How did you know?

That's LIFE

Before I start my chapter, I would like to thank those who have subsribed and left a comment to my story :D Thank you guys and I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU.


Youngjin's POV:

"If you divide this by this, you'll get this," the teacher explained. MATH MATH MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH.

I slept for a while. the teacher wouldn't notice me since the guy infront of me was hiding me.


I woke up by the sound of the bell. Sometimes, I think if I only came here to school just to sleep. Aish.

Classes were done so I quickly fixed my things. Me and Woori went to our lockers together.

I said my goodbye to Woori and went home quickly. I was planning to take a quick nap. Woke up and looked at the clock. My eyes widened when I saw the time. Oh my god! I overslept! So I hurriedly changed into different clothes... you know... guy's clothes. I brought my cellphone and my wallet. I left my camera because I won’t be able to use it in my work. I went down and told Mrs. Park... I mean, Min Hee Unnie. Hihihi. Feels weird saying that. Anyway, I told her that I'll be heading to work. Young Jae was inside her room doing his homework with Minjung.

"Don't worry. I'll let Young Jae sleep here while you're not yet home"

"Thank you, Unnie!" I bowed. "I'll just pick him up later," I added.

I ran since I was already going to be late. I still have 5 minutes left. I ran as fast as I can. I used a shortcut but when I turned right.... I crashed into someone. We both fell to the floor. I realized that I crashed into... Woori. Oh my god. I picked up her things and helped her stood up. "Young Jin-ah?" Oh my god. She recognizes me? I'm dead. Most people don't recognize me in this clothing but how the hell did she recognize me? HOW???!

"Eh?" I just answered her

"Youngjin-ah! It's me, Woori!" Oh my god.

"Oh hello," I said with a different voice and smiled... nervously. Didn’t I tell you that I am the master of disguises? Yes, I can change my voice and lots of things about my face. It came handy when we played a prank on our friend. Whoo! Good times. Going back…

She won't ask me why I'm dressed like this, right? RIGHT? Calm down. Youngjin pabo. She won't ask me.

"Why are you dressed like a guy?" she asked me. BAM. There she goes. Should I tell her? She’s my friend. Won’t she see me as weird? Heh. I’m already one I guess.

I suddenly remembered that I was going to be late. "Ah! I'm sorry but I’m already late for work. I'm sorry for bumping into you," I ran as fast as I can and HA! I made it! I'm not late. If I haven't told you, I'm working as a waitress... I meant, a waiter in a restaurant. "Good! You made it on time!" the manager said.

"Please come earlier next time so you won't be in a hurry. Araso?" she told me. She? Yes, she is a she. My manager is a lady. She's also nice.

Do you know how we met?

Well, as soon as my brother and I moved in to the rooftop room, I went out to look for a job. I left Youngjae with Minjung Unnie.

I asked every store or shop or fast food chain or a restaurant and they said no.

I took a break for a while and when I was walking, I saw a guy trying to get the bag of the lady but the lady won't give it. The guy slapped the lady and she fell to the ground. The guy ran away with the bag. I don't know what came over me, so I chased after the guy and took the bag from him. Hahahaha! No, I didn’t bet him up. I just tripped him and his face fell flat on the dirty, cemented ground. When he opened his eyes… the bag was gone. J

I took the bag and returned it to the lady. She was really thankful. I am such a saint. :)

So, I returned to my search for a job. I found another restaurant and went in trying my luck this time. I called for their manager and guess what? The manager was the lady awhile ago! Shocking, right? I asked if they still need any staff and YEEEEEY! She said they were short in employees so she accepted me. It turns out that what she had inside her bag was the salary of the other employees. WOW. I'm such a hero... or a heroine...or… never mind. I asked her if I can work as a guy and told her the reasons and a full time for a month until I earn more money to add up to my saved money my parents left. Fortunately, she agreed!

Going back, PHEW. Lucky day for YOUNGJIN. I changed into my uniform she handed me and started to work. I was serving other people their food. Someone raised their hand. Oops. Got to go there and to my surprise... OMYGOOOOD! It's Woori. What is she doing here? 

"Annyeong!" she greeted me.

"May I take your order?" I kept my cool on.

"Oh, yes," She looked at the menu and told me her order. "Would that be all, miss?" I asked her.

"Uhh, no." she said. Omygod what now?

"I want to talk to you," she added.

"I’m sorry but I'm working right now," I bowed. 

"I'll wait for you to finish your work, Youngjin-ssi," 

I just left.

It's been two hours now and she still haven't left. She finished her meal already. So, not to get bored, she did all her assignments. Wait… we have homeworks?

A little later, the restaurant was closing and she was till there! I told her that I'm finished working. She wants to talk to me. What would go wrong, right? So we went to the park and sat on a bench.

"So, why are you cross dressing?" She asked. Should I tell? No. I can't. But she looks like someone to be trusted and besides, she waiter for me for 3 hours and plus, she’s my friend! I made up my mind and told her why. I stood up and bowed, "Please don't tell anyone about it," 

"It's okay. No need to worry. I won't tell," she said while smiling. Phew. I sighed in relief. There was a moment of silence until she handed me something... a text book. "It got mixed in my things," she said. I nodded and there was this silence again. To break that, "How did you know it was me?" I asked. "Oh. I guess it's my natural talent," she giggled.

I checked my watch and it' was already late. "Thank you, Woori-ssi. It's getting late so I'll walk you home," I told her. "No, it’s okay," she said. "Aniyo, I insist," I said. I couldn't let her walk back home alone at this time. There are many s scattered around. She finally agreed. 

