
Sing Me A Song


"I have to go soon." JongWoon sighed quietly.
"Why?" RyeoWook asked, a little crestfallen.
"I have piano lessons." JongWoon muttered quietly.
"You have piano lessons? Oh, okay. I guess I don't want to make you late then." the younger sighed.
"Sorry." JongWoon said softly as he gently unwrapped the younger from around him, and slid off the ledge.
"It's alright. Will you be at school tomorrow?"
JongWoon nodded, and gave the younger a small smile, before leaving.

JongWoon walked through he grass of the school as he headed home. he went to school after everyone else left so he could pick up some homework he had missed through out the month.

JongWoon sighed quietly to himself as he walked, when someone called out to him.
"Hey JongWoon."
JongWoon turned to look back, to see JungSu leaning coolly against the trunk of a willow tree. JongWoon would've sworn he wasn't there just a moment ago though.
"Oh, JungSu. Hi." JongWoon said, stopping and turning fully around to face the elder.
JungSu's expression looked dark and troubled. He glanced up at JongWoon and said: "be cautious of your choices." before straightening up, and turned to walk away.
"w-wait! What do you mean?!" JongWoon asked, starting to run after the other, but JungSu was gone already.
JongWoon held his breath and glanced around the empty campus.
He was nowhere in sighed.
He shuttered, and quickly walked back home.


Be Cautious of your choices




RyeoWook stayed up on the roof, humming happily to himself as he watched JongWoon walk away from the school, though for some reason, the elder stopped to look back.
RyeoWook watched as JongWoon finally turned back around and walked back home, when a voice spoke out.
"Kim RyeoWook."
The poor boy jumped and nearly fell off the ledge again.
"JungSu!" RyeoWook screamed angrily, completely ignoring the Korean manners of respecting the elder’s right then, and glared over his shoulder at LeeTeuk.
But the elders stern expression did not waver.
RyeoWook cringed beneath the elder's gaze, and slowly turned around to face JungSu obediently.
"Sorry." RyeoWook muttered quietly, but once again, JungSu just waved him off.
"I want to tell you something important, Kim RyeoWook." JungSu sighed, walking towards the younger.
"w-what? Am I going to die?!" RyeoWook gasped.
LeeTeuk stopped walking, and gave the younger a weird look. "Excuse me,  but what the are you ranting about, boy?! I can understand someone's feelings, but not predict someone's death date!" LeeTeuk said, rolling his eyes.
RyeoWook cleared his throat awkwardly. "Right. Sorry. What do you want to tell me?"
JungSu sighed and looked up from the ground, straight at RyeoWook. "Remember this. he said. "Beware of who you become friends with, and remember, keep your turtle close."
RyeoWook swallowed nervously. JungSu was scaring him now.
“Wh-What do you mean? Am I not supposed to be with-"
RyeoWook was cut off mid-sentence by LeeTeuk who held up a hand to stop the boys ranting.
"That’s all I'm going to tell you. I can not choose or re-create your destiny." JungSu said, slowly walking backwards towards the door again. "What needs to happen will happen, depending on your own choices. I've already told you too much. You're on your own now, Kim RyeoWook. And please remember what I told you, or you'll regret what you will do." JungSu warned.
"W-wait! You make it sound like I'll make more friends! Wh-when will I make those friends?!" RyeoWook asked panickly.
"Only time will tell."  JungSu said quietly.
"Is this the last time I'll see you again?! W-Will I ever see you again?!" RyeoWook asked, quickly sliding off the ledge and walking towards JungSu. RyeoWook had grown to become dependent on the elder and seek help from him. He needed the walking fortune cookie named Park JungSu.
The elder just smiled lightly. "As I said, little one. Only time could tell."
RyeoWook sniffled. " So you're really leaving me?" he asked, stopping 2 feet away from the elder.
"You could put it that way." JungSu smiled. 'But I'll be there for you in times of need." he said, ruffling RyeoWook's hair lightly.
"Promise?" RyeoWook sniffled.
"I Promise." LeeTeuk smiled.
"You're confusing me, but your words sound a bit more reassuring at least." RyeoWook said, tears glistening in his eyes. When the elder ruffled RyeoWook's hair lightly, that was the first contact they've ever made, besides the time JungSu grabbed his shirt to keep him from falling. Even then, it was only his shirt.
The light touch as comforting, and it made RyeoWook feel better.
Yes, RyeoWook might've only known JungSu for a couple of days, but it was long enough for RyeoWook to have feelings towards the elder. (Not romance wise. Just strong respect)

RyeoWook sniffled again. "Can I have a hug?" he asked, giving the elder his puppy eyes.
JungSu frowned. "No. Most definitely not." he said sternly, but the younger just tackled him into a bear hug, nearly knocking the elder off his feet.
"I'll miss you!" RyeoWook cried.
"Hey! Quit that! You're making it sound cheesier than needed!" LeeTeuk said, trying to pry the younger away, but RyeoWook just clung on tighter. SkinShip was not JungSu's thing.
RyeoWook just ignored the elder's complaints and held on tighter, remembering the familiar scent of smoke and alcohol.
LeeTeuk sighed in defeat, and just patted the younger's head awkwardly.
RyeoWook finally pulled away after a couple of minutes, smiling happily.
"Remember what I said, alright?" JungSu asked.
RyeoWook nodded and smiled reassuringly.
"So today will be the last day I'll see you?" RyeoWook asked sadly.
"Sure. but only in times you need me badly, I will be there." JungSu smiled, and stepped through the door, immediately disappearing.
This time, RyeoWook didn't bother to go after him, knowing that he won't be there either way.
But what if I need you now?
RyeoWook thought to himself as he turned back to grab his backpack.
But then, there he saw, on the ledge, a lollipop.

