Chapter 16


Months had passed and though Taehyun and Beomgyu didn't have the best relationship they made it work. Taehyun was hesitant to be around Beomgyu at first, but with Youngtaek and Heeseung's help they were able to build a shaky friendship.

Youngtaek and Heeseung were there throughout the hardships, Youngtaek being there for Beomgyu as his mate and Heeseung becoming like an older brother to Taehyun.

As for the faction that Taehyun had become the owner of, he finally got missions, and Jiseok and Jooyeon had come out of hiding to help Taehyun filter missions down to them and made sure that everything was done correctly.

Heeseung had officially joined the faction, becoming one of the more active members with Taehyun. Beomgyu and Youngtaek had to get back to patrolling, so they let Taehyun and Heeseung do the hunting.

Soobin still appeared every now and again, but Beomgyu was steadily seeing him less and less as he worked through the issues he had while maintaining his friendship with Taehyun.



"Why do we have to patrol the southern borders again?" Asked Youngtaek as he and Beomgyu walked along the southern borders back towards the European side of Russia from Vladivostok after spending months patrolling to let Jangjun and Keonhee head back to check on things.

"We normally don't, but I didn't feel like taking the train back," explained Beomgyu. "I also want to get back in time for Soobin's birthday," he added. "It's almost December, there's gonna be snow there, if all the snow here wasn't any indication," whined Youngtaek. "You know you don't get cold, what are you complaining about?" Asked Beomgyu.

"I'm just saying," grumbled Youngtaek, though he wasn't really complaining by this point, and Beomgyu knew it, if the look of amusement wasn't any indication.

"Besides," added Beomgyu. "Taehyun and Heeseung was getting the old coven together to celebrate," he explained. "Oh, that means I get to meet the others?" Asked Youngtaek. "Junhan is the only one you haven't met yet right?" Asked Beomgyu. "I think so," hummed Youngtaek.

"Does that mean Jangjun and Keonhee are going to be there too?" Asked Youngtaek. "I don't think so," replied Beomgyu as he shrugged. "It's just the original members of Gunil's coven for now," he added. "Hm," hummed Youngtaek.

"Come on now fox," yelled Beomgyu as he sprinted forward. "Oi!" Youngtaek called after him, soon rushing to follow after him.



When they got back to the fort it seemed they were the first ones there, though Beomgyu was sure the others would show up within the next few hours or so. Youngtaek wasn't feeling hungry, but they did stop by the convenience store to get food for himself, Jay and Niki, who would be coming over to see Heeseung.

"I'm going to hunt, make yourself comfortable," said Beomgyu before he went to do so. Youngtaek nodded, going to get the stuff he needed for a fire, breaking sticks into smaller portions and going to pile them up by the firepit. If Niki was still human they would need a lot of wood for the fire.

Maybe Yeonjun would show up, they had made contact with him the month before and Beomgyu had sincerely apologized for killing Soobin. Yeonjun wouldn't forgive him fully, but he did accept the apology. It was a step in the right direction for Beomgyu anyway.



Beomgyu looked up at the sky when he was done hunting, huffing out a sigh as he reminisced about old times. He looked down at the dead buck at his feet, looking thoughtful as he took out the lighter from his pants pocket. It had run out of fuel long ago, but it was a comforting object to Beomgyu. He put it back in his pocket before walking away, heading back to the fort.

"Everyone's gathering together for my birthday huh?" Asked Soobin as he appeared beside Beomgyu and walked with him. "It's going to be fun," hummed Beomgyu. "I hope Yeonjun makes it, it didn't seem like he was going to," he added. "I'm sure he will, have some faith in my brother will you?" Asked Soobin.

"Says the one who's dead," mumbled Beomgyu. "Oi, you're seeing me less and less, isn't that a good thing?" Asked Soobin. "I guess," sighed out Beomgyu as he walked out of the forest to stand near the fort.

"Soobin around again?" Called Youngtaek as he looked up from the firepit. "He was," replied Beomgyu as he walked over, sitting across from Youngtaek. "When was the last time you saw him anyway?" Asked Youngtaek. "Last month?" Asked Beomgyu. "At least, I think that was when I last saw him before today," he added. "Hm," hummed Youngtaek.



Yeonjun was the first to show up, much to Beomgyu's surprise, bringing along the old camping bag that Soobin had that had all the camping supplies they would need. "When did you get in?" Asked Beomgyu as he looked up at Yeonjun after he put the bag in the fort and walked over to the pit where Youngtaek was poking at the fire he had started. "This morning," came the reply as Yeonjun sat down in the grass, getting comfortable as he held out his hands to warm them.

"I had to stop by the old storage unit and find Soobin's old camping backpack, it still had all the pots and pans for cooking," explained Yeonjun. "Otherwise I would've been here earlier," he added. "Good, I hate looking for stuff to cook the food on," sighed Youngtaek as he added a log to the fire.

"What are you working as now?" Asked Beomgyu as he looked at Yeonjun. "I'm a software engineer, being on the other side of Russia is actually pretty calming," answered Yeonjun as he shrugged, rubbing his hands together.

"How's the fire?" Asked Youngtaek. "It's warm enough," replied Yeonjun as he nodded. "The fort still has the stove in it I think," he added. "Oh, that metal box thing in there?" Asked Youngtaek. "Under the platform?" He asked. "That's the stove," hummed Yeonjun. "It'll definitely warm up the place, if the hole for the vent system is there," he added. "To keep the smoke from gathering in the fort, yeah," hummed Beomgyu. "That's what that hole is for? Huh," hummed Youngtaek.

"Will the platform fit 4 people?" Asked Beomgyu. "I don't know," Yeonjun replied, being honest. "I guess we'll have to see when the others get here," he added.