While we're walking, I suddenly noticed that there were 2 guys following us. I pretended not to notice it so, I slung my arm around her and she looked at me. I kept my eyes on the road and said, "There are guys following us," her eyes widened. She suddenly looked scared so I said, "It's okay. I'm here," I looked at her and gave a reassuring smile but that didn't change her expression. "Let's turn left. My house is that way. We're near," she said.

When we turned left, there were another 3 guys. They were staring at us like they have been expecting us. We just walked, passing by them like we never saw them. They got irritated so, they grabbed Woori away from me. Don’t tell me I have to fight again. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

"Huh, where’s your brother now?” Guy no. 1 said and gave her a creepy smile as he eyed on her. He was her! Well, actually in his mind. Aish. ert.

Wait... brother? How is... wait, what's the name of that guy? Woohyun? Yeah whatever. Let's stick with Woo-guy. How is Woo-guy related to this .

 “What a pretty lady," he continued, Woori began to tremble. "Why don't we hit the club and leave your boyfriend?" he said. Boyfriend? Oh yeah. I forgot. I was dressed as a guy. "I don't want to," Woori said while trying to release herself but the guy was strong. "Let her go," I commanded them.

“Make me,” Guy no. 1 said and smirked. Aish. “How about you let her go and we’ll settle this matter?” I said as I grinned.

“And how the hell do you plan to settle this matter?” he asked. He seemed to be the leader because he did most of the talking.

“Through talking, of course,” I said and smiled cheerfully.

The leader laughed with what I had said. He must be thinking I am so stupid. “Wae gu rae? I don’t see anything wrong with that,” I complained.

“Tch,” he said and he signaled the others to attack me. WOAH. All at the same time? It’s unfair! Yah!

I thought I was living peacefully. Easier said. Aish! Soooo, they all, at the same time, sent their punches at me but since I’m fast. I easily dodged all of them. They got surprised that they hit no one.

They saw where I was and they started attacking. I started dodging and replied with kicks and punches, sending each one of them in different directions. It’s just been… few seconds and I was done. Tch. How easy. I was so disappointed. But I think this is good. I was holding on to a guy’s collar and there I dropped him. Aish! Why am I even narrating this scene to you guys? Can I just tell you how I want to run in a garden chasing a beautiful butterfly? :D

Anyway, I walked up to Guy no. 1 and Woori but my eyes were only focused on that . His face looked funny. He got a shocked face and as I approached him, he was backing off. He let go of Woori. He suddenly pointed at me and said while stuttering, “Y-you… Y-you’re… H-hurricane J-jin?”

He recognizes me. Yeah, that’s right. I was called Hurricane Jin. I kept my cool on and jokingly hit his head, “She’s a girl. Pabo!” and then I noticed something. He was trembling! AHAHAHAHA he looked so funny.

I turned to Woori and she was still trembling. She was about to cry. “Sorry, to let you see that,”

“I-it’s okay. It’s not your fault,” she said trying to smile. I noticed the marks on her wrist. It had been red because of the tight grip of that . I hugged her trying to comfort her and said, “it’s okay now,” She hugged me back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw it was the guy’s. “We’re not yet done,” he said trying to gather every ounce of courage he got and be a man. Very admirable!

I grabbed his dirty and trembling hand and twisted it. While he was in pain, I kicked him on the stomach. His back hit the wall. I bent down to him and I smiled...not a friendly one but a smile with the hint of 'I'm-going-to-kill-you'. “I don’t know and don’t care what you have relations with his brother. Stay away from her, Araso?” I said as I patted his head.

I walked her home. She hugged me again. Whoa... I feel like her boyfriend. She bowed and thanked me. I just smiled. We walked and stopped in front of a… mansion. She’s rich? Whoa. She rang the doorbell and an old man opened it. “Miss,” he said and bowed. Woori smiled and turned to me and said, “Thank you for today. I’ll see you tomorrow,”

“Okay, rest well!” I said as I waved. I bowed to the old man and left.

I went to home and picked up Youngjae. He was already asleep. I carried him all the way up to our room and laid him on the bed. I ate my dinner and did my homeworks. I laid my back and closed my eyes.



I went to school... 10 minutes before the bell :))))

I think I was too tired because of what happened last night. Oh yeah... since I have broken the promise me and Youngjae made... we changed it :D I could only fight when only in need. LIKE A SUPERHERO :)))))))

*V V V P* I felt my phone vibrated. Oh, Woori sent me a text.

Youngjin-ah, thanks for last night!


I yawned as I grabbed my things in my locker. I then, heard girls squealing again.

I clenched my fists... Do they really have to be this noisy? It's so freaking early in the morning!!!!!!!

I turned around and saw those 7 guys.

I closed my eyes while yawning all the way when I bumped into someone. Of course, I didn't fall like those girls in TV series. I opened my eyes and saw this face,

(A/N: pretend he's looking at Youngjin)

I then heard gasps from the people around. I was too sleepy to know why so I bowed my head and went on my way.


Sooooooooooooooooo.... How was it? Please comment! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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Will soon be baaaaaaaack!!


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i'm cleaning out my subscription list and this hasn't been updated in a long's been a great story though
Has this been discontinued?
Suga_swag_03 #3
Chapter 75: Update
fayepopper #4
Chapter 75: HUHUHUHU author nim, it's already 2017
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 75: Chapter 67: good luck on ur exams!!! Hwaiting!!!
Skatergirl #6
update soon!! :D
Chapter 75: Waaahhhh! Please update! The story is great :3
Chapter 9: Fighting scene---- the girl was narrating and all she wanted is to catch a butterfly in the garden!! HAHAHA
Chapter 25: It's a really great story! I love it :) It's the first time I've read a AFF without getting bored! And I like Yongjin's character! Thumb's up for your story!
Chapter 74: Aww Myungsoo and Youngjin should be a couple.
I like this story and who is Myung's boss?