A Heavy Burden

Sing Me A Song

***Note***: This is a double update, so please read chapter 11 if you haven't :D


“Why can’t you be just like any other teenager?” His father yelled.

“I don’t want to be like them, Appa! They’re arrogant and ruthless!” Jongwoon yelled back, glaring angrily at the floor as his father lectured him.

“At least change your closet! You wear black or gray all the time! You make it look like someone just died and you’re burying yourself in self pity!” His father spat.

“But this is who I am, Appa. I can’t just……change! It’s not me! I don’t want to be someone I’m not!” Jongwoon said, clenching his small hands together into fists by his side.

“You can’t even make any friends! What am I going to do with you, Kim Jongwoon?! Your mother and I raised you as best as we could!” His father said exasperatedly.

“If I’m such a disappoint to you, why’d mom give birth to me then?! Why haven’t you just sent me to an orphanage then?! Everything I do seem like it’s not enough for you!” Jongwoon spat back angrily.

His father brought his hand back and slapped Jongwoon across the face and the boy stumbled back from the impact.
“Your mother had hope in you to change before she died, but so far, you are a disappointment. At least you know you are a burden to me, Kim Jongwoon.” His father snapped back.

Jongwoon fought the tears back as he stood there, clutching his red cheek.
So he had been a burden to his dad all along.
The only person that ever loved him, died 4 years ago.
Everything was wrong about Jongwoon. He is nothing to everyone.
Even Ryeowook.

Jongwoon took a step back as he looked up at his father through his long, dark bangs.
“So I’ve been nothing but a burden to you?” he asked quietly, his hand still clutching his bruising cheek.

“Yes. A heavy package that your mother left behind for me to carry forever.” His father said coldly.

Jongwoon just looked back down in acceptance, before walking backwards a couple of steps, and then sprinted up the stairs towards his room, the only place that showed comfort to him.


2:00 AM

Jongwoon pulled his duffel bag out from beneath his bed, and tossed it onto his bed, before walking over to his closet and pulled out all of his clothes, and jammed most of them into the duffel bag.

Anything else that was important to him, he also shoved into the bag, before zipping it up quickly, and opened his room window.
He peeked out to see a 20 foot drop.
If he jumped towards the tree by his window, he could crawl down to the floor.
But if he misses, it’ll be a painful drop. But he’ll survive.

He gently dropped the duffel bag out the window, before slowly climbing out himself.

Jongwoon jumped lightly, and landed on a sturdy branch of the large tree.
He slowly climbed his way down the large tree, but the branches stopped 10 feet above the grassy ground.
He sighed quietly in defeat, before jumping lightly again, and landed on his feet, but fell back on his bottom when sudden pain shot up his legs.
He slowly got back up and winced. He quickly checked if he broke or fractured anything, but luckily, he didn’t.

Jongwoon sighed sadly to himself before quickly dusting himself off, and grabbed his duffel bag that he had dropped out the window purposely earlier.

Leaving was the only thing in Jongwoon’s mind currently.
If he was such trouble to everyone, why not find somewhere else where they’ll actually accept him? Like the poor people. They accept any sort of people with different flaws.

He walked down the quiet and dark streets, sniffling quietly to himself, but stopped in front of a house.

Kim Ryeowook’s house.

It was already three in the morning.
The younger would be deep asleep by now.
But maybe it’s best to at least see the younger one last time before leaving.

He knew where Ryeowook lived because Ryeowook continuously gave the elder his address and asked if Jongwoon could come over and ‘help him with his homework’, but Jongwoon always rejected him.
He didn’t want to meet the younger’s parents. He knew that they spoiled the younger rotten, and Jongwoon feared those type of people.
Anyone that is always happy, and lives in perfect family.
That’s why Jongwoon had been so hesitant to become friends with Ryeowook.

Jongwoon winced at the thought of what happened earlier in the afternoon.
“Kim JongWoon, you’re going to regret you made this choice.” The elder muttered quietly to himself, before walking around the house, and stopped in front of a large and tall tree that was right in front of Ryeowook’s room window.

