Housemate Chronicles

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In which, the ice queen and the class clown live together.
And try to get along.
And try to not kill each other. 
And, most importantly, try to not fall in love.'s truly quite difficult.




Oh Sehun, 24

fashion designer

drama queen, writes sometimes

whines 24/7 , walks in sleep


Choi Hanuel, 24
owns an online clothing store

clean freak, loves food

(and only food, hates everything else)



Sehun was definitely not expecting his ex-classmate to be his housemate but here she was, standing before him,
wearing her infamous poker face. He grinned at her, pushing the hood off his head.


Two seconds in but she didn't reply, only stared at that smile on his face as if that was the stupidest thing ever.


"I will expect that you follow the rules," she finally spoke. "And no pets."

No pets? But...he already has a dog and he was pretty sure she even knew that. He was quite loud about it at school
and he made sure everybody knew that he was a dog-dad now but...oh well.
He opened his mouth to protest but she had already slammed the door of her room shut.

With a dejected expression, Sehun stared at it before heaving a huge sigh.


Choi Haneul was still the same.



(by SehunieNuna!)

I was suggested to write this trope by a friend and when I came across a poster and damn, it really triggered my
creative juices to finally write it and post it.
So here it is, my third story, which I hope to finish in time. I want to avoid angst as well, which is quite the
challenge for me. This story will also include red velvet members because i love them so much. Haneul's character
was inspired by these gifs of yeri lol and Sehun's character from exo next door.
if there's anything triggering in the chapter, i will let you know at the start. I will also summarize the whole chapter
in the end so that you don't have to read the chapter if it's triggering, so don't worry.

Your comments, subscriptions, votes, are very very very much welcome
Please support me while i write this story! I'm looking forward to updating the story soon!
Thank you for reading up until this much ^^



To dreamshun who has put in her precious time to design this gift for me. It's a shame she doesn't have a graphic shop, right? She has been one of my main sources of motivation and idk AFF without her at this point lol. Also, pls check this c story of hers out: HERE! 

To SehunieNuna for such a wonderful poster that had me up and running to publish this story ^^ check out her shop too,
she does requests! You can browse through her extra posters and adopt one for your story if you find striking resemblances!
So don't forget to check her shop out!

I have to also thank my friends for being such incredible sources of encouragement, I swear they never run out of things to say
to cheer me up. My friends, Lin, Hems, Chaari and Ash, Rose and Sonia and everyone else, thank you so much! You've been really kind to
me even though i can be very annoying at times T_T


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 20: Hahahaha just gotta add baekhyun to make sehun jealous perhaps? Now I'm curious about these two people's backgrounds like, why are they like this...??
1925 streak #2
subscribers only
1925 streak #3
Chapter 20: despite how random Sehun is, how messy and how hard he is to live with, I cannot help but be curious on his background story because of this chapter. I mean, for you to name everything inside your room to feel less lonely is somewhat lonely right? but lol, I love their progress in this chapter. they are both a mess when they are together but they are weirdly cute. and it may not be obvious but they somewhat click no? or is it just me. haha I wanna see how Sehun starts to tame down and become serious, like how he is in the middle of the chapter which left Haneul speechless for a second but in the end he was just acting. what if it is real? I can see how he can sweep her off her feet. I'm excited for the wedding! 🤍
Chapter 18: gosh, these two are so freaking adobs! hahaha poor spidey but hey, I would react the same way as them. lol. and woah, some dark background there Haneul, what did you do? and huh, what does she needs help from Sehun? hmmm. it gets exciting.
Chapter 17: oh gosh hahaha their revenge saga continues. but, yes Sehun? feeling something there aren't we? 😉 and lol, at that spider, I won't dare coming near that, I'll probably really leave Sehun alone right there.
788 streak #7
Chapter 20: Thank you so much for this update! Finally, a kiss! I really think they secretly like each other, just don’t seem to realize it yet. Also, it’s good that Baekhyun is now involved, he will keep them from killing each other. I can’t wait for the wedding.
Chapter 1: oh, so they're starting their own war. this is interesting. haha and Sehun, get a hold of yourself, you're really asking for your deathbed already huh?
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 20: Hahahah. Baekhyun comes to rescue them. I’ll anticipate the wedding. It’ll surely be interesting. Thanks for this update..!