Just like LeeTeuk had promised him, he will be there when RyeoWook needed him.
Another lollipop left behind to remind the younger to ease the bitter thoughts, and enjoy the life of sweetness while you can.
RyeoWook smiled happily, and put the lollipop into his pocket, before picking up a sharp rock from the ground.
He used the rock to roughly engrave a pair of Angel wings on the white paint of the ledhe in memory of his walking fortune cookie, that doesn't walk or greet people like a normal human being.




Beware of who you become friends with.
Keep your turtle Close



Here's your small chapter that literally just gave away what will happen later if you are a deep thinker :D

Anyhoo........Hope you guys are enjoying it :D If so, PLEASE comment and tell me, because otherwise I'll naturally assume that it's not good, and dis-continue this story :(



Just look at this Bunny pole dance! Sorry, thought I'd just show you this adorable bunny^^~ GO BUNNY GO! GO BUNNY GO!






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1639 streak #1
Chapter 29: Oh I would have loved to read more to this story. It feels like an open end or more like an unfinished plot because you promised more here. A pity because I'm curious where Yewook's story goes after meeting again. Btw, I'm happy Wookie finally meets his past lover, but it would be nice to read about Jongwoon's feelings after two years. But thank you for sharing and keeping Yewook's journey after such a long time ❤️❤️
1639 streak #2
Chapter 28: Please don't tell me this is the ending of their sweet romance! This can't be! It's not fair. The things Jongwoon blames Wookie for ge had known before he went to hospital and lost his memories. I hoped with gaining his memories back Jongwoon will be more understanding. But he's running away like a coward leaving Wookie behind. This will break Ryeonggu forever. My heart is shattered into pieces. But thank you for sharing.
1639 streak #3
Chapter 27: I'm still convinced that Jongwoon is doing Wookie wrong here. Before the horrible moment with Changmin that lead him to the hospital, Jongwoon was willing to try for Wookie. He wanted to see where this will go and now he's treating Wookie like a traitor. That's not fair to Ryeonggu. And I think without Jongwoon's decision to block Wookie from his memory they won't be at the point where they're now. I can't but feel sorry the most for Wookie here. Thank you for this.
1639 streak #4
Chapter 26: I still don't understand why his mind tell him not to remember. With the idiot Changmin here, it was the first Wookie ever got violent with. And here he has a reason. Changmin by the way is a jerk her. Acting like a lover when he formally was only a friend. And what kind of manipulative Yunho must be when he turned two former best friends into something like that. Ok, Changmin must have been an idiot from the start when he decided to join someone who bullies his buddy. And he was the one punching Jongwoon to the hospital. Hope he gets what he deserves one day. Thank you for sharing.
1639 streak #5
Chapter 25: Domestic Yewook are my favorites ^^ I feel you Wookie. How to resist that y bastard next to you in bed? On the other hand Jongwoon must be so strong when he can resist a Wookie walking around... But they're so adorable like that. Wish there could be an opportunity for them to stay like that forever. Thank you for writing ❤️
1639 streak #6
Chapter 24: This morning moment was so sweet and fluffy. My Yewook heart is jumping in happiness. I wish for them to get more of this tender moments with each other without worrying what's waiting outside the doors. Yewook deserve a happy world. Thank you for writing and sharing ❤️
1639 streak #7
Chapter 22: I love them having a hot moments with each other at the roof just to be all sweet and soft later. Just hope Jongwoon won't be pissed at Wookie when he gains his memories back. I wish for more Yewook sweetness ❤️ Thank you.
1639 streak #8
Chapter 21: An interresting way to try to get the memory back. Hope they will be successful XD But they could need a little more practice. So go on boys and bring Yeye hyungs memory back XD XD I like it how fragile and soft Wookie becomes when fighting for his lover to remember him. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️
1639 streak #9
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Wookie. He didn't do anything wrong until that moment. I still think forgetting about Ryeowook on purpose was the wrong way Jongwoon had chosen. This will turn him into something Jongwoon never want to, even faster. Thank you as always ❤️
1639 streak #10
Chapter 19: Oh my, it's exactly what I thought. But I think Jongwoon's original intention for Wookie giving up on his revenge when his lover forgets about will have the exact opposite effect. I'm afraid this will push Wookie even more into the arms of Heechul's gang. Both need to understand that the only thing they need in life is each other... Thank you for this ❤️