I'm what now?

Was coming back here a mistake?

*Beep beep*

My alarm rung I tried to turn it off but I couldn't reach it. I opened my eye and remember that my brothers where sleeping in here. I looked at my phone for the time and it said it was 6. I woke up Wiseong up so he can use the bathroom, and then remembered that the self was in the way.

I sighed and woke up Yong first since Young was harder to wake up. "Yong may you please move that for me pleases." I asked he got up and pushed it for me while I woke up Young. "Young, Young wake up it's time to get up." He didn't get up. "Young wake up." Still no progress what so ever. "I guess I have to do that now." I walked into my bathroom and the kitchen.  I put ice cold water into a spray bottle and sprayed his face and arms. He jumped up and knows that I did it. Yong laughed so much, at how high Young jumped. "Come on we have to get ready for school."

We all went into our bathrooms and brushed our teeth, and changed. We took Wiseong with us and walk to the restaurant I work at so we can get our breakfast. "Hey Nguyet, Young, Yong, you guys want the usual?" the manager asked us. “Yes sir." We all said in union. "It is so cool how we get free breakfast here." Young grinned. "Also how the manager lets us leave Wiseong here while we're at school." I smiled. "I'm sleepy." Young yawned. "Here's your food." The chef gave us our food and we dug in. After we finish eating we thanked the chief and manager and said bye to Wiseong.

"Bunny, my best friend, how is you so far?" I screamed and everyone looked my way. "Sorry I was talking to Celia." I laughed and everyone just laughed. I walked over to Celia and hugged her. "I'm going to miss that." I told Bunny. "Of one of the most popular, most pretty and smartest girl in the school would miss that. And what do you mean by miss?" My boyfriend Tyler asked me. "TYLER!" I yelled, but not too loud, and hugged him. Bunny and Tyler laughed that I didn't yelled that loud. "Hey Tyler I'm not the prettiest, most popular, or smartest girl in the school." I told him. "What are you talking about?" He asked in an angry tone. His phone beeped and the bell rung, so he went to his seat.

The day went by really fast. Tyler was still mad at me, I guess and I didn't know why. I also couldn't ask him because I had to go straight to work after school. I was kind of sad but I had to start working for my brothers' tickets, and before I know it 3 weeks past. "Yay Nguyet we can finally get to go to Korea together!" Celia yelled in my ear. I laughed, "Okay I think you’re trying to make me deaf, and I still haven't bought my brothers' tickets yet." I laughed.

 "Okay let's go buy them now since we have nothing to do." Bunny suggested. "One thing though, both of us doesn’t have cars but have driving licenses. So we have to find a ride or a car." We both started thinking then Bunny yelled, "What about my brother?!" "Ummm....doesn't he hate me?" I asked. "I don't think so." Bunny said taking out here phone and dialing Vince, her older brother." "I'm telling he doesn’t-" I was interrupted by Bunny talking to her brother.

 "Hey can you drive me and Nguyet go to the airport so Nguyet can get airplane tickets for her brothers?" There was a pause, and then she hung up. "He said he'll be here in a few, since his work place is a little far." Bunny told me. "Kay and thanks so much for doing all these things for my brothers and me." I smiled and hugged her. Then all of a sudden my phone beeped. I got a message from Luke: 'Hey sorry I haven't texted you in a while. I have been busy with family matters. Also I'm sorry that I was mad at you that one day a school. I hope you will forgive me. :)'

I smiled and texted him back: It's okay I forgive you and do you want to hang out sometime soon? I have to tell you something important. I slide my phone down and put it back in my pocket. I heard a hank and saw that Vince was already here. "Thanks Vince for driving us. You’re the best big brother." Bunny hugged her brother. 'Men I really miss my older brother so much.' I thought to myself. "Thank you so much Vincent for driving me to the buy tickets for my brothers." I bowed and looked up at him. He gave me that mean look he always gives me. I sighed because I was use to it by now.

 We all went in the car and Vince started to drive. After a few minutes we were at our destination and I walked in. "Excuse me can I please buy two tickets to Korea please." I ordered my brothers tickets. “Would that be cash or credit?" The women asked me. "Credit, please." I smiled and swapped my credit card. "Thank you can have a nice trip and day." The women bowed and smiled. I went out and Vince drove me home. I looked at the drive way and notice that women's car.

"Dang it she's home." I walked in the door and saw that she wasn't around the kitchen or living room like she always is. 'I guess she is asleep.' I thought to myself. I closed the door and heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I recognized the footstep and mumbled 'I’m died'. "Where were you young lady?" My step mom asked. "I had a group project to do so I had to stay back at school so my group and I could finish the project." I lied to her. 'I’m so thankful that I'm a good liar at time like this.' I thought to myself.

"Okay then I needs you to finish all of these chores while I'm gone tonight. Also I'm not going to be home today or all day tomorrow too." She gave me the list. I opened it and it rolled all the way the door. I sighed and started to work on the chores. When I heard the front door close I heard my brothers come down and greet me. "Hey Young and Yong, how’s everything?' I hugged them; they then saw the list of chores and got out their phones. I knew who they were calling, so I started to cook some food.

The door bell rung and some of the maid and butlers came in and looked in the kitchen. I just finished setting the table, so the maids and butlers sat down and started to eat. "This food is always so good to eat before work." The butlers and maids said with their mouths a little full. "Also these are for you guys too." I started putting smoothies on their right side to drink. "And here are two strawberries for the two of my little brothers." I gave my brother. Everyone thanked me and started to drink the smoothies.

 "I'm going to go check the mail, okay?" everyone nodded and I went out the door with Wiseong. I opened the mailbox and started looking thought them. I got a mail from my aunt and uncle in Korea. I smiled and walked back into the house. I grabbed my letter and put the others on the living room table. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed opening the letter and reading it. *Letter in Korean but I'm putting it in English :)*

'Dear Seuta, Young and Yong

How are you? Have you doing well in school? How are things over there in America? Well anyway we have some news for you. Before that incident that happen a couple of years ago your father promised an old friend that made everyone shocked when we found out. We found out that you are engaged to someone over here. We don't know who it is but the person you’re engaged to know and so does his family. We know it's a huge shock but that's what your father wrote in his last letter to us. So we guess if you come over here he would know who you are but not how you look like. We all really miss you guys so much we hope you three visit soon, and this is are number if you do come. (625)-361-7494

Love your Aunts and Uncles'


Cliff hanger I thought about doing one since I started thinking about it and I want to grab your attentions. So I hope you like it and I'm working on the third and fourth chapter so they might be up soon, and double updates yay XD please tell me what you think, and subscribe please. Oh just a remainder Sueta is Nguyet's Korean name.

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lee-ji-eun_XD #1
update Soon :p