The Worst Flavor of Guy


Ten barely avoided vomiting in his mouth. “Cr-crypto?”

“Yeah. Lately I’ve been working with NFT’s. Really fun stuff. I’ve been making bank.”

Now, it was Ten’s turn to look disgusted. And to think he’d thought this guy was kinda, sorta, in a weird kinda way… hot, at orientation. 

“Ever thought about investing?” 

Ten had to work double-time to sound even remotely pleasant. “Mm, no. Not my thing.”

“Then what is your thing?” Kun scoffed. “Astrology?”

Okay, so he is an .


Look at me, back at it with more enemies to lovers kunten. 

Except this time it's just me trying to wrestle with the fact that kun is a crypto guy. Lol

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!


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Chapter 10: Finally got the time to finish it, It was short but lovely to read, loved the happy ending ❤️❤️
Chapter 7: It's fun to read your story, I'd be waiting for the updates and enjoy your social life 😃