Biscuit and Milk

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“Hunnie, next Saturday I think I need to cancel our date.”

“Why?” Sehun asked as he was looking at his phone. Currently they were having dinner at a tteokbokki restaurant near the hospital.

“Hmm I’m going out with Chaeyoungie. It’s okay, right?”

“Your highschool friend who went to Hong Kong? She came back?”

“Yep,” Mina could not suppress her smile. “Sure, have fun babe,” Sehun said nonchalantly.

She was certain that Sehun would let her, as he was never the possessive type of boyfriend and it was convenient for her. They talked about their day, their patients, their cases, et cetera. It became such a routine but since their doctors life was so dynamic, it seemed like they always had new things to discuss.

While Sehun went home, Mina had to be the ER doctor on her night shift today. She was watching a game streaming on her phone when she suddenly got called. An emergency teenager was run into the ER ward so she went to check on them.

It was a girl, probably only 15 years old who complained about pain she had in her lower stomach. She was brought to the hospital by her friends, apparently she was staying in an all girl’s dormitory.

“Have you guys contacted her parents?”

One of the girls nodded and told Mina that she had already contacted her mom and that her mom was working but she would rush to the hospital once her work ended. Mina nodded to that information and proceeded to check on the girl.

She said calmly to the girl in pain, “Hey, sweetie. What’s your name?”

“Ughh.. I’m Jisu..” she still wriggled in pain.

“Okay, hi Jisu. I am doctor Mina. Can you please tell me which part of your stomach that hurts?”

She examined the girl attentively, it seemed like the girl got gastric pains. She prescribed some medicine and let the girl go back to sleep. When Mina got out of the ward, she met the Jisu’s friends who were waiting anxiously.

“Doctor, will Jisu be okay?”

Mina smiled at them. They reminded her of her own youth, “She will be okay tomorrow, don’t worry. Does she skip meals often?” “Yes, she recently took up many extracurriculars on top of cram school, probably that’s why..” It’s that time of the year for those high school students, it must be hard for all of them. “You can go back to your dorm now, you have school tomorrow. I will look for her and wait for Jisu’s mom.” The girls thanked Mina and worriedly said their good bye to the sleeping Jisu before finally leaving the hospital.

There would always be patients that somehow trigger old memories. She felt extreme deja vu seeing Jisu so she immediately called that person.

“Hi, Chaeng,” Mina didn’t skip a beat after she heard a hello from the other side.

“Hey, Mina. What’s up?”

“Nothing, just got a patient with gastric pain in the ER. It triggers memories, huh?”

“Haha!” the person on the other line only chuckled to the statement.

“Have you eaten?”

“Err… I’m still finishing up with work, I will eat dinner later, I have eaten snacks.”

Mina sighed in disapproval, “Ck, I thought you have matured now. I’m sending you food right now, your office is at XX tower, right?”

“Wait, no need Min--!”

“Bye, Chaeng, wait for the food.”




Jihyo had just arrived at the hospital in the morning since she had morning shift. She went to the staff room to change and greet whoever she met there.

Inside, she saw someone who was sleeping on the bed, and it turned out it was Mina. She changed quietly since she knew that Mina had a night shift, as doctors she understood that sleeping time was precious.

She saw Mina shuffled inside the blanket when her phone pings. Jihyo was not planning on peeking, but she saw Sehun’s name as the caller ID. Mina ignored it, probably she was still too sleepy.

Jihyo was making her morning coffee when another ring interrupted Mina’s sleep. Jihyo was not bothered by it, but then Mina answered the call and she swore she could hear something like ‘Chaeng’.

The second instance was when she found out through their group chatter that Mina had canceled a date with Sehun to go out with Chaeyoung on a Saturday. Jihyo forgot the exact date since both of them never publicly announce their special days or anything, but she had a hunch that they got together somewhere in June. They rarely had any weekend date so this should be a special day… but okay, Jihyo should stop being such a busy body.

She wasn’t sure if she was just being super sensitive or if the signs were just too obvious nowadays. She was sitting beside Mina as they were waiting for their lunch. Both Mina and Jihyo were playing team games on their phone. She heard a ping, Mina must have forgotten to set her notifications off but she quickly swiped them up.

“Who’s that?”


“Is it okay to not receive his call?”

“Chill. Focus on your game Park Jihyo, you were within the enemies’ sniper distance just now.”

They continued playing when suddenly Jihyo noticed that Mina was missing in the game, she must be pausing her game. Then in a blink of an eye, suddenly she was ambushed by enemies and yep, her character’s dead.

She was about to protest when she noticed that Mina was smiling stupidly while texting someone. Jihyo lo

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I woke up this morning to the news that we will have a JUNE COMEBACK! I'm excited! 🤩🤩🤩


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sixmyoui #1
Chapter 20: Comeback whe
sixmyoui #2
Chapter 20: still waiting ahu
Chapter 20: I hope you comeback soon 😭
Author, if you’re still there, Please move the glass 🥃
scy_cuuub #5
Chapter 20: Authornim where are youuu!! •́ ‿ ,•̀
aquilast101 #6
Chapter 20: knock knock authornim,
update pls

- cub -
Still waiting for your update 🥺🙏🙏
Chapter 20: Gosh it's been a while since I've used aff and yours is the first thing I read XD hope for more updates! Honestly, I only come on to see if there's more updates from you 😆❤
Chapter 20: Read this story again 😍
browncookiered #10
Chapter 20: HOLD UP, SEHUN???? I already missed a lot :0