Questions to be Answered

Sweeter than Ice Cream

                “you noona!” Zelo yelled out. I stopped in my tracks I turned around to see him running straight for me. He crashed right into me, sending the two of us to the ground. I fell onto my back with a thud while Zelo fell right on top of me.

                “Ack!” I yelped. “Zelo, get off me!” I squirmed around underneath him as he pushed himself off the ground. I let out a sigh of relief when he got up from on top of me. He brushed himself off before lending a hand to me. I took it and hopped right back up.

                “Noona, are you okay?” Zelo asked with an apologetic look on his face. “I’m sorry, noona!”

                “It’s fine, Zelo,” I chuckled. “Why are you out of class?” Zelo’s scrunched his nose up.

                “Why are you out of class, noona?”

                I raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m allowed to be, okay? What are you doing here?”  The two of us were in one of the hallways of the school near the office.

                “I had to go to the washroom and when I got out, I saw you here!” Zelo exclaimed. There was a wide smile on his face.

                I gave him a look of disgust. I snorted, “Ew, did you make sure to wash your hands?”

                “Noona! Of course, I did!” Zelo replied. He began to rub his palms onto my cheeks, squishing my face in his hands. “See? They’re still wet, right?”

                “How do I know it’s not your pee?” I laughed. His face was inches away from mine. My heart was beating fast and my knees began to weaken.


                Zelo and I turned our heads. His hands were still squeezing my cheeks. The principal was there with his arms crossed over his chest.  The smiles on our faces vanished. Our eyes bulged almost out of their sockets. “What are you two doing out of class?”

                Zelo explained with a loud voice, “Sir, I went to the washroom!” 

                “you, what about you? Why are you out of class?”

                Zelo looked at me with an amused expression, his hands still on my cheeks. “Yeah, noona, why are you of class?” he asked, teasingly. He knew I was just walking around the hall without any legitimate reason. They were both waiting for the excuse I would come up with.

                “Alright, since you can’t give me any excuse at all then you both get detention!”

                “What?” Zelo and I shrieked in unison. Zelo’s hands fell to his sides.

                “you has no excuse and you,” the principal said as he pointed  at Zelo, “Zelo, you’re supposed to go straight back to class instead of hanging around with your girlfriend!”

                “What? S-sir, she’s not my g-girlfriend!” Zelo cried. My heart sunk slightly. I knew that we didn’t have feelings for each other but I was still slightly disappointed to hear that.

                “You guys better be in my office right when the bell rings!” Without another word, the principal went back into the office. We turned our heads slowly to look back at each other. I took in a deep breath, clenching my teeth.

                I whacked Zelo on the arm and yelled, “Yah! Look what you did! You got me in trouble!”

                “Shut up, noona, we’re going to get in trouble again if you yell like that!” Zelo whispered.

                I continued to yell just to bother Zelo. “That’s okay then! Because we’ll both be in detention and you’ll have to suffer with me!”

                “Ah, seriously, noona,” Zelo said. “Be quiet!”


                “Noona, this is the sixth time I’ve had detention since I came here!” Zelo cried. He sat next to me and his arms were wrapped around me tightly. It was just the two of us in the principal’s office. We had forty minutes until he would come back. It was taking longer than I’d thought it’d be.  It was the second time I’ve been in detention in all my years at high school.

                “What? Zelo, why are you getting detention?”          

                Zelo pouted. His chin was on my shoulder as I stared at him. “Because the teacher hates it when I eat in class,” he explained.

                “What? You eat in class?”

                “Of course I do, silly! No one can live without food!” I shook my head. Zelo was such a child. He continued to fake sob while his head rested on my shoulder. He let out sigh, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I was nervous already that it was just Zelo and I in the office but he was closer to me than ever. “Noona, what should we do for the next forty minutes?”

                “Yah, Zelo, the principal told us to stay quiet,” I whispered.

                Zelo snickered, “Noona, you’re so stupid! He’s not even here. It’s not like he’ll be able to hear us.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

                “Still,” I grumbled.

                “We should play twenty questions!”

                “What’s that?”

                “Okay, so we take turns asking each other questions but we can only ask each other twenty questions that can only be answered with yes or no!” Zelo had a huge smile on his face.

                “Uh, okay, you can start.” I sat there, still a bit confused. He can ask me anything…? My palms became clammy. I bit my lip as I waited for Zelo to say something. He tapped his chin with his finger, trying to think of a question.

                “Noona, do you like being called “noona”?”

                My eyebrows knitted together. I wore a puzzled expression on my face. “Uh, sure…?”

                Zelo hit my arm playfully. “No! Noona, it has to be yes or no!”

                “Okay, alright, then…no.” The smile on Zelo’s face turned disappeared and his lips formed a straight line.

                “I-it’s your turn.” I could tell that Zelo was trying not to call me noona. I felt a little bad but it was the truth. I didn’t want to be older than him but I was.

                “Oh, okay, well, um…do you…uh, like hanging out with an older girl like me?” I swallowed my fear down my throat but my nerves were still tingling.

                “Yes. Do you, uh, like hanging out with a younger guy like me?”

