That's LIFE

Narrator's POV

Youngjin had packed her things for lunch and was on her way to Woori’s chair. But then, she tripped over nothing, making her things fall to the ground, revealing a classified ads in a newspaper. Woori caught sight of it and immediately picked it up. “Why do you have this?” Woori asked her. Youngjin gulped. “Ah… I forgot to tell you the night we talked,” “Tell me what?” “I… got fired,” Youngjin smiled weakly. “Come on, let’s eat first and I’ll think about it first,” Woori said.


It was PE and the boys played soccer while the girls played dodge ball. As usual, Woori wasn't allowed to play. Noticing Woori, Younjin let herself get hit just to accompany her friend. She sat beside her but Woori said, pushing her lightly, "I'm okay here. Go play there," "Ehhhh, I wanna play with you. I never played with you," Youngjin whined. Seeing different sides of Youngjin's personality was something new. To add more, she has been experiencing financial problems and still got the energy to act like this.

"I don't get you," Woori blurted out which stirred a confusion in Youngjin. "What don't you get about me?" Youngjin asked. "Most of the time, you're so cold as ice and now, you're acting like a kid," Woori explained. "Heh, I have my moments," Youngjin chuckled while shrugging her shoulders like an innocent defendant.

Woori laughed as she asked, "So… what do we play?" "Let's fight!!!" "What?!" "Thumb War!!!" Youngjin shouted as she showed Woori her thumb. "Oh, you're on!" Woori laughed and accepted the invitation to the duel. The 2 started the game but it took long enough before somebody won. "Nam Woori wins!" they heard someone shouted beside them. They turned their heads to see who that person was, to be so loud about a game.

"Mr. Lee?" Woori said, confused. How come they never noticed he was there? "Ah! My turn, my turn! Winner gets to face the champion!" Jaewon gleefully said. "I'm the best in town, that is! Oh and go back to class, Lee Youngjin," Jaewon added. Youngjin glared at him and walked away. She lied down on a bench and rested her arm on her forehead, blocking the sunllight. All she ever wanted was let the time pass.


Changjo was walking down the streets, about to go see Youngjin. The young lad planned to surprise her in her apartment. Changjo treated her like his real older sister he once had. He bought Youngjin's favorite Bungeoppang. He was walking but then was blocked by a group of familiar group of guys.

He tried to ignore them but then, one smirked and punched him. Changjo dropped the plastic bag where Youngjin's treat was. He groaned and tried to fight back but he was outnumbered plus, this group was one of the best gangs. He couldn't win without the other Teen Top members. And so, they started beating him. Getting hard punches and kicks from them knocked him out from his consciousness.


Myungsoo noticed Youngjin was nowhere to be found. She was with neither Woori nor with the other girls. “Have you seen Youngjin?” He asked Woori, who was still having a Thumb War with the teacher. “She’s… somewhere. Oh, there!” Woori said as she pointed to the bench where she was. He smirked as he went to the bench.

Myungsoo removed her arm on her forehead, revealing Youngjin’s sleeping face. He contemplated what his eyes were seeing. Never had he seen such face he never thought would captivate him. He moved closer, inch by inch. His face was getting neared to hers.

Oblivious was she to what was happening until her eyes fluttered open. She had seen this face before in the classroom when he was sleeping. But it was obviously, not this close. The 2 stared into each other’s eyes deeply. Before Myungsoo could move closer, his face came in contact with Youngjin’s palm.

“ert,” she said. With her hand still on his face, he smirked, then, moved away. Youngjin sat up and rubbed her eyes. Myungsoo smiled as he ruffled her hair with words mumbled, “Cute Kid,” She slapped his hand and glared at him, “Don’t touch me, ert,”

“Okay, okay,” he said with a laugh. There was a moment of silence before Youngjin spoke, “Ugh, I’m so sleepy,” Sleepless nights had passed. She had been searching for jobs but failed oh-so miserably.  

Myungsoo suddenly hugged her by the waist. “Let’s sleep, honey,” he said as he closed his eyes. Youngjin’s eyes grew as wide as saucers. She tried to pry his arms off but he only held on tighter. “Yah!” she shouted but got no response.

She again tried to pry him off but had no luck. The next technique she tried totally got him off of her. She slapped his back hard, countless times. “Ah, ah, ah!” Myungsoo finally got off as his back started to ache.

Youngjin smirked and then walked away, leaving the pained Myungsoo. He caught up with her and tried to get his revenge but her phone rang so he was not able to do it because of manners. “Changjo, what’s up?” Youngjin spoke. “Annyeong,” a different and familiar voice spoke. Youngjin didn’t answer back, instead hung up.

Meanwhile… “What the ?!” Jinyoung cursed. “Why? What’s wrong?” Gonchan, his blonde friend asked. “She hung up on me,”Jinyoung answered. Baro and CNU started laughing and giving each other high-five. Jinyoung glared at the 2. Sandeul, however, went near to Jinyoung and smacked his head. “Pabo, let this guy talked to her first before talking. Aish, don’t you watch gangster movies?” he said.


