diamond candy; a cinderella story III

tcr 2.0
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december 3, 2019.  

The next day Tianya awoke feeling refreshed, energized, and strangely anew. She felt like she had slept the most peaceful of sleeps she had ever had in a long time. It was if the Tianya she once was had been re-awaken and ready for the world and whatever it had in store for her. There was a spring to Tianya's step as she got ready this morning and was even humming a soothing tune. When Tianya entered the kitchen she was surprised by the meal that her mother had prepared which were all of her favorites.

"Ma, what's the special occasion? Why did you make my favorite foods?" Tianya commented with a laugh as she sat down with her mother placing a small bowl of rice porridge in front of her.

"Today is the day you start your new job, dear. It's to celebrate the start of a new journey for you." Tianya's mother, Musha, stated with a smile.

The mother seemed to be in good health today also with more energy like her daughter and sat across from Tianya. Tianya was at first puzzled as she ate a spoonful of the rice porridge. Then the confusion disappeared once she savored the taste of the hot soup before reminding her mother that she didn't have a new job.

"What new job, ma? I still work at DBR Bank. I've been there for the last seven years if you don't recall."

"Oh, silly girl, no you don't. You don't remember? You quit that job a week ago."

Musha stood up to fetch something from out of the kitchen's drawers, came back with a letter and some other kind of paper in hand, and placed them on the table for her daughter to read it herself.

"I don't know how you forgot about that when you were excited when these came in."

Musha went back to eating as Tianya stopped eating while reaching out to read the letter and the other contents that came with it. She scanned the slightly familiar name of the company and that today was indeed the first day she would be starting. Tianya grew more confused as she clearly remembered that yesterday she was still working for DBR Bank. Her brows furrowed when she recalled Kiao's words about the tiny wishes that came with the gemstones. Then the image of the man from yesterday also flashed across her mind and she made the assumption that they were related. Her mother looked at her in concern.

"TianTian, are you okay?"

"Yeah, ma, I'm fine." Tianya answered with a smile to show her mom that she was fine.

She glanced down at the paper again with a quirked brow.

"How do I even pronounce this? Mole-Deer? Maul-Dur?"

Chris and Hana were now sitting in the office of Doctor Himura after being able to get in an appointment to meet the busy doctor.

"Since you're investigating on behalf of Ms. McKillip, then I'll waive the doctor and patient confidentiality." The doctor said as he patiently waited for any questions to be asked of him.

"Ms. McKillip had mentioned recently of feeling uneasy and can't sleep peacefully as horrific images invade her mind. She said that it may be due to the operation she had two months ago."

Hana then placed a picture of Angelique and Vante onto the table for the doctor to see.

"Jonique McKillip's heart donor was this woman, Angelique Marano, wasn't she?" Hana asked while pointing to the woman in the picture.

"It seemed that she was hospitalized for a while when Ms. McKillip was a patient here, too."

Doctor Himura gazed at them steadily before nodding in confirmation.

"Yes. Mrs. Marano was suffering from a serious illness and because of that she had jumped from her hospital window and fell to her death." Doctor Himua explained with a solemn look. "Because she was also a registered donor I was able to perform the operation on Ms. McKillip after Mrs. Marano was declared brain dead."

Chris stayed silent as he watched and listened to the exchange between Hana and the doctor.

"Was Ms. McKillip already decided to be the one to receive Mrs. Marano's heart?" Hana asked a moment later.

"No, she wasn't." Doctor Himura answered before explaining. "There are specific criterias that needs to be met first for the heart transplant to be successful and for the receipient of the organ to be determined carefully."

He went on to list a few things.

"For example some things that need to work is having the same blood type, similiar weight and height, and to be operable within four hours that factors in with being suited for the transplant to occur."

Doctor Himura cast the pair a pleasant smile.

"Ms. McKillip just happened to have met all of those conditions within that time frame."

"So it was just all by chance." Hana concluded as the doctor nodded.

"Yes and well more specifically, Mrs. Marano had a rare blood type called Harvey that Ms. McKillip also happened to have, too."

"Oh, that Harvey blood type for that one heart transplant operation. I believed you were the first one to have successfully performed it in Ropun, right?" Hana questioned while pulling a magazine from out of her tote bag and presented it to the doctor.

"Ah, yes." Doctor Himura agreed in a humble manner.

Chris interjected himself into the conversation.

"Doctor Himura, do you believe that a person's habits and hobbies can change after having an organ transplant?"

"Yes, I do."

The doctor nodded before going into further details.

"There has been many incidents where a person's former self will introduce new things after the operation."

He then slightly frowned.

"Still though many of the patients either feel a sense of gratitude or consume with guilt from having these transplants."

Doctor Himura had a thoughtful look while reclining into his seat.

"I assume from Ms. McKillip's case that these new feelings are probably making her feel uneasy and seeing those delusions."

"I see."

Hana looked about the office and commented on the books of blood types aligned on the doctor's bookshelves.

"Hmm, I may not be as well-informed as you, doctor," Hana briefly glanced at the doctor before looking at the shelves again, "As I'm seeing the Rh-, D-, cis-AB, and O, as there are one hundred and thirty-four volumes of unusual blood types," Her gaze returned to the doctor and settled on him, "But are you perhaps doing research on rare blood types?"

"Huh?" Doctor Himura let out in confusion while giving Hana weird look.

"Ah, never mind that. Is there a possibility that a heart can hold memories?" Hana asked instead.

