Chapter Seven

The Moneylender


The four of us only finished cleaning up and destroyed all that was needed to be hidden after midnight so I suggested for the 3 of them to stay over, only if they felt if it was safe to do so.


My dad had flown off in his private jet the day before to Dubai for his usual monthly gambling stint, so we’re not expecting any drunk and deprived/frustrated man around the house for the next few days.


‘Sure,’ Yoochun yawned, immediately heading up the stairs to the guest rooms on the third floor.


‘How about you guys?’ I looked at Yunho and Yesung.


‘Okay then, we’ll stay!’ Yesung answered on the behalf of them both.


‘You didn’t ask for my opinion…’ Yunho muttered.


‘I don’t really have to right?’ Yesung playfully nudged his friend.


‘That’s great!’ I said it a little too excitedly, as Yesung turned to give me a surprised look.


‘I’ll show you the way to the guest rooms then,’ I began walking in front of them and heard the shuffling of slippers behind me.


‘Here you are,’ I stopped,‘ You guys can sleep in separate rooms or choose to share.’


‘We’ll share,’ Yesung snickered, ‘I’ll need to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t go ninja on someone’s in the middle of the night.’


‘Mind the language, please,’ I reminded Yesung, but was curious as to why he said that about Yunho.


‘Good night then,’ Yunho brushed past Yesung to pull me into a quick hug.


I swear, I was as stiff as a log.


The hug was so quick then I wanted to grab him again, but didn’t. Coward.


Yesung looked at Yunho like as if he just discovered his friend had murdered someone but recovered seconds later and bid me good night as well.


The duo retired into the guest room and I walked alone back to my bedroom down at the end of the hallway.


‘Did that hug mean anything? Maybe he just hugs people before he goes to sleep. Wait, isn’t that a girl’s thing? He’s gay isn’t he? Jaejoong, hugs are not only reserved for girls. Right. Since when did you start stereotyping genders as well?’

I mumbled to myself before closing the bedroom door behind me.






‘Jaejoong, you’re up really early,’ Yunho walked into the kitchen to find me watering the plants and herbs near the kitchen window.


‘Good morning, Yunho. I just finished my paper rounds,’ I smiled at him before resuming to the caring of my plants.


Yunho looked positively hurt but I don’t know why. Maybe it was because I had to work so early in the morning?


‘I want to ask you something. I’ve been really curious about this since I stepped into your house,’ Yunho sat down at the dining table.


‘Sure,’ my heart started to beat wildly.


‘You said you’re doing paper rounds because you were short of cash right?’


I nodded.


‘And you live in this huge as- I’m sorry for the language, I mean, humongous mansion.’


I nodded again.


‘So why are you so in need of money anyway?’ Yunho looked deep in thought.


‘Err,’ I put down the watering can, ‘I’ve got this weird deal with my Dad.’


And so I explained to him.


‘Oh, I see,’ Yunho smiled, ‘I thought you were in trouble or something… you know, a run in with some kind of gang or something.’


‘It’s none of that!’ I laughed at Yunho’s imagination.


‘He really does cares for me a lot. Scratch that, it’s his personality, don’t you go imagining stuff as well, you pathetic gardener,’ I admonished myself in my head.


‘So why are you up so early on a Saturday morning?’ it was my turn to ask the questions.


‘I wanted to see you.’


My heart raced.


‘I meant – your Greenhouse.’


My heart fell.






I was basically cursing Yunho in my head with all the vulgarities I never knew I possessed. It must have been hidden until I finally exploded, like now.


I swear, he doesn’t have any feelings for me at all. I have been feeding myself with lies and fantasizing about our future in my daydreaming all through the day.


I almost cried but reminded myself that Yunho was behind me as I was leading the way to my private Greenhouse.


‘Here it is,’ my voice sounded so hoarse from trying to stop the wave of tears that was about to spring out, enough to water my entire floral and fauna population in the area.


‘What happened to your voice?’ Yunho asked softly.


‘It’s nothing,’ it’s a freaking big problem, and it’s all about you.


‘Are you sure?’


‘Yes,’ NO, of course not, not when you’re standing so close to me right now.


‘Okay,’ Yunho headed into the greenhouse first.


‘You’re such a loser, Jaejoong,’ I sighed and entered my sanctuary.


‘It’s so… gorgeous,’ Yunho gasped when he took in the surroundings.


‘Thanks,’ I wished I could genuinely feel happy about the compliment but I couldn’t, not when my heart was aching so badly.


But I must say, my masterpiece was more of a rainforest than a greenhouse.


I pretty much led the way in front so we could tour around the whole place. But the true reason why was because I was already crying and by leading so far in front, he couldn’t see my tears or hear my sobs.


I felt a strong hand grab my left arm, forcefully turning me abruptly around and bumping into Yunho’s body. I immediately wrapped my arms around his body and hid my face in his chest, not wanting him to see me so broken like this.


‘Why are you crying, Jaejoong,’ he coaxed me softly, his fingers playing with my hair.


‘Don’t (*sob), do (*sob) that to my ha-hair,’ I bawled even harder.


‘You didn’t answer me,’ he felt him begin twisting my hair using his fingers.


It reminded me of Jaehwa, my sister, because she always did that when we watched Disney movies together.


‘I am so proud of myself for single-handedly raising al-all these plants he-he-here,’ I wanted to face-palm myself but couldn’t, because I was buried in Yunho’s strong yet warm arms.


‘Really?’ Yunho chuckled heartedly, ‘How cute.’


‘Don’t say things you don’t mean, you’ll undo me,’ I muttered.


‘What did you say?’


‘My flowers are gorgeous,’ JAEJOONG, YOU TRULY ARE A LOSER.

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 11: Aww YunJae just so cute n its so awesome that they being together bless everything around them *<* For the first time in forever Kim Appa proud toward his son lol and Bravo Yun for succesed bring Jae's parent to rehab €<€ I love all the humour so much haha Jae was such a rock here :D Really Good job Author-nim :D
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 7: God you both just so hopeless *facepalm*
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 2: Garden fairy? smh that quite fitting :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 1: How Jae turn out to be a proper human being when raised by the pair is a miracle lol..
Chapter 11: Gosh!!! jae's parent are soooo hilarious!!! this story is soooo freaking funny hahahahah!
Chapter 11: Uwaa,,
Chapter 11: I can see progress from here to Blitz ;D I love how various authors depict Jaejoong... This is my second favorite <3
DeadMeru #9
It was really REALLY nice *still laughing stupidly*
chullie_samonim #10
too many words to describe how i like your writing, darl, until i speechless.
love it!!!
Thank for share
*give you a flower from JJ's garden then run before he hurl something massive at me*