Something was definitely wrong. She knew Changjo. He wouldn’t let anyone touch his phone except for him and Youngjin. She then used GPS to track him down. Something was not right. “Who’s that?” Myungsoo asked. “No one,” she answered.

Her phone rang again and it was from Changjo again. “Yo,” “Noona,” “Changjo, what’s up?” “Lee Youngjin,” Jinyoung spoke as he snatched the phone from Changjo. Why is an talking to me using Changjo’s phone?,” Youngjin said. “Arrogant, huh? If you still want to see Changjo without broken bones, come here. We’re waiting,” he said and ended the call.

He didn’t tell the location because he knows Youngjin is smart and she would be able to find them.

She muttered a curse as her fist clenched. Then she began to run towards Woori, leaving Myungsoo behind. “What’s up?” Woori asked. “He got Changjo,” Youngjin answered. “What?!” Woori stood up abruptly. “Go!” Woori shouted her as Youngjin dashed towards the school gate.

But then, she was blocked by Lee Jae Won, “Where are you going?” “Move,” she firmly said. “It’s not yet dismissal,” She wanted to be there fast but Jae Won was in the way. “I said MOVE!” Youngjin shouted. Her deadly aura started to show. “No,” Jae Won was persistent. Out of nowhere, her hands gripped on his collar. Disrespect to a teacher was what it looked like but she didn’t care.

She knew this was worth it because Changjo was one of the people who were there when she was in a mess. Also, because of her, he got involved with her own problem. “If something happens to my friend, it will happen to you as well,” she threatened, gritting her teeth.

“A true friend, that’s what you are. You are ready to defy all the odds just for a friend. Go,” Jae Won calmly said. Even though she was confused, she went ahead. She ran and ran, then dialed L. Joe’s number. “Yah! They got Changjo! Old warehouse down the block!” With that, she hung up, without letting him talk.

She had reached the place, an abandoned warehouse, just like where Yonghwa was taken. The door was locked. She was just human and couldn’t destroy the door. She spotted a sledge hammer and picked it up then started breaking the lock.

Soon enough the lock broke. She kicked the door open and then walked inside. She tossed carelessly the sledge hammer aside. “Well, well, well,” Jinyoung spoke. “I expected you to come here sooner. What a disappointment,” he added. Youngjin smirked, “I don’t wake up every day to live up to your expectations,”

“Noona!” Changjo, who was bound to the chair, shouted. “Changjo, what are you doing here? How dare you let them hurt you,” Youngjin said. “I’m sorry,” he answered. “Enough!” Jinyoung shouted. “Lee Youngjin, because of you, I lost my brother,” he added. “Do you really know what happened?” Youngjin asked. “I don’t care what really happened. You should have been dead instead of him!” he shouted.

Suddenly, “Changjo!” 5 guys shouted, Teen Top. They rushed to Youngjin. “Welcome to the party. Thank you for joining us,” Jinyoung smirked. The, Teen Top saw Changjo, his face bruised and his lip cut. “You bastard!” Chunji shouted at Jinyoung and was about to attack him but Youngjin stopped him.

She stepped forward, “What do you want?” “One on one,” Jinyoung answered. “Call,”

They positioned their selves, getting ready for battle. Jinyoung had prepared his self for this. When Youngjin decided to change, she finished all the fights including the one with B1A4. She made a deal with the other gangs that if she wins, they wouldn’t look after her. With this, she got her gang in number one of the scariest gangs.

Jinyoung still thought the fight wasn’t enough. He wanted to beat her and her gang. He assailed on her with a punch but she responded a dodge. He attacked again but she only pushed him. After some time, that was the cycle. “Stop making me a fool!” he exploded. His speed of attacking increased and so did Youngjin’s dodging speed.

“You should have been dead!” Jinyoung shouted with a punch. “He should have been alive!” with another punch, he shouted. The other Teen Top members and B1A4 members watched the 2 fight. From the looks of it, Jinyoung was about to lose.

“You, coward! I know you’re getting tired. FIGHT BACK!” he continued to shout. Myungsoo and Woori reached the old warehouse. Thanks to modern technology, they were able to trace where Youngjin rushed to. Woori and Myungsoo stepped forward to stop the fight but Teen Top stopped them. “Ah, who are you?” Ricky suddenly asked Myungsoo. “L,” Myungsoo answered. They stopped talking and continued to watch the fight.

Understanding him with his pain, she needed to put a stop to his suffering. She stopped dodging and sent a punch upwards with her fist upside down, and struck his stomach. This sudden movement surprised the rest. Jinyoung fell to his knees, then to the floor as his breathing restricted. His hand clutched onto his stomach, wincing. “How much do you want to hit me? Huh? Do you think hitting me would bring Yonghwa back to life?” With her words, he got quiet, everyone did.

Youngjin sighed in annoyance. “Fine. Hit me. After taking out your anger on me, will you be happy?” she continued. Then on, he didn’t know what to do. He blamed his brother’s death on her just for him to have someone to take out his anger on.