"No." The doctor firmly answered with a shake of his head.

"I see, okay, well, thank you. Anyways, please don't mind me." Hana stated with a dismissive tone while laughing sheepishly and standing up.

Chris followed suit as Hana spoke again.

"We'll take our leave. Have a good day, Doctor Himura."

When the officers left did the doctor looked over at the shelves that Special Agent Lewis had stared at. Doctor Himura slowly counted the books on blood types and only counted one hundred and thirty three of them. He thought the female investigator was pulling his leg until he had turned around and spotted the one hundred and thirty-fourth book on another shelf.

Tianya realized that her new job was at the same company as her ex-boyfriend when she finally arrived at the building. She didn't understand how she couldn't have connected it, but she remembered that she never really paid any attention to the name or the company itself. Tianya was more concerned with William to have paid any attention to other things in association with him. She sighed as she gave herself a once over at her casual outfit consisting of white Adidas shoes, black skinny jeans, a thin black and white stripes shirt, and a light blue jean jacket.

"I'm so underdressed for a classy place like this."

She shook the thought away as she psyched herself up. She was already here and would have to deal with the outfit and her ex-boyfriend later. For now she needed to report to her new place at MOLDIR and not make a bad impression. Before Tianya could actually walked inside she noticed a car pulling up and a man stepping out of it later. She wondered who he was as he walked on by her before stopping in mid-walk even though Tianya had met this man before. He focused his attention onto her and she slightly backed up when that happened. He lowered his sunglasses and made his way towards Tianya.

"Are you going to cause a scene here, too?" He accused as Tianya shook her head.

"No. Why would I do that? Do I know you?"

"Unbelievable. First the latte, then the bank, and now this."

Tianya still had no idea what the stranger was going on about.

"You fans really don't have anything else better to do, do you?" The man remarked with a scoff as Tianya frowned.

"Fan? I don't know what you're talking about, sir."

"How did you even find out where I would be today?" He asked in an annoyed tone not having heard what she had said a second ago.

"I really can't have time for more myself, can I?" He muttered.

He took off his sunglasses and put them away while glaring at her.

"Look, just go away."

He did a shooing motion.

"I don't need the likes of you causing a ruckus everywhere I go."

Something within Tianya made her react to his words than she normally would have.

"Excuse me, but the likes of me?"

She gave him a once over with a firm look.

"I don't even know who you are, but you don't treat other people like this that you've never met before."

Before the man could respond someone had called out his name.

"Ah, Mr. Yilong Zhu!"

It was William as he had exited the building and came up to the man right away, but not before noticing Tianya standing there, too.

"Why are you here?" William asked her with a disgusted look.

"I work here now." She answered still feeling riled up by the other male.

William laughed before commenting.

"You really are trying aren't you? Wow, that's a good one."

"I'm not. Today's really my first day here."

Tianya held up her work badge for William to see, but he barely glanced at it.

"Yeah, right. I'm sure it's a fake."

"You two know each other?" Yilong asked perplexed while glancing from one to the other.

Yilong wondered if this woman had a habit of following other people besides celebrities. Before either of them could reply another person joined them a moment later.


"Oh, Jaejoong. Long time no see." Yilong greeted the male as Tianya recognized him.

He was the handsome stranger she had saw driving yesterday during her lunch break. Tianya couldn't believed that fate had her work for him and be the one to possibly help with her revenge to get back at her ex-boyfriend. Both Jaejoong and Yilong shook hands before hugging like long time friends as William awkwardly watched the exchange before remembering that his ex-girlfriend was there. He turned to face her.

"You need to leave now or I'll call the police."

Tianya was snapped out of her dreamy state and shot William a look. Before she could counter Jaejoong had taken notice of her.

"Um, what's your name again?" Jaejoong asked William as he blanked out on William's name.

"It's William, sir. I've been with the company for three years now."

"Mmhmm." Jaejoong hummed not interested as he focused his attention onto Tianya and beckoned her closer.

Tianya pointed at herself as Jaejoong nodded with an amused smile.

"Uh, sir, just ig-"

Jaejoong held a hand to interrupt William from talking and motioned for Tianya to come closer. Tianya moved closer with cautious steps as she held onto her work badge like her life depended on it.

"You're badge, please."

Jaejoong held out his hand and Tianya instantly removed the lanyard from around her neck and placed it into his palm.

"Tianya Fang."

"Yes, sir." Tianya responded obediently without knowing why.

"Is today your first day?"


"Welcome and congratulations on being hired as an employee of MOLDIR." He congratulated her while returning her badge. "I'm Jaejoong Kim, the Art Director."


"But it's a fake sir." William reasoned as Jaejoong shot him an incredulous look.

"Why would you ever think and say that, Wilbur? Those that are hire for MOLDIR always go through a very thorough screening process."

Tianya finally learned how the company was actually pronounced as Mall-Deer and learning that Jaejoong was the art director that she would be working for. She was snapped to attention when Jaejoong dismissed the whole situation a bit annoyed.

"Never mind. Yilong and I are running late. Sorry, my friend, about this small matter." Jaejoong apologized to Yilong who had stood there silently throughout the whole exchange.

"Oh, no it's fine."

"Come, let's catch up."

Jaejoong motioned for Yilong to walk alongside him before ordering the other two around.

"Tianya, please report to the front desk. Wilbur, prep Room C for Mr. Zhu and I."

"Yes, sir." William obeyed as he reminded the art

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