
Sweeter than Ice Cream

Throughout the rest of the day, both girls and guys came up to me. None of them were angry, some maybe a bit jealous. “How do you know Zelo?” is what I would usually hear. How will my answer to your question help you in any way? I would think. The other thing that was on my mind was Zelo and our “ice cream” date after school. Well, it’s not really a “date.” I was nervous the rest of the day. Why should I be nervous? He’s just a friendly little boy who wants to be friends. I nodded my head, agreeing with my thoughts. Yeah, that’s it.

                I stretched my arms above my head as the bell rang. Ji Hae and Kyung Mi, who sat in front of me, whipped their heads around. “Are you going to see Zelo now?”

                I shrugged sheepishly. “I guess so,” I answered, bringing my arms back down. We got out of our seats and slipped on our backpacks. Ji Hae and Kyung Mi trailed behind me as I said, “I just hope he doesn’t make me wait for too long.” We took one step out of the classroom.

                “Well, you, I guess you don’t have to wait that long,” I heard Ji Hae mutter from behind me.

                “What?” I asked, turning my head to look at her but before I could fully turn my head, I could see from the end of the hallway, a blonde curly-haired boy dashing towards us.

                “Noona! Noona! Noona!” Zelo yelled, out of breath. His hands were out in front of him as if he was reaching for me. He halted to a stop right in front of us. My eyes widened. Zelo was bending his knees and had his hands resting on them. “I hope you didn’t wait long,” he breathlessly said.

                “Um, no,” I replied. “I just got out of class.”

                “Oh, that’s good,” he exclaimed. Zelo finally stood up straight and looked down at me. “Should we get going?”

                “Sure.” I turned to my friends behind us and gave them slight waves. They gave me smiles but there was a flash of envy in their eyes. I shook my head at their childish looks and followed after Zelo who already walking excitedly ahead of me.

                When I finally caught up to Zelo, he began to delightfully say, “Noona, we should go to that new ice cream place down the street!” He clapped his hands together and nodded at his own suggestion. He turned to me to see if I agreed.

                “I didn’t know that there was a new ice cream place down the street.”

                “Well, noona,” Zelo began, “It’s because you’re not a VIP to all these things!”

                I turned my head to look at him with a puzzled expression. “What?”

                “I just know all these things because I love ice cream so much!” Zelo grinned. I let out a chuckle. Zelo was acting like a little boy once again. As if he isn’t though. We continued to walk down the sidewalk with our bags hanging off our shoulders and our skin all sticky. The sounds of laughter from the students getting out of school filled the air. It was breezy but the sun was still blazing overhead. “Noona, how’s the heart?” Zelo asked, looking at me with his big, round eyes.

                I laughed softly, “It’s fine. Why?”

                Zelo smiled bashfully and shook his head. “Nothing,” he murmured. It became silent between the two of us until Zelo questioned, “What flavour of ice cream should I get this time?” I looked up at him to see him gnawing on his bottom lip, anticipating my answer.

                “I don’t know,” I shrugged. “You should get…” I trailed off, tapping my chin while thinking of different ice cream flavours, “Pistachio.”

                Zelo shook his head cutely, his hair flopping on top. “I had that yesterday!” he complained.

                I let out a bubbly laugh. “Uh, then how about…what is it? Coffee? Cappuccino?”

                “Nooo!” Zelo whined, stomping his foot on the ground. “I had that the day before yesterday!”

                I narrowed my eyes at him. “It’s ice cream. Does it really matter what the flavour is?”

                “Of course!” Zelo exclaimed. “Noona, how could you say that? The flavour of ice cream is the most important part! Ah, noona, you’re so stupid!” He was smiling now, almost laughing at me. It was sending all these tingles through my body. I bit my lip and for a second, I imagined what it would be like to be with a younger boy. Huh, it’s kind of nice. We continued to walk ahead as my head was still wrapped around that idea. No, it’d make me look like some kind of e or something. I began to grow uncomfortable at the thought but I took another side glance at Zelo, skipping happily next to me. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if it was Zelo. Then, Zelo turned his head and caught me staring at him. I gave him a cheeky smile and he returned it gladly. My heart began to pick up slightly.

                “Noona, we’re here!” Zelo exclaimed with a loud voice. He pushed open the door ahead of me, a big smile on his face. “I still haven’t chosen a flavour,” he grumbled as I trailed in behind him. There weren’t that many people in the shop. Zelo was jumping up and down as his eyes met the long list of ice cream flavours. His eyes grew even bigger and his hands were gripped together in delight. He grabbed my arm and was hopping. “Noona! Noona! Look at aaall these ice cream flavours! How do they expect me to choose only one?” I laughed at his childish behaviour but nonetheless, I did agree with him. Zelo was staring at the ice cream behind the counter in awe. He suddenly turned to me and said, “Noona! You know what we should do? We should ask for one of those sample spoon thingies and then, they let us try each flavour!”

                “Huh,” I quietly spoke, “I never knew they did that.”