                “Of course I do,” I smiled. Zelo smiled back, his eyes crinkling. I was so afraid that in the quiet room Zelo would be able to hear the sound of my heart pounding. “Um, are you nervous right now?”

                Zelo chuckled, “No, are you?”

                I bit my lip. “Um, yeah. I’m scared the principal will come back,” I stated. It wasn’t the only reason I was nervous though. We continued to ask each other random things until we got to the last couple questions.

                “Okay, okay, oh, here’s a more serious one,” I said. Our laughter died down and soon, it was silent. “Is there someone you have a crush on right now?”

                “Hmm…” Zelo began, “Yes.”

                “Zelo! Who is it?” I asked with sparkling eyes. Zelo shook his head with a playful smile on his face.

                “That’s not a yes or no question! Plus, it’s my turn!” Zelo laughed. I rolled my eyes but kept my lips shut nonetheless. “Hmm…are you still heartbroken over Young Jae?” I bit my lip hard.

                “N-no. I kind of forgot about it actually. Do you think I’m still upset over him?”

                “Nope,” Zelo answered. He scratched the back of his head, looking down at the ground. It was cute. He was biting his lips and his eyes blinked rapidly. The blond-haired boy asked quietly, “Um, w-would you consider dating s-someone else now?”

                I took a deep breath in. It took me sometime before I answered. “Um…maybe?”

                “Ah, it has to be a yes or no!”

                “But it depends who it is! I guess…I say sure…yes.” Zelo nodded his head, still not making eye contact with me. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was so nervous. I wanted to just run out of the room and hide in my room. “Then, Zelo, are you going to ask the girl you like out?”

                Zelo sighed, running his hand through his floppy hair. “Yes. Eventually. Maybe soon.”

                I smiled but I could feel my heart sinking. “That’s…good.” I looked away from him and stared up at the ceiling. I clenched my teeth together as I felt my heart breaking. I like Zelo. How did I not realize this before? I’d always miss him throughout the day since he wasn’t even in my grade. The times I spent with him after school were so special but I hadn’t realized it. My head tilted back down and I looked at Zelo. He was leaning forward in his seat, his elbows resting on his knees. He looked like he was thinking really hard about something. His eyes were looking ahead of him and there was a serious expression on his face. He was still cute but I thought, “When would he ever not be cute?”

                “Noona,” Zelo suddenly said, sitting back so that he was making eye contact with me. I gulped loudly. His eyes were warm as they stared into mine. My heart was melting. “Would you ever date me?”

                What? “What?”

                “Noona, would you ever date me?”

                I swallowed the stiff lump down my throat. “U-um, I-“

                Zelo shook his head with a laugh. “Ah, sorry, you don’t have to answer that.”

                “W-wait. Zelo?” His head whipped around to look at me. “Is…is the person you like…me?”

                Zelo’s eyes grew wider. “Uh, um, uh, I-“

                “Kids, get out, you guys are finished here. I don’t want you here any longer.” Zelo and I turned around to see whose voice that belonged to. Undoubtedly, it was the principal. We got out of our seats and exited his office without another word. As I walked out, I noticed that Zelo was already walking ahead of me, almost running. He was already out of the building when I was out of the school’s office. I hopped on my feet and decided that I would run after him.

                “Zelo! Where are you going?” I yelled. Zelo was sprinting now. I sped up and ran for him but when I the corner, he was nowhere to be found. Why is he running? I walked around, panting. My eyes watered. Was he running from me? I cried softly, “I just want to know if you like me, too.” Maybe, I just got carried away. I rubbed my eyes causing a couple tears to fall out. I expected Zelo to jump out and explain to me that he was just trying to scare me but I wasn’t able to find him after that. 


Hello, there (: Um, so, how did you like this chapter? Things are getting a bit...I can't find the word >.< Anyway, a couple more chapters and this will be done :D How's Zelo's character so far? LOL, everyone thinks he's so cute :3 As if he isn't though ^.^ Oh yeah, Young Jae will be back :) Please make sure to check out my other stories...which I haven't updated in a while. I'm going to finish this first before I update the other ones so yeah.

Please comment and subscribe if you haven't already :D Thank you to my wondeeerful subscribers! Stay tuned, eh? Thanks for reading!

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(May 17, 2012) Hey, dudes. *sigh* Sorry. I SWEAR I will be updating tomorrow. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow but yeah...Thanks for reading! :3


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Heywhathewhatishere #1
why did you did that? o____o
Chapter 7: I'll be definitelly waiting!! Can't wait to continue reading the story :DD <3
Nevrane #3
waiting ^^
hyogyeong #4
i will wait for you :D
I wonder why Zelo avoided her all this while? ><
Omg just confess KBEISSIDJDI.
Kekeke, it's no problem ^^ I'll wait for you patiently~ And I'll be sure to read the new and improved chapters :3
Hwaiting! ^^
hyogyeong #7
pleaseeee update T^T
ayeitsjessa #8
OMO! update please D:
Waeyo??!! It's getting good! Please continue to update! >.<
Chocolato #10
not a BAP fan but this is way toooo cute to not read and subcribe!