
Dear J, Love J

Dear Jeno,

It's finally spring! There's not much in the world that makes me happier than looking out of the window, seeing the sun shining and green start to come back in the trees. You're one of the few things that does make me happier, but I'm sure you know what I mean, as you love nature far more than I even do. I'm a lucky man though, I get to have both you and spring. 

A few letters ago you told me the restaurant finally gave you Mondays off. I thought of a little plan, maybe I could call in sick one Monday and spend the day with you? I'll tell the wife I'm going into the office and that I have a work dinner too so we could spend the whole day together? If you're free of course. I'm absolutely dying to hold you again. 

I"ll be anxiously awaiting your answer, as always. 




And that was how Jeno ended up in the middle of the woods on a Monday morning, Jaemin by his side. Jeno had decided on a hiking trail thirty minutes out of their city and Jaemin had driven them, front windows down, sticking their heads out like puppies. And here they were, in nature like they both loved, truly in the midst of their spring.

"Are you ready?" Jaemin asked, all smiles, a giggle in his voice. His happiness made Jeno's heart ache, for good and for bad. Had Jaemin ever been as free as in this moment?

"So ready." And because the parking lot was empty he pressed a kiss to Jaemin's lips, his smile growing impossibly wider. Jeno's hand held Jaemin's waist, pressing against the bubbles of his big puffer jacket. Jaemin's fingers clutched the thermos full of Folger's coffee Jeno had prepared, the still chilled air nipping at their faces. God, Jaemin looked so cute. 

Jeno slung his big bag over his shoulder and started down the trail, gesturing for Jaemin to follow. 

It was early enough for the trail to be empty as far as the eye could see. All that could be heard was the rustling of the wind in the trees, punctuated with the occasional scuttle of a bug or chirp of a bird, and their breaths mixed with the crunch of logs and leaves under foot. The scent of the world untouched by humans and crisp wind mixed with the smell of coffee emanating from Jeno and Jaemin's cups. Jeno could taste the coffee too, along with Jaemin's minty mouth. For a moment, he wished he could keep that flavor with him every day. 

When the trail became wide enough to walk side by side Jeno reached for Jaemin's hand. Jaemin clasped Jeno back, interlacing their fingers and leaving him with a soft squeeze. The warmth of his fingers felt so good against the chilly wood air. He looked over at Jaemin with a smile, a quiet thank you, but Jaemin's eyes were elsewhere. Jeno just watched as Jaemin's gaze flitted about, to the trees and birds and clouds and twigs and bugs and distant view of nothing but nature. His eyes were blown wide like a child's, and all Jeno could do was watch, feel the joy through Jaemin's own. 

Jaemin had been signing his letters with love for a while now, and it had frightened Jeno a little. But thinking about it now, all that fear faded away. Because Jeno knew that maybe he felt it too. 

It had been more than an hour before either of them spoke again. "It's beautiful," Jaemin spoke softly, finally looking back at his lover, the vinyl of their puffy jackets rubbing together. 

"Just like you," Jeno whispered, the cold not the only thing leaving a flush on his cheeks. Jaemin giggled and nuzzled himself into Jeno's side. 

"It is beautiful," Jaemin continued. "But...where exactly are we going?" 

"That's a secret." 

Jaemin answered Jeno's smirk with a pout. 


Jeno looked around at the scenery. "We're pretty close actually." 

They fell silent again, stepping through the leaves. A few moments later, they rounded a bend, and Jeno smiled in anticipation. 

The couple had landed in a small clearing among the trees, a circle of grass, perfect for two to sit in the trees. The woods blocked the cold wind but kept the air fresh, birds landing and hopping around. 

Jaemin spent just a moment looking out at the view before spinning Jeno around and kissing him square on the lips. 

Jeno could feel every bit of his love, his gratitude in that kiss, holding Jeno close by his arms. Jeno wrapped his arms around Jaemin's waist, smiling when they pulled away. 

"This is so..." 

"I know." Jeno pecked Jaemin's mouth and set his big bag down on the grass, tugging out a sheet and laying it out for them to sit on. "Come on, I'm hungry."

Jaemin slowly sat down on the sheet, still looking around him as Jeno pulled sandwiches and plastic bowls of watermelon from his bag. 

"What's all this?" Jaemin asked, his voice turning high-pitched. 

"What does it look like? A picnic." 

Jaemin quickly and deeply kissed Jeno again, letting out the most lovelorn sigh. Jeno cupped his cheek and rubbed circles on the skin. Jaemin didn't need to see thank you, Jeno didn't have to say you're welcome. It was all understood. 

Jeno picked up one of the PB&Js he'd spent the early morning making and stuffed it in Jaemin's mouth. His muffled laugh sent leaps through Jeno's heart as he took a bite, Jeno taking his own bite from the corner. 