                “That’s because you’ve never been a VIP for an ice cream shop!” Zelo laughed. I rolled my eyes, letting out a playful snort. He skipped ahead and asked for two sample spoons. To my surprise, the workers did let us try every flavour. They were all delicious and Zelo’s facial expressions added to the flavour. His eyes would bulge out of their sockets and he would his lips. It was like he’s never tasted ice cream before.

                “Noona, isn’t that one really good?”

                “Yeah, it is.”

                “Do you know which one you’re going to get now?”

                “Um, I do. Zelo, do you?”


                “C’mon, Zelo! We just tried all those flavours. You have to choose one now or we’re leaving!”

                “Ah! Okay, okay, okay! Geez, noona, so pushy. I think I’m going to get…strawberry shortcake!”

                “Oh, okay, I’m getting green tea. Zelo, go order for us now before someone comes!”

                “Alright, noona!” With that, Zelo went up to the counter again and ordered our actual ice cream this time. When Zelo was handed the ice cream cones, I was dying of laughter in my seat. He had bug eyes that were sparkling and a jaw opened to the ground. He looked so happy and it made me happy, too.

                “Noona, do you like ice cream?” Zelo asked me. He took another of his ice cream with his eyes on me.

                “Yeah but definitely not as much as you,” I teased.

                Zelo laughed. “Of course not! Ice cream and I are like a married couple!” He took another of his ice cream. “No one can ever love it more than me!” I laughed out loud, getting some stares from some random people at different tables. I watched Zelo nibble his ice cream with a determined look on his face. It seemed that Zelo was fascinated by such a little thing. He was easy to please and it made me relieved.

                The two of us continued to talk as we finished up our ice cream. Zelo was making me laugh more than ever. My heartbeat never slowed down. It was like I was totally free of any problems that were bugging me. “Noona, we should do this again sometime.”

                “Yeah,” I nodded my head, pushing my seat under that table. “We definitely should come back here.” Zelo gave me a shy smile that made me want to pinch his cheeks.

                “D-do you want me to walk y-you home?” Zelo asked with his voice cracking.

                I smiled at him. “Thanks, but I can get home myself. I’m sure you have some things to do.”

                “No, it’s fine. I can walk you home.”

                “That’s okay, you already treated me to ice cream so there’s no need for you to do anymore,” I told him. “Besides, it’s not even five yet and the sun will not be down until, like, eight o’clock or something. Don’t worry about me!” Zelo gave me a frightened look for a split second before his facial expressions softened.

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yes, Zelo.”




                “Oh my gosh, Zelo! C’mon, I can walk home myself! You can walk me home another time! I promise.” A smile crept onto Zelo’s face.

                “Fine, I’ll definitely walk you home next time, okay?” Zelo demanded. I nodded my head with an impish grin on my face. We exited the shop and the bell dinged against the door. Zelo turned to face me once again. “Okay, you’re sure you don’t need me to come, noona?”

                “How many times have I told you? I’m okay to walk home by myself!”

                Zelo let out a long sigh. “Fine, but if anything happens to noona, then you have my number!”

                A puzzled expression fell onto my face. I asked Zelo, “When did I, um, get your number?”

                “Oh, I put it on your phone when you thought I was playing with it,” Zelo answered in a playful tone.

                “Okay, Zelo, see you tomorrow.”

                “Alright, noona, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Zelo replied. I began to head the opposite direction but I turned around to see him still standing there. He waved at me with a big smile. I waved back to him then my heel and walked to the bus stop. I let out a quiet sigh as I ran my hand through my hair.  This is weird. My heart won’t slow down. I put my hand to my chest, trying to feel for my pounding heart. The bus finally came and I hopped on to it. The whole way home I couldn’t stop thinking about having ice cream with Zelo. 


Hello! I knooow, I haven't updated in like a month but I'm back with this chapter. Chances are I'm going to update this reeeal soon. By the way, I think this is probably going to be longer than five chapters but ten or less...maybe? LOL, yeah. How have you been? Did you like this chapter? There's definitely more to come, Young Jae will make his appearance and yeah. Thank you to those who are currently subscribed! You guys are wonderful :3

Please comment and stay tuned for the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

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(May 17, 2012) Hey, dudes. *sigh* Sorry. I SWEAR I will be updating tomorrow. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow but yeah...Thanks for reading! :3


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Heywhathewhatishere #1
why did you did that? o____o
Chapter 7: I'll be definitelly waiting!! Can't wait to continue reading the story :DD <3
Nevrane #3
waiting ^^
hyogyeong #4
i will wait for you :D
I wonder why Zelo avoided her all this while? ><
Omg just confess KBEISSIDJDI.
Kekeke, it's no problem ^^ I'll wait for you patiently~ And I'll be sure to read the new and improved chapters :3
Hwaiting! ^^
hyogyeong #7
pleaseeee update T^T
ayeitsjessa #8
OMO! update please D:
Waeyo??!! It's getting good! Please continue to update! >.<
Chocolato #10
not a BAP fan but this is way toooo cute to not read and subcribe!