diamond candy; a cinderella story II

tcr 2.0
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november 23, 2019.

Tianya stared off into the distance after creating an account on the REAPER CORRESPONDENCE. Although it happened in the spur of the moment, but she felt at peace with herself and within her mind. Gazing at the dark water with only the reflection of the moon upon it she didn't know how long she had sat there with the sea breeze blowing against her. The sound of her phone brought Tianya back to the presence. She looked down and saw that it was her mother calling. She quickly wiped the dried tears away and cleared before answering.

"Yes, ma?"

She quietly had a conversation with her mother and told her she'll be home soon. After hanging up she wondered how her mother would react to the fact that she no longer had a boyfriend and that he had cheated on her. Tianya decided that she'll tell her mother some other time and got back up while wiping the sand off of her skinny jeans. She looked around and was surprised that she had even wandered this far in her previous state. It was at least a fifteen minute walk to William's home. So that meant it was at least another half hour to get back home.

Tianya inhaled deeply, held it, and then slowly released it before making her way to the nearest bus stop. While walking she didn't realized that a small crowd had suddenly formed on the same sidewalk that she was walking on. She wondered what was going on and why there were like a group of females all ages waiting outside an eatery when she tried to get through. Tianya decided to go around the group, but in the midst of doing that another crowd made of younger females suddenly came from out of nowhere and pushed her against the previous crowd.

So lost in the confusion of all the screaming from around her and not wanting to get caught up in their actions Tianya pushed her way against the crowd to get out of it. Fortunately she was able to make her way through the throngs of bodies and regained her composure of what she had just gone through. Tianya shook her head at their behavior when she realized that they were behaving that way due to a celebrity. From her view Tianya could make out a tall male covered in a disguised, but the fans still crowded him. She turned away and headed to the bus stop.

Grim Reaper Serena was awake as she found herself at one of the Grim Reaper Station's conference rooms already seated in one of its comfy chair and in her grim reaper uniform. She groaned as she flopped her upper body onto the surface of the table to catch a nap before the meeting began. It was short-lived when she felt someone poke her side.

"I swear, Kanshu, if it's you I'm gonna pushed you in front of the a bus again." Serena threatened in a muttering tone with her face still against the table and not bothering to check if it was the death watcher or not.

Grim Reaper Serena heard a male chuckle and turned to see that it was another reaper, Toop, who had poked her earlier.

"I thought by now you would've figured out that we won't die from such mortal incidents." Toop remarked as he propped an elbow on to the table and rested his chin upon it while smiling at Grim Reaper Serena. "Were you asleep before being summoned?"

"Yes, and quite peacefully might I add." She responded with a yawn as she sat upright.

"How about giving up your triple life and just becoming a full-fledged grim reaper?"

"No, thanks. I'm sti-"

Toop interrupted her while repeating the words that she always gave him as her reasoning.

"-still waiting on my sister."

Toop rolled his eyes.

"I remember, but I still suggest for you to cross over. Your sister, too. Isn't it boring being a human?"

Before Grim Reaper Serena could counter Lucifer's booming voiced announced his own presence and everyone turned towards the front.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." Lucifer greeted as he sat at the head of the table upon his throne with a large grin.

He went about their usual discussion and updates before moving on to the last bit of the meeting consisting of assigning the reapers with their missions by Lilith. Grim Reaper Serena hardly received her missions during the meetings as Kanshu always gave them to her. Reaper Serena wondered why she even had to come to these meetings now that she thought about it. Before she could ask Toop, Lilith's voice interrupted her.

"Here's our latest user, TianTianYaYa17, on our REAPER CORRESPONDENCE site. The user signed up a few hours ago." Lilith announced upon Tianya's account profile popping up on the holographic screen for everyone to view.

"She's quite pretty judging by her picture, but in all honestly she's really bland in personality."

There were some murmurs before Lilith continued.

"TianTianYaYa17's real name is Tianya Fang. She was born on the seventeenth of July making her age to be in her thirties. Height, one sixty-eight centimeters. Weight, forty-eight kilograms. She's a blood type O. Her Zodiac signs are the Cancer and the Dragon."

Lilith read out Tianya's basic information before moving on to the real reason.

"This mortal officially got her heart broken by her scumbag of a cheating boyfriend of four years."

The others began mumbling comments about Tianya's situation while Reaper Serena began to doze off feeling extremely sleepy for some odd reason before Lilith spoke again.

"One thing to note about this case is that none of us at the Grim Reaper Station had sent Ms. Tianya Fang an invite to access the REAPER CORRESPONDENCE. Yue Lao of the Cupid Station took pity on this silly girl and decided upon himself to meddle a little bit in her pitiful love life while leaving the rest to us to deal with."

Lilith's gaze looked about the room at the other reapers and death watchers.

"Who would like to take TianTianYaYa17's revenge as their own?"

A lot of hands went up, but Lilith's eyes landed on the sleeping Grim Reaper Seren. With a smirk Lilith slammed her hands on the table which sent vibrations in the female's direction to jolt her wide awake.

"Hmm?" Grim Reaper Serena hummed sleepily while looking about the room casually.

"Congratulations, Reaper V, you have been assigned to TianTianYaYa17's case." Lilith congratulated while snapping her fingers to make a black file appear in front of the said grim reaper.

"Wait, what?" Reaper Serena stared at the floating file before her. "Why?"

Before Grim Reaper Serena could protest and ask someone else to take it Lucifer moved on to the next person and she reluctantly grasped the file into her hand with a tired sigh. Toop laughed beside her and she elbowed him to stop.

november 29, 2019.

"I seriously knew it was too good to be true. It had to be. I'm such a gullible person." Tianya muttered with a frustrated sigh after checking her phone for the nth time since she had signed up for the REAPER CORRESPONDENCE a few days ago.