“Your brother died with honor and he’s a hero. And what are you doing?” she said. “You’re destroying it with your anger!” Youngjin shouted, finally losing it. “Instead of living in the present, you keep on focusing on what’s in the past. What good will it do to you?” she continued. “You only live once so make the best out of it!"

She sighed as the rest were dumbfounded. She walked towards Changjo and B1A4 made way as they could see the murderous aura she had around her. She went behind Changjo and loosened the rope. He wiggled his wrists to feel comfortable. Youngjin glared at the rest of B1A4. “You could have saved him from this misery,” she told them.

“Let’s go,” she told Teen Top, Myungsoo and Woori and then walked ahead. The 8 people followed her. Jinyoung smirked as she was gone. Youngjin left B1A4 to have something to ponder on. Yes, anger. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned, the one who gets hurt in the end.

Youngjin walked very far from the rest but Myungsoo went to her side. “Hey, noona was amazing awhile ago, right?” Ricky nudged Niel. “Yeah. Confucius Noona!” Niel called her. Myungsoo laughed at hearing the name. Youngjin turned around to meet Niel’s eyes and sent her infamous cold expression, letting him die in the cold wilderness. “Ah, so cold!” he whined to CAP.

The rest laughed. “You did well,” Myungsoo said as he slung his arm around her shoulders. “Aish!” she cursed as she pushed his arm off. Teen Top and Woori had seen this seen. Chunji together with Niel, Ricky and the bruised Changjo, rushed to Youngjin and hugged her, keeping her away from Myungsoo. “She’s ours!” the 4 Teen Top members shouted.

“AH! LET GO!” Youngjin shouted but the 4 wouldn’t budge. “One!” she started counting but they wouldn’t move. “If I reached 3 and you’re not gonna let go, you know what will happen!” she shouted. “Two! Thr-“Before she could say 3, the 4 pushed her to Myungsoo and ran away. Her back hit his chest. He held her arms so that she wouldn’t fall to the sides.

Youngjin turned her head to him, and their eyes met. The 2 stared at each other and felt the same thing, their heart beating madly and as if time stopped. “EHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM!” Woori and L. Joe coughed loudly, making the 2 stop. Youngjin stood up and muttered thanks which Myungsoo heard.

“Oh yeah,” She said, as she remembered something else. She looked around, searching for the 4. As her eyes landed on the 4 boys, who were grinning sheepishly, she smirked at them and walked towards them. The 4 boys widened their eyes and started backing away.

Myungsoo, Woori, CAP and L. Joe walked together, as they watched the 5 play around. “She’s one of a kind, huh,” Woori spoke to CAP, and L. Joe, who nodded. “Yeah. She’s special,” CAP replied. “I sometimes think she’s superhuman,” L. Joe spoke. She’s interesting, Myungsoo thought.

“Noona, c-calm yourself,” Ricky said. “I am calm,” she answered. “Then, stop! Don’t come near us!” Ricky shouted. “Why should I? I’m just gonna hug you, guys,” she said, gritting her teeth. “You have a different meaning of hug,” Chunji said. Her stare was absolutely deadly and what added more to the suspense was her footsteps. Suddenly, Changjo fell down to his knees, and started begging for his dear life. “Ahhh! Noona! I am sorry. I am really sorry! Please don’t hit me,” he begged.

“Araso,” she said and walked towards the other 3, who one by one started begging for their lives. “Ahh! We’re sorry! We love you,” they said. “No. Treat me Bungeoppang!” she demanded, which reminded Changjo of something. “Ah! I bought lots of Bungeoppang but Jinyoung and the others started beating the hell out of me! I forgot where I dropped them,” he told Youngjin.

Her eyes grew wide and clenched her fist. She tried to go back to the warehouse but CAP and L. Joe stopped her. “No! Let me go! My Bungeoppang is gone because of him!” she shouted. Woori laughed, Youngjin doesn’t get mad at very serious things but gets mad at things like those involving food.

Myungsoo watched Youngjin and found himself smiling... more like smirking as he found his new interest.



Anyway, how are you? Did you miss me? I missed you guys! I've been feeling bad, not being able to update soon. :(

Ppyong! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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Will soon be baaaaaaaack!!


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i'm cleaning out my subscription list and this hasn't been updated in a long's been a great story though
Has this been discontinued?
Suga_swag_03 #3
Chapter 75: Update
fayepopper #4
Chapter 75: HUHUHUHU author nim, it's already 2017
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 75: Chapter 67: good luck on ur exams!!! Hwaiting!!!
Skatergirl #6
update soon!! :D
Chapter 75: Waaahhhh! Please update! The story is great :3
Chapter 9: Fighting scene---- the girl was narrating and all she wanted is to catch a butterfly in the garden!! HAHAHA
Chapter 25: It's a really great story! I love it :) It's the first time I've read a AFF without getting bored! And I like Yongjin's character! Thumb's up for your story!
Chapter 74: Aww Myungsoo and Youngjin should be a couple.
I like this story and who is Myung's boss?