014; sea of stars

tcr 2.0
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december 16, 2019.  

Serena was eating a tuna onigiri at the Stop-N-Go's designated eating area. In the past she and Melanie had their late night Monday munchies at this spot and Serena every now and then continued the tradition alone. She was snapped out of her reverie when someone coughed loudly. She glanced up from the riceball to see Kenta shooting her a worried look.

"You good?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just lost in thoughts. That's all." She answered him with a feign smile "What's up?"

"Not much. Just checking since the food is usually gone by now."

Serena glanced down and realized only a bite was taken out of the tuna onigiri while she had four more and a bowl of ramen. Then again the felines were the ones that usually ate the meal, but lately they haven't accompanied or bothered her as much for that matter.

"I guess I'm not in the mood tonight."

She offered the bowl of ramen towards Kenta.

"Wanna eat it instead?"

Kenta grinned as he happily took the offered bowl.

"Sure. Thanks."

"Welcome. Better eaten by someone else than thrown out."

Kenta nodded in agreement just as Serena eyed him.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"It's all good." He dismissed casually as he joined her. "This one worker from back then came back and is starting again tonight."

"What? Really? I thought it was the three of you this whole time?"

Kenta laughed shooting her a disbelief look.

"Really? No. We had two others. Sherryl and Sabrina, but something happened and it was just me, Jongbae, and Tomo since then."

"Ah, okay. Well, Melanie came here more than I did."

It was silent after that and Kenta reached to pat Serena's hand softly.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Serena shook her head with another feigned smile and changed the topic.

"So why did they come back?"

"Um, she needed the money and we needed the help. Jongbae's preparing for his wedding in less than two months so him and Earng have a lot of stuff to do still which would leave us one person to run Stop-N-Go."

"Oh, I see."

Kenta finished the noodles and glanced at Serena with a caring look.

"Well, Serena, you know where to find me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Kenta, and will do."

"Have a good night."

"You, too."

Kenta patted her on the hand once more, got up, tossed his trash, and went back to work leaving Serena sitting alone. She finally took a bite of the riceball as she once again got lost in her thoughts. She snapped out of her thoughts once more when she heard something being placed on to the table. It was a can of guava juice. The same brand that Melanie liked and always got whenever they came here. Serena looked up to see the returned female clerk and searched for her name. It was Sherryl.

"Um, Kenta told me a few things since I've been gone when I told him that you looked like this one girl that used to come in when I used to work here." She briefly motioned at the can. "This was her favorite drink and I can understand the feeling of missing someone you lost."


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