So Domestic

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“Minaa, I don’t need this much medicine!”

They were in a supermarket now. They did this sometimes, running errands and all and it felt so domestic. Both of them secretly liked it.

However, today’s shopping was for a totally different cause. Chaeyoung had finally got her first job offer. She finally relented and asked for Dahyun’s recommendation. This was after Mina talked to her to lower her idealist standard, after all, what Dahyun did wasn’t nepotism since in the end Chaeyoung was the one who needed to prove herself in front of the recruiter. Dahyun only led you to the door faster! Mina told her.

What they didn’t anticipate was the fact that this MNC Chaeyoung was going to work in was having a big expansion plan in the overseas market. After two months working as the associate in the Business Development department, suddenly Chaeyoung was asked to move to Hong Kong.

Everyone was of course happy for that. Working overseas mostly always meant that the person was trustworthy enough to be entrusted such huge responsibility.

“Your mom is still hyping about this?” Mina asked as they were strolling in the medicine aisle. Mina had succeeded in making Chaeyoung buy all the medicine she recommended. Medicines were crucial and Mina believed that Korean medicines worked best for Koreans.

Chaeyoung gave in to her friend’s abundant energy in shopping. She started to regret taking Mina to accompany her shopping goods she will bring to Hong Kong. “She is! She seems so happy, I’m tearing up only looking at her reaction when I told her this..” “Aww, Chaeyoung. She must be so proud as her only daughter did so good.” Mina quickly regretted her compliment after seeing Chaeyoung’s ugly smug face.

“But I will miss Ryujin and Yuna a lot.”

“Oh! That’s right, I haven’t met them for so long. Ryujin is starting middle school, right?”

“She is! And I will miss her first day because I will be gone by then.. I am sad. Is this what it feels like, sending your kids away to adulthood?!”

“You’re so dramatic. So who’s taking Yuna to school now?”

“My mom’s friend. Do you know her friend, Aunt Irene?”

“Uh huh, you mentioned her several times. What’s with her?”

“She had a much more flexible schedule. I heard she owns a business, that’s why she volunteered to take Yuna from and to school.”

“She wanted to do that? Hmm Chaeng, do you think she’s just your mom’s friend?” Mina put a whole carton of vitamins into the shopping cart.

Chaeyoung grunted and put back half of them, “What do you mean?”

“I mean.. Do friends care about each other that much? Willing to go that far for the friend’s family?”

“I would for you???” Mina was about to read more from what Chaeyoung said but the younger girl continued, “But Sana unnie doesn’t need someone taking care of her. So I don’t.” Kilig undone.

Mina sighed, “Speaking of, Sana seemed so happy this morning, Dahyun was picking her up to her photoshoot.”

“Ah right, Dahyun unnie! I had no idea she was dating someone all this time, and it was someone we both know too well too, Sana unnie out of all people! Turns out all this time she was hiding something too from me, huh. I heard it was supposed to be her who got sent to Hong Kong. Her being a love fool granted me this opportunity, hehe,” Chaeyoung said as she was looking at the ramen shelves. “Which brand should I bring, Mina?”

“This one, I like it because it isn’t too spicy and you hate spicy food too. I think Dahyun was also the one Sana had been seeing since Dahyun was in high school, you know.”

“They had been dating that long!? Whoah, Dahyun unnie, she’s something. But Mina, are her parents okay with that?”


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I woke up this morning to the news that we will have a JUNE COMEBACK! I'm excited! 🤩🤩🤩


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sixmyoui #1
Chapter 20: Comeback whe
sixmyoui #2
Chapter 20: still waiting ahu
Chapter 20: I hope you comeback soon 😭
Author, if you’re still there, Please move the glass 🥃
scy_cuuub #5
Chapter 20: Authornim where are youuu!! •́ ‿ ,•̀
aquilast101 #6
Chapter 20: knock knock authornim,
update pls

- cub -
Still waiting for your update 🥺🙏🙏
Chapter 20: Gosh it's been a while since I've used aff and yours is the first thing I read XD hope for more updates! Honestly, I only come on to see if there's more updates from you 😆❤
Chapter 20: Read this story again 😍
browncookiered #10
Chapter 20: HOLD UP, SEHUN???? I already missed a lot :0