Due to the strenuous hike, the food was demolished in minutes; the simple food was somehow so much more satisfying out here. Jeno exhaled and layed down on the sheet, looking up at the clear sky. Jaemin quickly followed. 

Jeno's hand, which rested on his stomach before, crawled across the grass to hold Jaemin's. Jaemin's grip was tight and strong. Their digits fit together perfectly, like their hands were a puzzle, and the other's fingers were the pieces that had been missing their whole lives. 

Suddenly, Jeno felt like he was going to cry. 

It just wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that he couldn't have this all the time. It wasn't fair that nobody knew they were here together. It wasn't fair that Jaemin had to lie and he had to lie at work and that the only time they could see each other was when they lied. That what they had was trapped in letters and lies and the occasional stolen glance at the restaurant. 

When it was just the two of them, nothing had ever felt more right in Jeno's world. The fact that it was wrong didn't make sense. 

Jaemin to his side and looked at Jeno with concern, as if he could feel the shift in the air. 

Jeno simply sighed. "I would do anything not to hide you." 

Jaemin just cupped Jeno's cheek and kissed him deeply, his soft eyelashes fluttering against Jeno's cheek. He let himself get lost in the feeling of Jaemin's mouth, his body, his love, pouring it all over Jeno. 

Jeno felt his heart rate slow down, his anxiety and sadness fading away. Be here now. 

Jaemin pulled away and rested his head on Jeno's chest. Jeno let his fingers trace up and down Jaemin's spine, their chests pressed together, breaths syncing together. Under the gentle breeze, under the weight of Jaemin, he let his eyes flutter shut. 


Jeno awoke from his second nap of the day in his own bed, sweat still clinging to his skin, Jaemin in the bed next to him, wearing nothing but bedhead and a smile. 

And he was starving. 

He gently shook Jaemin's shoulder, listening to his love grunt and sit up a little. "Whuh?" 

"Cute," Jeno mumbled, brushing some soft hair out of Jaemin's face. "What do you want for dinner? I'll get something delivered." 

"Nuh-uh," Jaemin answered, voice still low and sleepy. "I'm cooking." 

"What?" Both of them giggled. 

"Didn't I say I would cook for you?" 

"I'm not gonna say no to that..." 

Jaemin fully sat up now, grabbing his jeans from the other side of the bed and slipping them on. He left Jeno with a peck on the lips and went into the kitchen. Jeno released a soft exhale, slowly reorganizing his room after he and Jaemin...left it a mess, before slipping on his own sweatpants and following after. 

He was met with the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen in his life: Jaemin, shirtless in jeans, sauteeing what smelled like garlic and onions in a pan, hair sticking up all over the place. Jeno pushed down the deepest desire to see this every day and walked over to Jaemin, pressing his chest against his back. 

"Someone looks handsome," Jeno mumbled into the crook of his neck. 

"Who?" Jaemin teased, looking up at Jeno with that cocky grin of his. 

Jeno just kissed Jaemin's shoulder and turned to lean against the counter. "How can I help?" 

Jaemin's eyes raked over Jeno's own shirtless form. "Stop being so hot. I won't be able to cook." 

"Could say the same for you."

Jaemin flushed a little, not from the heat of the stovetop. "We can't. We just had ." 

"If I wasn't so damn hungry, I'd say it didn't matter." 

"Then stop being so y so I can cook!" 

The boys giggled and Jeno pecked Jaemin's lips, getting out utensils and plates and setting the table. 

"What are we eating?" Jeno asked. 

"To be honest, I didn't have much to work with," Jaemin asked with a little chuckle. "So we're having pasta." 

"Can't go wrong with pasta." 

"We'll see about that. It's gonna be hard without any vegetables." 

"Look at you, mister fancy rich guy who can get produce and not be terrified they're gonna go bad before you can eat them, making you waste like a ton of money because produce is expensive." 

"I think you're capable of owning some cherry tomatoes," Jaemin teased. 

Jeno sighed. "You're probably right. Maybe I just don't buy produce because it always goes bad, not because it's a waste of money, but because it stinks up my fridge." 

Jaemin laughed at that and filled a pot with water. Jeno, being done with setting up, sat down at his kitchen table. 

"Are you sure you don't need anything baby?" 

Jaemin turned to Jeno, smiling and shaking his head. "I'm good, pretty boy." 

Jeno grinned at that and soon enough, Jaemin was dividing the pasta between their bowls. 

"Where's your tupperware? There's enough for leftovers." 

"Nah. Load our plates up." 

Jaemin laughed softly and piled their bowls high with the penne and some sort of sauce. As soon as Jaemin was sat, Jeno dove in. 

It was incredible, of course. 

"What's the sauce?" 

"Brown butter and spices. Pretty simple." 

Jeno just looked at Jaemin, his heart aching. 

"It's delicious, baby. Thank you." 

Jaemin shrugged and grinned. "I'm glad you enjoy it." 

And Jeno thought again: It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that he couldn't come home to this every night. 

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