When One Leaves, the Other Comes

Sweeter than Ice Cream

                “Where’s your boy today?”



                “Oh.” I sighed. It’s been two weeks since I’ve talked to Zelo. When I would go into his classroom in the morning, he wouldn’t be there. His class didn’t do gym outside anymore so I haven’t been able to see him playing outside. He wouldn’t pick up his cell phone when I’d call. I’d try going to the ice cream shops nearby but he would never be there. I was starting to get worried. “I don’t know where he is.”

                Ji Hae also sighed, “I wonder what’s happening with him.”

                I bit my lip. “Me, too,” I mumbled. I let out another long sigh as I ran my hand through my hair. Where could that boy be?



                I looked up to see a tall figure hovering over me. For a split second, my heart jumped because I thought it was Zelo. “H-hey, Young Jae,” I stuttered with a flustered expression. I sat alone at my desk that morning, reading another magazine like always. “Uh, what’s up?”

                Young Jae sighed, “Nothing. I was just wondering how you are.”

                “Oh. Me? I’m fine. How about you, Young Jae?” I sat back in my chair with my arms crossed. My heart was pounding fast but it made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t feel the same way I did when I was with Zelo who I was missing like crazy.

                Young Jae shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m…alright, I guess,” he answered. I awkwardly nodded my head in reply. “Hey,” he added, “Do you want to come with us after school today?” My eyes blinked slowly. By “we,” he met his friends that I talked to when we were still together. There were both girls and guys that he was friends with and sometimes, I felt a bit lonely.

                “Uh, it depends where,” I forcibly chuckled. A crooked smile was on my face as I looked up at Young Jae. He sat down in the seat next to me in the empty seat.

                Young Jae smiled. Nostalgic tingles arose in my stomach. “We’re going bowling and then, ice cream or something.”

                “O-oh.” Once Young Jae said “ice cream,” my heart sunk. I don’t want to eat ice cream if it’s not with Zelo. “T-that’s okay, actually…my mom kind of wants me home early anyway.” Young Jae nodded his head.

                “Alright, you,” Young Jae spoke with slight disappointment. He stood up from the seat abruptly, causing me to jump in my seat. Young Jae grinned, “It was good talking to you.”

                “You, too.” Young Jae his heel to return to his friends laughing loudly. Suddenly, he faced me once again.

                “Hey, you, you know…we should talk more and stuff. We’re still friends, right?”

                I nodded my head. Something inside me was happy yet I was not. “Yeah, we are, Young Jae.” He flashed a smile before walking over to his friends once again. My cheeks puffed up. Great. When Zelo stops talking to me, Young Jae starts. I didn’t know if I should’ve felt happy to be friends with my ex-boyfriend but inside, I felt guilty. 


Hai, guise~ So, here's a short chapter (it's really short >.< Sorry, I'm so lame) including ze wonderful Young Jae wanting to be friends with you, his ex-gf LOL. The story will be coming to an end very soon (not the next chapter though)! Please look forward to it!

Please comment and subscribe! If you haven't done so...Thanks for reading! :D Thank you to all of the current subscribers! You guise are so wonderful :') Stay tuned!

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(May 17, 2012) Hey, dudes. *sigh* Sorry. I SWEAR I will be updating tomorrow. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow but yeah...Thanks for reading! :3


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Heywhathewhatishere #1
why did you did that? o____o
Chapter 7: I'll be definitelly waiting!! Can't wait to continue reading the story :DD <3
Nevrane #3
waiting ^^
hyogyeong #4
i will wait for you :D
I wonder why Zelo avoided her all this while? ><
Omg just confess KBEISSIDJDI.
Kekeke, it's no problem ^^ I'll wait for you patiently~ And I'll be sure to read the new and improved chapters :3
Hwaiting! ^^
hyogyeong #7
pleaseeee update T^T
ayeitsjessa #8
OMO! update please D:
Waeyo??!! It's getting good! Please continue to update! >.<
Chocolato #10
not a BAP fan but this is way toooo cute to not read and subcribe!