"What kind of app exists to make one's dream come true? Zilch." Tianya sighed with her mood dampened. "Why would one even exist if that was so easy to do in reali life?"

Tianya received no responses since creating an account. Heck, she didn't get any replies after making a post in wanting to get back at her ex-boyfriend. She knew that her post had a lot of views and counting, but not one person commented on it. Even when Tianya clicked on the other profiles of the other users it went to private mode. She could only see her account and the posts of others, but a click into a profile and it just wasn't viewable. It was weird.

"Maybe it's just a site for ranting and nothing more. A place that's just another place to escape from reality."

Tianya reasoned while putting away her phone and resumed her work. She debated to take some personal days off, but she didn't want to mope around the house causing her mother to worry. Her mother had her health to worry about instead of her own child to add to it. Besides, Tianya needed to work to provide for herself and mother so she couldn't lose her job even if she despised it at times. Plus, the bank were running low on staff when one of her colleague that she was close with was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. None of them knew when she would return. Anyhow, at the time her mood was in high spirits when the thought of actually getting payback against William was plausible. Now, after days of nothing happening Tianya's high energy dwindled.

When Tianya returned home she was too tired that she headed to her room telling her mother that it was a stressful day at work. There were too many angry clients that took it out on her when they couldn't access their online banking account. Anyways, gathering energy Tianya was able to go about her nightly routine. After changing into pajamas Tianya finally sat on the carpeted floor of her bedroom. She had her knees pressed against her chest with her back pressed against the edge of her bed while staring at her dresser absentmindedly. Her eyes landed on the tote bag she was given by a Praya Nataya and she recalled the tinge of excitement and happiness she had these past few weeks because of that.

Tianya had received pictures of her modeling the products and her mother commented how surprised she looked with them. She had never seen her daughter looked so stunning and glowing all at once like that before. The both of them were even surprised to see the check with the sum for just that short time period and her mother joking suggested for Tianya to become a model instead of working at the bank. Tianya declined, but went through the photos seeing how happy she did looked in them. She didn't think by agreeing to these that it showed another side of her she didn't think existed. Still, Tianya's mind wandered and a familiar feeling settled within her.

She unconsciously traced random patterns into the carpet with her fingers as her mind soon blanked out into nothingness causing the photos to lay about her. A moment later Tianya suddenly shivered all over as her room grew immediately cold. She rubbed her arms to keep warm while looking at the window and noticed that they were shut. She wondered if her mother the A/C by mistake, but dismissed the idea since her mother would be the one to say something first about the coldness. Standing up and moving under the covers of her bed instead, Tianya decided it was because she had gotten out of the shower and that night time had fallen with the cool late November air in effect and settling in.

As she was about to switch off her lamp's light, Tianya's eyes caught a glimpse of something moving in the shadow casted by her lamp's light. She looked around her room cautiously, but shook the thought away as she wasn't one of those people for believing of monsters in the dark. Then again,Tianya did believed that a text message would help her to get revenge on William. So she wasn't quite sure what to believe now. Finding nothing out of place except for the temperature being colder than normal Tianya sighed as she was about to switch off the light until she heard a female voice speak from the foot of her beed.

"You should leave the lights on. It makes things less creepy and daunting during the night, especially when something you're not used to seeing or believing." Grim Reaper Serena suggested while sitting cross-legged and hovering a few inches above the end of Tianya's bed.

"Good evening. I'm Reaper V. You-"

The reaper was interrupted by Maofah who materialized right in front of Tianya and spoke instead.

"I'm Maofah. You should hang out with me because that ex-boyfriend of yours is a total douche and I have way better skills than him."

Grim Reaper Serena telepathically pushed Maofah to the side and was about to continued with her announcement when Nerok materialized a few seconds later where Maofah used to be and introduced himself as well.

"Hi. I'm Nerok. Wow, for a bland personality, you really are pretty and you smell deliciously sweet li-"

Nerok didn't get to finish his sentence as he was also telepathically pushed away by the reaper to join Maofah off to the side as Grim Reaper Serena continued before being interrupted like nothing had happened.

"Like I was about to say, greetings, I'm Reaper V and you've summoned me so how may I assist you?"

Tianya was still frozen in place with her body lying on her side half-twisted to turn off the light and the other half overlooking her shoulder to stare at the floating female and two winged cats in front of her. Tianya could only blinked every few seconds with dropped open in seeing the reaper in her gothic-like get up. Grim Reaper Serena sat afloat with a neutral expression as she bobbed up and down slowly while letting the situation sink in. After like twelve minutes passed did Tianya finally come to her senses as she slowly positioned herself in a upright sitting position and pulling the blanket cozily around her.

"Who are you?"

The reaper smiled at Tianya upon finally being acknowledged and instantly covered the mouths of the felines with her magic from interrupting and butting in like always before speaking.

"My purpose is to help you out as much as I can with your revenge, but I need to know all that you want me to know, Tianya Fang."

"H-how do you know my name?"

"I know some things about you, but I know that you want to get back at your ex-boyfriend, William Chan. So I'm here to help you with that."

When the words sunk in did Tianya's eyes lit up with the corner of her lips curving upwards. The more she thought of it, the more her eyes and lips grew wider and wider upon that realization that both Maofah and Nerok broke Tianya from out of her little moment.

"Yeah, so just tell gold 'ol Maofah how you wanna go about dealing with William."

Maofah fluttered over to Tianya and started suggesting things.

"Do you want me to bite him all over? Leave snakes under his bed? Haunt him in his dreams? Make him drink cat piss every time he drinks something? Or should I scratch up his pretty

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