How did he know it was the younger’s? Probably because he could see that the walls inside the room were painted a light purple, and there were what seemed to be a pile of giraffe stuff animals piled up on a dresser.

He gently set his bag down by the trunk of the large tree, and slowly began to climb up it.



Haha. Sorry. Another short chapter. and a cliff hanger :)

Oh well.

More updates for you tomorrow! yaaaaayyyyyy~

Could you guys please tell me why this story is good?
Because I'm starting to think that this stories actually going downhill. pretty badly.
And since I'm working on other stories, and flippin testing is coming up at school, I think I might as well just stop this story and focus more on my more popular stories.

PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS ♥ (That means you, silent reader =.=)

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1639 streak #1
Chapter 29: Oh I would have loved to read more to this story. It feels like an open end or more like an unfinished plot because you promised more here. A pity because I'm curious where Yewook's story goes after meeting again. Btw, I'm happy Wookie finally meets his past lover, but it would be nice to read about Jongwoon's feelings after two years. But thank you for sharing and keeping Yewook's journey after such a long time ❤️❤️
1639 streak #2
Chapter 28: Please don't tell me this is the ending of their sweet romance! This can't be! It's not fair. The things Jongwoon blames Wookie for ge had known before he went to hospital and lost his memories. I hoped with gaining his memories back Jongwoon will be more understanding. But he's running away like a coward leaving Wookie behind. This will break Ryeonggu forever. My heart is shattered into pieces. But thank you for sharing.
1639 streak #3
Chapter 27: I'm still convinced that Jongwoon is doing Wookie wrong here. Before the horrible moment with Changmin that lead him to the hospital, Jongwoon was willing to try for Wookie. He wanted to see where this will go and now he's treating Wookie like a traitor. That's not fair to Ryeonggu. And I think without Jongwoon's decision to block Wookie from his memory they won't be at the point where they're now. I can't but feel sorry the most for Wookie here. Thank you for this.
1639 streak #4
Chapter 26: I still don't understand why his mind tell him not to remember. With the idiot Changmin here, it was the first Wookie ever got violent with. And here he has a reason. Changmin by the way is a jerk her. Acting like a lover when he formally was only a friend. And what kind of manipulative Yunho must be when he turned two former best friends into something like that. Ok, Changmin must have been an idiot from the start when he decided to join someone who bullies his buddy. And he was the one punching Jongwoon to the hospital. Hope he gets what he deserves one day. Thank you for sharing.
1639 streak #5
Chapter 25: Domestic Yewook are my favorites ^^ I feel you Wookie. How to resist that y bastard next to you in bed? On the other hand Jongwoon must be so strong when he can resist a Wookie walking around... But they're so adorable like that. Wish there could be an opportunity for them to stay like that forever. Thank you for writing ❤️
1639 streak #6
Chapter 24: This morning moment was so sweet and fluffy. My Yewook heart is jumping in happiness. I wish for them to get more of this tender moments with each other without worrying what's waiting outside the doors. Yewook deserve a happy world. Thank you for writing and sharing ❤️
1639 streak #7
Chapter 22: I love them having a hot moments with each other at the roof just to be all sweet and soft later. Just hope Jongwoon won't be pissed at Wookie when he gains his memories back. I wish for more Yewook sweetness ❤️ Thank you.
1639 streak #8
Chapter 21: An interresting way to try to get the memory back. Hope they will be successful XD But they could need a little more practice. So go on boys and bring Yeye hyungs memory back XD XD I like it how fragile and soft Wookie becomes when fighting for his lover to remember him. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️
1639 streak #9
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I feel sorry for Wookie. He didn't do anything wrong until that moment. I still think forgetting about Ryeowook on purpose was the wrong way Jongwoon had chosen. This will turn him into something Jongwoon never want to, even faster. Thank you as always ❤️
1639 streak #10
Chapter 19: Oh my, it's exactly what I thought. But I think Jongwoon's original intention for Wookie giving up on his revenge when his lover forgets about will have the exact opposite effect. I'm afraid this will push Wookie even more into the arms of Heechul's gang. Both need to understand that the only thing they need in life is each other... Thank you for this ❤️