chain of love II

tcr 2.0
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january 1, 2020. 

Christopher arrived outside the tall storey building of the Nizho Metropolitan Police Department in his new uniform. He ran a nervous hand down his business casual attire and with the other patted his slightly styled hair into place. Christopher looked down at his black suit jacket, white spread collar shirt with a black and white striped tie, black slacks, and black laced up shoes. He felt odd as for the past two years he wore the East Aksao Police Station uniform from head to toe and now he felt like a businessman than a police officer. With a confident sigh Christopher entered the building with the reason why he was here in the first place.

"Attention, everyone," The chief inspector, Angie Hastings, called for the First Division's attention as she motioned to Christopher beside her, "Please allow me to introduce our rookie detective of the new year from the East Aksao Police Station, Christopher Bang."

Angie signaled for Christopher to introduce himself. He lifted a hand in a small wave in a friendly manner while glancing at his new colleagues.

"Um, hello. My name is Christopher Bang and I'll be joining the First Division as of today."

He cast his charismatic smile to the unit while his eyes observed everything and everyone around him.

"Oh great. A pretty boy joining the ranks and now everyone will flock to this division to get a glimpse of him." Another detective in the same age range, Delilian Winfield, muttered with a roll of her eyes.

"You know you love it, Dee." Another slightly older detective, James McFadden, playfully stated with a grinned.

"Shut up, McFadden."

"Aww, can't you just call me James at least once?"

"No and by the way, it's not 'Dee', but Winfield."

Just as James was going to counter their attention went to their chief inspector.

"Detective Winfield."

Angie called out to the female detective upon coming up to her and James with Christopher in tow.

"Yes, Chief Inspector Hastings." Delilian answered while standing up and ignoring James in the process.

"Starting today I would like for you to show Detective Bang around the departments and help him get familiar with the area." Angie commanded with a smile while motioning to the male standing behind her.

"I'm entrusting Detective Bang in your care."

"Yes, ma'am."

Delilian smiled with a curt nod of acknowledgement while she subtly kicked James out of annoyance who hissed in pain.


Angie turned to Christopher.

"You'll mostly be under Detective Winfield's guidance for the time being, but Detective McFadden is here to assist, too."

"Yes ma'am!"

James saluted with a large grin.

"Good." Angie said with a proud nod before turning to Christopher. "Detective Bang, you'll also report to either Senior Police Detective Jensen or Senior Police Detective Everingham about your whereaboubts along with any official business dealing with the First Divison department. Got it?"

"Got it. Thank you, ma'am." Christopher thanked her with a smile and a nod.

"In the mean time until your desk situation is situated, please make yourself comfortable at either desks of Detective Rendell who's on medical leave or Detective Balenciaga who's on maternity leave."

She motioned at the desks in-between James and Delilian as Christopher nodded in acknowledgment before leaving.

"Welcome to the First Division! Great to see a new around here besides Dee's."

Delilian elbowed James as the latter took the blow and still shook hands with Christopher.

"C'mon, Newbie, I'll show you around before you get roped into this guy's shenanigans." Delilian interjected.

"Ouch. I take total offense there, Dee." James feigned hurt with a pout as Dee rolled her eyes at his behavior before narrowing her eyes at him.

"It's Winfield, MacFadden. Why must we do this everyday?"

"It's because you were put into my care when you first started." James smirked as Delilian ignored him and faced Christopher.

"Let's get going while we still got some down time, Newbie."

Serena jerked awake by her mobile phone going off. Out of habit she sleepily tried to locate it by reaching above her head and towards the arm of the sofa, but felt nothing. She paused long enough to hear it out and heard it off in the distance. She went back to sleep instead. A moment later it rang again. Serena reluctantly got up to follow it towards her bedroom where she last left it before crashing on the couch earlier. Serena looked at the caller ID seeing it was Praya before answering.


"Happy New Year!" Praya exclaimed through the phone a little too loud for Serena's liking.

"Happy New Year." Serena replied in a flat tone as she ran a hand through her hair. "Is that all?""

"Nope. Just wanted to tell you that today's shoot is cancelled.."

"Oh? Why?" Serena asked as she rubbed her face to ease out the tiredness.

"Well, the youngest sister, Karina, called me a while ago to reschedule the date and time." Praya explained. "The new venue will be a the Nizho University Medical Center instead of the Nizho Orthodox Church."

"Oh really. Why?"

"The client, Erena, wasn't feeling well. She may be at the hospital more often than she had hoped for and so the eldest sister, Anna, doesn't want Erena to go back and forth in her weakening condition."

"I see."

"Anyways, just letting you know that you're free today."

"Am I really?" Serena replied with a sarcastic tone as Praya chuckled.

"For now. Maybe we can go out for drinks instead and discuss more on your availability for the new twenty-twenty year."

"Yes to the drinks, no to the discussion."

"It's better than nothing. I'll text you the time and place."

"I'll be fashionably late."

"I'm sure you will be, but do reply back or I'll come and pick you up myself."

"I'll try. Bye, Ya."

"Buh-bye, Re."

The two hung up as Serena tossed her phone onto her bed before rubbing the sleepiness from her face. She was about to make her way to the bathroom when a mobile like device shaped like Maofah appeared before her and she paused while staring at the screen.

"You got a CUPID message!"

The device spoke in Maofah's voice as Serena click the mail icon to open the pre-recorded video message to find out what Narak had sent to start off the new year.

"Oh, hello Cupid V!" Narak cooed in a sing-song voice.

"It's the new year and you know what that means! It's that lovely time of year again so gear up for all the love connections to be made soon enough! I'll be sending you your files as soon as possible when the council gets back to me or whatever! Be prepared! Toodles!"

The video ended with the Maofah phone disappearing soon after. Serena ran a hand through her hair before groaning loudly upon the realization.

"School's gonna be back in session. Ugh. I can't believe I have to deal with Young Love and First Love and all the other loves once again. Bleh."

She spun around to face-plant onto her bed while groaning some more before turning over to lie on her back to glare at the ceiling. She let out a sigh before turning onto her side.

"That's when love happens the most. Ugh, it's gonna be hectic once again." She mumbled while rubbing her face in annoyance before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom for a shower.

"I hate school time."

"Alright, let me think for a bit." Delilian said as she recalled the tour she had just given Christopher.

"We've visited the crime lab, the front desk, mentioned the higher ups and walked past their elevators, the conference rooms, the break rooms, the sleeping rooms, the changing rooms, the workout slash training facility, the cafeteria, the other departments that we worked with from time to time, and all of the restrooms within the N-M-P-D."

She then looked upwards in a thinking motion.

"Is there anything else that I'm forgetting."


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