guys?’ Yoochun sulked as I sat beside him in the lecture hall.


‘You saw that poor kid just now?’


‘Why can’t you just treat them like the flowers? Shower affection on all of them…’


‘You’re asking me to be a player? Are you crazy?’ I admonished him.


‘You’ve got the looks, so use it and con some money out of them so you can get that deal over and done with.’


‘I can’t believe we’re friends,’ I laughed bitterly.


‘And I can’t believe we’re still friends even after your Dad tried to make me participate in a four-way with his two other pals.’


‘Chun, watch the language,’ I warned him.


‘It’s just the word ‘’.’


‘You sound like my Dad.’








‘For the umpteenth time, Yesung, it’s a guy.’


‘WHA-WHAT!? Really...’


‘You were here with me the whole time, every single time, and yet you keep doing that gender blender thing,’ Yunho spat.


‘But I really meant what I said just now! I have no time to join you in playing hide and seek,’ Yesung sat on the grass outside the greenhouse and began to experiment with a new app he had downloaded on his iphone yesterday.


When Yunho looked up, his beloved Jaejoong was gone.


‘Where did he go?’ Yunho wondered.


‘Who are you looking for?’ a soft melodious voice came from behind him.


Yunho turned and didn’t expect himself to be standing so close to the said latter.


He gulped, taking in the breathtaking being before him, cladded in an entirely white ensemble of clothing except for the dorky gardening boots and green apron.


Jaejoong started to blink profusely as his eyes got dry while staring up at the lanky Yunho. He couldn’t hold the other party’s strong gaze any longer and immediately looked down at the pot of sunflowers he was holding.


‘He was looking for you,’ Yesung ‘aided’ the speechless Yunho, ‘I’ll leave you guys alone.’


With that, Yesung slung his bag over his shoulders and left the two of them outside the greenhouse, making sure to give Yunho a secretive wink before leaving.


‘Err… so… you were looking for me?’ Jaejoong asked softly, wondering why he was suddenly feeling so shy around the taller male.


Yunho didn’t know what to say.


Something struck in Jaejoong’s mind. There was only one reason why someone or anyone would want to find him, and in such a secluded area in the campus.


‘You wanted to loan money from me?’ Jaejoong’s eyes sparkled, his fear and shyness towards the latter completely eradicated instantly.


‘Huh?’ Yunho was caught off-guard.


‘I know it’s hard to say it out loud, just tell me how much you need, but I’ll be charging an interest of 10%.’


Yunho still didn’t know what to say.


Was Jaejoongthat in need of money? Was he in some sort of a difficult financial situation? If that were the case, Yunho would definitely help the love of his life.


‘How much do you need?’ Yunho asked suddenly.


‘That should be what I’m supposed be ask you. Well, I’ve got $5000 on me right now,’ Jaejoong said.


‘Fine, I’ll loan $5000 from you.’


Jaejoong beamed and in Yunho’s eyes, even brighter than the sun above them. 

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 11: Aww YunJae just so cute n its so awesome that they being together bless everything around them *<* For the first time in forever Kim Appa proud toward his son lol and Bravo Yun for succesed bring Jae's parent to rehab €<€ I love all the humour so much haha Jae was such a rock here :D Really Good job Author-nim :D
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 7: God you both just so hopeless *facepalm*
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 2: Garden fairy? smh that quite fitting :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 1: How Jae turn out to be a proper human being when raised by the pair is a miracle lol..
Chapter 11: Gosh!!! jae's parent are soooo hilarious!!! this story is soooo freaking funny hahahahah!
Chapter 11: Uwaa,,
Chapter 11: I can see progress from here to Blitz ;D I love how various authors depict Jaejoong... This is my second favorite <3
DeadMeru #9
It was really REALLY nice *still laughing stupidly*
chullie_samonim #10
too many words to describe how i like your writing, darl, until i speechless.
love it!!!
Thank for share
*give you a flower from JJ's garden then run before he hurl something massive at me*