Landing in South Korea

Was coming back here a mistake?

"Hey what's wrong Girly?" Celia asked me. I turned and shock my head. "Sorry about that, no there's nothing wrong. I was just thinking about how great it is for me to start over." I told Bunny and she just nodded and went back to her sit. "We have reached our destination. Please exit the airplane in an organize fashion. And thank you for choosing us." The pilot announced.

We got off the airplane and walked in to get our things. "Hey let me call me aunt and uncle to come pick is up. I'll be right back." I told everyone and walked to a wall post to lean on and called my family. "Hello, Park resident." My aunt answered. "Hi imo can you pick up my brother, my two friends and me up from the airport." I asked nicely in Korean.

"Seuta, oh my god I can't believe it; I'll be there in a bit just wait for me." She told me. "Okay bye imo." I hung up and walked back to the others. "My aunt said that she is going to pick us up." I told them. "How long would she be?" Celia asked. "I'm not really sure, but since she seem like she wanted to see us I guess not so long." Everyone nodded and waited for my aunt.

After about 15 minutes my aunt had come. "Annyeong imo, it's so nice to see you." I greeted my aunt and hugged her. "Annyeong how is my niece and nephew?" My aunt hugged my brothers and me. "We're good, how are you imo? Oh and this is my friends Celia and Vince." I told my imo. "Annyeong it's nice to meet you." Vince and Celia shook my imo's hand. "Okay let's go back to my house now." My imo told us. We put all things in her trunk and went into her car. The ride to imo's house was very quiet and short.

We came to her house after 15 minutes. 'It’s just like I remembered.' I said in my head. We walked in and saw 3 boys on the couch. "Omma who are they?" One of them asked. "Hey those two girls look really cute." One of the other asked. The third one stayed quiet, I guess he know since he smiled at the other boys' commits. "Ewww....I would never think about going with you." I told one of the boys.

"Well why not, I have the full package." He responded. I rolled my eye and answered his question. "One because you’re younger than me, two you’re too short and three you just asked your cousin out." Everyone laughed at him after I said that. "Umm....imo where can my friends, Young, Yong and I sleep since we all have jet leg.” "You girls can sleep in that room over there and you boys can sleep in that room that on the right." My imo Yun told us. We nodded and put all things in our rooms for now and said our goodnight to others.

It has been a mouth since we arrived in South Korea. Nothing bad has happened; it has been really fun. I hope I will stay like this. And tomorrow will be time for us to enter school. It summer went by so fast. I really miss it, but hey it's another step for a new life.

I woke by my Imo waking me up. "Seuta wake up. You have to go to school. I registered you four into a school that all you will like. Oh and I had found Vince job so after school you will have to find a job yourself too. Also I don't mean this in a bad way be I need you guys to move out as soon as possible since we don't have enough money to pay for all of you." I woke up and walked over to Bunny. "Hey Bunny wake up, it's time to get up." I shook Bunny she woke up and walked with me to the boys’ room.

I went to go wake up Young and Yong while Bunny woke up Vince. "Hey guys wake up; it's time to get up." I shook Young and Yong, and Bunny shook Vince. Yong and Vince woke up, which left Young to wake up. "Young wake up; Imo made us food already so come on and eat with us." He turned and asks what is there to eat? I laughed and walked to the bathroom the 5 of us had to share.

It was very much crowed but we managed to brush all our teeth, which left showering, but we didn't have to worry about that till after breakfast. We all eat and decided who was going to shower first. We all decided that we should draw sticks to see who gets to shower first.

"Okay the person who draws the blue end stick gets to shower first. Okay?" I suggested. Everyone nodded and we started to draw. Vince got the blue end stick so he got to shower first, and then all of us got too shower.  Celia, Young, Yong and me didn't feel like dressing up so we just all wear a t-shirt, some sweats and some tennis shoes, but we all did our hairs though since we didn't want to look really bad for our first day of school.

 Celia and I both grabbed our side purses and went out our room. Then Celia and I notice we both wear our group t-shirt and so did Young and Yong, which made all of us laugh. Vince then came out and had the same t-shirt too. “Did we all plan this in our sleep or something?” I asked everyone, and we all laughed.

"Imo Yun we're all ready now." I told my aunt, she nodded and grabbed her keys. "All right let's go you all." she told all of us including my cousins. We all got into my aunts van and drove off to school and work for Vince.

My brothers, Celia and I walk to the gates, and my cousins were nowhere to be found.  Everyone keep staring at us, we all didn't know why so we just smiled at them and walked in to school so get our schedules. "So this is a performing art school?" I thought out loud.

"Yes and right now I would need you to go to this room to finish your application so you can be an officially students here." The principal's secretary told us in English. 'I guess she doesn't know that we speak and understand Korean.' I thought to myself. I bowed and grabbed the paper. We all walked to the room that we were supposed to be in and waited to see what we were supposed to do. We saw other people too, so we were glad that we weren't the only ones.

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lee-ji-eun_XD #1
update Soon :p