Chapter 3: Hide or Be

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          It was 6pm on a humid Friday night, the school campus was buzzling with people. There were food carts busily selling food and mini games where people cheered winning prizes. I stood together with the other contestants on our school building entrance like a make shift stage. I saw Layna participating for her arts club. Spooky music was loudly coming out off the huge speakers.

          “Are you ready folks for the Hide or Get Alien Abducted!” The host shouted. The crowed cheered.

         “When I say go, the humans…” People laughed. “Will start running and find their hiding spot anywhere inside the building. Know that exits are monitored by Aliens and another group of Aliens will look for you after 3 minutes of hiding time. Afther 30 minutes of search, our survivors will reappear as winners! So, hide wisely!” People cheered once again.

          “Are you Ready… Set… Hide!”

          We started running under a dark corridor. I saw a glowing green Alien costume from a far. I hastily ran to another direction. I went up to the second floor. I thought of hiding in our class room but, quickly, realized it was too obvious. Suddenly, I remembered the storage room that was always open. I rushed to the room saw no one was heading in that area. I crouched down and hastily crawled to the room. Slowly opened the door and went inside. No one was inside. Good. I looked for an area where I could hide. It was dark inside the room but the blurred glass door was able to emulate light from the outside campus' bright fluorescent lights.  The only best place that I was able to find was a long upright locker about 5 feet. ‘A bit smaller but I should fit,’ I thought.  I pried open the door and could feel a black sleeping back upright. I squeezed myself in and closed the door. I could hear the muffled noise from outside. I thought to myse

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