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Heewon only needed a fake boyfriend to get through the six months left of college but Byun Baekhyun from Not All Men corp soon became the one who to take her pictures for instagram, the one to other girls with her, the one to help her with homework, the one to buy her ice cream during periods. But he’s only a fake boyfriend, she’ll have to let go of him soon.



Heewon only needed a fake boyfriend to get through the six months left of college but Byun Baekhyun from Not All Men corp soon became the one to take her pictures for instagram, the one to other girls with her, the one to help her with homework, the one to buy her ice cream during periods, just...the sweetest boyfriend she never had.

Does she really have to let this paradise go now?


" Between ice cream and you, you just might be my favourite "


Byun Baekhyun


Lee Heewon




“Aren’t you the...aren’t you the freshman--”


“Who tripped on the stairs on his first day at college and broke the ice cream machine at the cafeteria...yes.” He takes the words right out of and also includes a cute hehe as he extends his hand towards her. “Byun Baekhyun from Not All Men corp., your fake boyfriend for six months. Nice to meet you, Heewon Lee.”


Heewon studied his face before opening the door wider for him to enter her dorm. Baekhyun neatly placed his shoes on the doormat before stepping inside. “Hmm, lavender...I like it,” throwing the comment in the air, he plops down on the couch. With a bright smile on his face, he says, “Shall we go over the terms, Ms. Lee?”


“I...are you...what are your qualifications?”


Baekhyun takes a deep breath before opening his mouth again, “I’ve handled such business thrice, very successfully and I’m still friends with the women I’ve fakedated. I am extremely attentive to details, I am honest, compassionate, will listen to the stories of how your ex left you and come with a fairly good sense of humor, I maintain hygiene, can cook, can take good pictures, can watch horror films...oh and I have a tattoo.”


He spoke so fast that she could only hear a handful of his qualifications. Baekhyun grinned from one ear to another. “Also, I only enrolled in this college for you so it is more natural for you to date me. Otherwise, I am already twenty two. Our clients always come first to us so it is important we run the extra mile to make sure you have the best experience with us.”


“Uh,” Heewon’s mouth opened to say something but she didn’t know what to ask. He didn’t look twenty two. He could pass as a real freshman kid…? Baekhyun sat there, fluttering his sparkly eyes, which made her smile for no reason at all. “D-Do you do ual--”


“You will need a special pass for that.”


“I see.”


“So let’s go over the terms of our fake relationship, Heewon?” He says her name, making her shiver a little. Heewon holds his gaze before sitting down on her revolving chair.




I hope you’re my money’s worth.



Author's Note

beng beng beng new story!

This is for dreamshun and I just hope I do a good job with it. Your subscription, comment and votes all make me feel very loved. Thank you so much. Yes, I will update my other stories soon too!

Also, SehunieNuna left me this and I will hang it in my wall:



This amazing poster was designed by FLOWINGALIS from:

BEEB gfx.

this story has seen the light of a lot of your screens because my bro dreamshun is an angel and she has promoted this story in the ad after struggling to win for days 😭😭 no, weeks 😭😭😭 thank you to everyone who stays and reads paradise 😭😭 it's all because of her this story even exists 😭😭


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38 streak #1
Chapter 5: My heart breaks for Heewon every ing time. I hope she can realise her worth soon...
38 streak #2
Chapter 3: This part never fails to make me cry🥺😭
38 streak #3
Chapter 1: Stupid me just now realised that I haven't commented here before although I have read it quite a few times :(
SummerLuv #4
Chapter 5: Woah both of them catching feelings for heewon. I guess she probably has a tough life because of her family etc., that's why she wants to be noticed so badly, and social media gives her that... That's sad. Hope baekhyun can make her feel that life is more than that.
SummerLuv #5
Chapter 1: Lmao she's so desperate 😂
Chapter 3: I’m not even an EXOL but I’m addicted to your stories!
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!
1925 streak #8
is anybody there?
1925 streak #9
Chapter 5: Baekhyun is a saint, these three would have driven me mad.