A Sweet Encounter

Sweeter than Ice Cream

                I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. What do I do? This is so hard. I watched the kids play in the park in front of me. It was a hot summer day. I found myself sitting on the park bench alone, heartbroken. My boyfriend of two years had broken up with me a couple of days ago. Ever since then, I haven’t talked to anyone about it nor have I even seen anyone since they were too busy with their own vacations. I’m so lonely. It seemed like he had already found someone else. I tilted my head back and stared up at the trees overhead. I let out another long sigh.

                Suddenly, I felt a cold sensation on my lap. I looked down to see strawberry ice cream all over my legs. This is just great.

                I looked up to see a lanky boy jogging a couple metres away from me. He stopped in his tracks and looked at the empty cone in his hand. “NO. Ack! NOOOO, my ice cream!” he screeched.

                “Mianhaeyo! I’m so sorry!” he cried as he approached me. A curly haired boy stared back at me with big, pleading eyes. He’s so cute. I stared at him with a blank expression, my lips slightly parted. His apologies went in through one ear and out the other. “Mianhaeyo, agasshi!” he said. I was finally pulled out of my trance by his voice. “Should I clean it off for you?” the blonde boy asked, holding tissues in his hand.

                “It’s fine, I can do it myself,” I told him. He handed the tissues to me and took a seat beside me. I began to clean off the ice cream he dropped. “Um, how did you get this on me?” I asked. How did it fall onto me? He was so far away.

                He sat up with a straight back. He scratched the back of his head and started to explain. “Um, I was running past you and then sadly” – his shoulders dropped and he frowned, looking like he was going to cry– “I guess it flew off.”

                “Why were you running?” I wondered. I finished wiping the last bits of the mess off my legs. I tossed the used tissues into the garbage cab beside the bench. I could feel the blonde boy’s eyes on me.

                “Ah, I was running because I was going to meet up with my friend,” he answered.

                “Oh, then, you should go! I’m OK now,” I told him as I flashed him a reassuring smile.

                “Yeah, I guess I should but…agasshi?”


                “Why did you look so upset?” he asked. I looked at him closely. Hmm, he has such a baby face. I wonder how old he is.

                “Did I?” I shrugged.

                “Agasshi, what’s wrong? I might be able to help you,” he insisted. His hands were rested in his lap. He was now sitting at the edge of the bench, leaning closer to hear me.

                I chuckled, “That’s OK. I’m sure you have other things to do than listen to me.”

                His eyebrows fell and a frown appeared on his face. He looked at me with big, round eyes and repeated confidently, “I can help you if you have a problem!” I stared into his eyes and could find no lies. “Agasshi, please?”

                I let out a sigh. “Just a break up with my boyfriend,” I confessed. My eyes trailed off to the kids playing around in the park.

                “Agasshi,” he called sternly. “Heartbreak is easy to overcome.” What is he talking about? Easy? Psh! “Just find someone else, agasshi,” he advised, nonchalantly. I whipped my head to look at him. He wore a bright expression and a slight smile. He looked like he was waiting for my reaction. His big eyes stared into mine.

                “Yah, I don’t think that’s so easy,” I laughed.


                “Because, well, love is more complicated than just finding someone else like that,” I said.

                A saddened expression took over his face as he let out a quiet “oh.” Aw, I didn’t mean to discourage him. He blinked a couple times before looking at me once again. “But it shouldn’t be that hard for you, agasshi. You’re really pretty and you seem really nice,” the cute boy exclaimed.

                “Ah, kamsahamnida,” I giggled. He had the same delighted look on his face as earlier.

                “Well, agasshi, I need to go now,” the blonde boy said. My shoulders dropped. He stood up from the bench and positioned himself in front of me. I tilted my head up. “It was nice meeting you and I’m really sorry about the ice cream.” I gave him a sheepish smile. “I’ll buy you ice cream the next time we meet,” he promised.

                “Aniya, it’s fine. It was nice meeting you, too. Have a good summer!”

                The tall boy was grinning from ear to ear. “Have a good summer, too, agasshi! I just moved here so I'll be transferring to a high school nearby! So I'll see you around!” He gave a slight wave before turning on his heel. Huh, he's in high school. What a cute boy though. I hope we meet again, I thought as I watched him walk away. He turned around suddenly. “Ah, wait, agasshi!”

                “What is it?”

                “What’s your name?”

                “My name is you,” I answered. “What’s your name?”

                The male let out a sweet laugh before saying, “Choi Jong Hoon, but call me Zelo. Bye, you-ssi!” Zelo. That’s an interesting name. I’ll probably remember it.

                “Annyeong!” I called out. We exchanged waves before he turned around and left for good. I scrunched my nose up as I found myself alone again. I guess I’m so lonely that even strangers can make me so happy. He was really cute though. I wanted to pinch his cheeks. I remembered the way he shrieked because of his fallen ice cream and chuckled. His expressions were amusing as well.

                The sun shined through the trees. It’s such a nice day. I kind of want ice cream now. 


I would hate to get ice cream all over my legs because of someone else, unless it was a Korean idol...? Whadja think of the first chapter? Was it alright? Zelo has a cute image in this story...if it's not obvious. He loves his ice cream. Aaaanyway, leave a comment below! Maybe, some ice cream for Zelo, too? He likes all flavours :) 

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(May 17, 2012) Hey, dudes. *sigh* Sorry. I SWEAR I will be updating tomorrow. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow but yeah...Thanks for reading! :3


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Heywhathewhatishere #1
why did you did that? o____o
Chapter 7: I'll be definitelly waiting!! Can't wait to continue reading the story :DD <3
Nevrane #3
waiting ^^
hyogyeong #4
i will wait for you :D
I wonder why Zelo avoided her all this while? ><
Omg just confess KBEISSIDJDI.
Kekeke, it's no problem ^^ I'll wait for you patiently~ And I'll be sure to read the new and improved chapters :3
Hwaiting! ^^
hyogyeong #7
pleaseeee update T^T
ayeitsjessa #8
OMO! update please D:
Waeyo??!! It's getting good! Please continue to update! >.<
Chocolato #10
not a BAP fan but this is way toooo cute to not read and subcribe!