Junhan, Seungmin and Jungsu were the next people to show up, showing up later that night when Youngtaek and Yeonjun were sleeping in the fort and Beomgyu was sitting with his back against the wall of the fort zoned out. He soon zoned back in and opened his eyes when Junhan stopped in front of him though, Junhan grinning in greeting.

"Hey you three," greeted Beomgyu as he nodded in greeting. "I'm guessing they're sleeping?" Asked Junhan. "Yeah," hummed Beomgyu. "Feel free to hunt, I think Niki should be here in the morning and I'd rather not have to deal with you three wanting to feed off of him and Yeonjun," he added.

"We already hunted, so we'll just hang out nearby," said Seungmin as he looked at Jungsu who shrugged. "I guess," hummed Jungsu. "I'll be here," stated Junhan as he went to sit beside Beomgyu, leaning against the wall of the fort. Jungsu and Seungmin nod, turning and sprinting off into the forest, finding trees to climb up and sit in to wait for the others.



Taehyun and Heeseung were next, bringing more food and putting it in the fort before joining Beomgyu at the firepit as he started a fire with some matches he found since he didn't want to wake Youngtaek to ask for the zippo lighter he had gotten him as a present.

"Niki and Jay should be in later today," explained Taehyun as he sat down at the firepit. "Is Niki still human?" Asked Beomgyu. "Yep," hummed Heeseung. "It's looking like it'll snow soon," he added. "There's a stove in the fort they can use for warmth, but I think Yeonjun brought over another tarp to use to replace this one since it's getting old, and torn in some places," added Beomgyu.

"The firepit's for us then?" Asked Taehyun. "Yep," hummed Beomgyu.

Yeonjun stumbled out of the fort after getting dressed and grabbing some of the food and making sure he had some pots and bottles of water to warm up and going over to the firepit to start on breakfast, Beomgyu moving out of the way to let him to do so. Youngtaek walked out of the fort after a few minutes, Seungmin and Jungsu coming over after Jiseok and Jooyeon arrived.

"Captain," greeted Beomgyu as he waved at Jiseok. "Kid," Jiseok greeted back with a grin. Jooyeon inclined his head in greeting, all the vampires making sure to keep their distance from Yeonjun as they stood nearby and talked about their adventures.

Beomgyu went to replace the old tarp, setting up the stove and making sure to cut a hole for the vent, setting up the vent and making sure to keep it open before starting a fire to warm up the place a bit and look around the fort. He soon left the fort and walked back over to the firepit.

"I never got to thank you for the picture of Kai," Beomgyu remarked to Yeonjun as he focused on cooking. "Hey, it's the only one I could find, luckily I managed to remember how to get a hold of you," explained Yeonjun as he moved sausages around in the pan.

"Thanks, Junhan for the group photo," Beomgyu called over to Junhan who gave a thumbs up at Beomgyu. "You still have that one?" Yeonjun asked, sighing as he remembered that day. "You don't?" Asked Beomgyu. "I do, but it's the one where I'm taking the picture," responded Yeonjun as he shrugged. "Ah," hummed Beomgyu.

"We need another group photo," remarked Youngtaek. "This time with everyone," he added. "We can do what we did last time, and take two separate photos," hummed Beomgyu. "We should do one for Kai's birthday next year," added Yeonjun. "If Jay and Niki can make it," he added.

"I'm sure they'd be able to, I'll have to ask when they get here," added Heeseung.

"You don't need to worry, because we'll be here," called Jay as he walked over with a shivering Niki, wrapping his arms around Niki to provide some warmth. "Come sit by the fire, I forget how cold it gets here," called Beomgyu as he went to grab one of the chairs from the fort and brought it over for Niki to sit in. Niki sat down, Youngtaek adding more logs to the fire to help warm Niki up.

"We can take this to the fort?" Asked Yeonjun. "N-No it's okay," mumbled Niki. "I feel signs of the first change, it's probably why I'm shivering so much," he explained. "Wolf 'shifter?" Asked Beomgyu as he turned to Niki. "Nah, he smells like fox," hummed Heeseung. "I'm around this fox too much," Beomgyu sighed out as he nodded at Youngtaek who pouted.



They spent most of the day at the fort, catching up on things and chatting about plans to meet up during the summer where it was definitely a lot warmer.

Yeonjun got everyone together for a picture, Beomgyu kneeling in the middle with Youngtaek and Heeseung on either side of him. Taehyun was beside Youngtaek, Niki was beside Heeseung and Jay was leaning over behind Niki. Junhan, Jiseok and Jooyeon were beside Jay with Seungmin and Jungsu behind them. Yeonjun took the picture once everyone was settled and then he swapped places with Beomgyu who took the picture.

Everyone ended their night with Youngtaek, Niki and Yeonjun going into the fort to sleep, Jay joining them after exchanging some words with Heeseung. Jooyeon and Jiseok left after the pictures were taken, Seungmin and Jungsu sticking around for a bit longer before they left.

"And then there was 4," remarked Beomgyu as he poked at the fire pit with a stick. "Being here certainly brings back memories," commented Junhan as he leaned back on his hands to look up at the stars. "Some good, some bad," hummed Taehyun as he stared at the fire. "This is a good place to chill at though, I see why you chose it," hummed Heeseung.

"To Soobin?" Asked Beomgyu as he held out a fist. "To Soobin!" Said everyone else as they bumped fists with Beomgyu.

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Epilogue. That's the end! I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it :D

Also the next story has already been posted, go read it after reading this one~!


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luminous_nana #1
Excuse me, can I translate your story into Vietnamese?
Congrats on winning the bid!