through my eyes I

tcr 2.0
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january 13, 2020.  

"The human brain weighs a mere fourteen hundred grams with a volume of fourteen hundred milliliters and five billion nerve cells."

Mr. Gubler, Kyungeun's science teacher, explained.

"At least trillion electrical pulses travel back and forth per second."

Although Kyungeun already knew the information having learned it last semester, but Mr. Gubler was recapping their previous assignments and work loads, as to ensure that his students hadn't forgotten these important infomation due to winter vacation. Even though it was the first day back at school and Kyungeun appeared engaged to present to the other students of her status as the President of Honors Society, but really within her mind she was totally bored. Still Kyungeun took perfect notes as she outlined and color-coded everything accordingly for later usage.

"However, it is said that humans barely used five percent of their brains, and yet this organ is still a mystery to us to this day and we're still learning more about it."

Kyungeun soon tuned him out when she spotted a folded note landing on her desk a second later from one of her best friends that sat beside her. Luckily, she and her friend Soobin, sat near the back and middle of the classroom. However smart their science teacher was he was clueless of his class passing notes to one another constantly throughout the year. Still, Kyungeun opened the note to read what was written in side before exchanging words with Soobin.

Kyungie, did you hear? Heejin got a new boyfriend?

No and why should I care, Soobin?

I heard from Gayoung who heard it from some girl in her second period that she hooked up with that Byeongkwan Kim guy who I should remind you had a total crush on you this whole school year.

He did not and I don't care for gossipping either, Soobin. Neither should you.

Yeah, he totallly did. He was using his English skills to impress you when his dance team, Urban Boyz, won first place at nationals earlier this school year. Please, I know you love it when we gossip.

I would hardly call that flirting and I do not.

It's because you're clueless about romance and deny that, but you so wanna know what's the talk of the town despite your oh-so-president status.

I'm very much a romantic person, thank you very much. I take offense to the last bit. Rude.

My apologies, President. Anyways, reading romance novels and mangas doesn't count and really doesn't mean that you know much about actual love, Kyungie.

I'm sorry that I can't be in such a loving relationship like you or Gayoung.

Kyungeun restrained from actually rolling her eyes at her friend as she tossed the note back at her friend in a slightly annoyed manner before returning her attention back on to Mr. Gubler even if the information was repeated. Soobin pouted knowing full well that she had upset her friend, but she knew that there was no way that Kyungeun was gonna reply back to her even if she apologized now. She'll just have to wait until class was over.

At the First Division the phone rang and James happened to be the one that picked up the call.


A supposedly male distorted voice spoke.

"I've set five bombs throughout Tagon."


James' eyebrows furrowed as he continued to listen to the call.

"One just went off causing multiple cars to collide against each other creating an accident. The next one will explode in fifteen minutes."

"Wait! Who are you?!" James asked in an urgent tone.

"You don't need to know who it is. You just need to know if anyone near Kevalee High School will get injure!"

The caller hung up and James panicked about what had just happened.

"McFadden." Dee called her colleague to snap him back to the present.

"What's wrong?"

"We need the bomb squad at and around Kevalee High School pronto." James informed her once he snapped out of it.

"A call came in claiming a bomb is about to go off in the Tagon area soon."

Kyungeun's science class was about to end in less than twenty minutes, but the sound of the classroom's phone ringing all of a sudden alerted everyone's attention as Mr. Gubler went to answer it. After some time he hung up and slowly made his way to stand in front of his student with a calm-like expression although his eyes said otherwise.

"Class will be ending early today."

Everyone cheered and he quickly quieted them down.

"I would like for all of you to gather your things before lining by the door. We'll all leave in a fashionably calm and steady manner."

The students looked at one another in confusion as they usually were able to just go as they please. Mr. Gubler went to his own desk and began gathering his own stuff while the students did the same, but with chatter amongst them since their teacher wouldn't allow them to leave on their own accord.

"What do you think's going on?" Soobin asked Kyungeun as the latter shrugged.

"I dunno. I don't remember there being any other announcements for today when I checked in earlier this morning with Ms. Yan at the front desk for Honors Society stuff."

"Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with the school. There's still like four more class periods until school's over."

Soobin suggested once they got done packing.

"It must be a big deal since they're having us leave together like this."

"I just hope it doesn't disrupt the Creative Writing Club at lunch today." Kyungeun said worriedly.

"We're to discussed our story that we were supposed to finished over winter break."

"Alright, kids. Please make sure you have everything before leaving. Also, let's leave in an orderly manner and do not push one another. Do not run and kindly followed the other orders of any authority figure. Thank you for your cooperation."

Mr. Gubler informed them as he motioned for all of them to leave while making sure no student lagged behind or forgot anything.

"Do you think this has something to do with a terror attack?" James asked Dee.

"I mean the schools all just got back into session. Today's the eighth, right?"

Dee, James, and Yuta arrived at the scene where the other police personnel had taped off the surrounding area and evacuated the people from within the vicinity.

"It is the eight, McFadden. If you're afraid about the bombing, then you can go home." Dee countered as James rolled his eyes.

"I'm not."

Dee was about to make her way passed the armed policemen with shields when James stopped her.

"Wait, wait. The bomb's gonna go off in two minutes."

"How do you know that?"

"That's what the bomber told me when I picked up the call fourteen minutes ago."

"And you couldn't let the rest of us know before then?"

"It slipped my mind."

Just then an explosion sounded not too far from them when the two minutes were up. They all ducked and waited for the clearance. The trio watched as the Riot Unit began to move in checking the now vacant area to make sure everyone had made it out while they did their search for the remaining bombs. The Riot Unit began their search of the town plaza and one of the team members happened to spot a female in one of the eateries and entered the building without alerting his team members about it. As he neared the woman who was sitting at an empty table going through a box with an obscure item within it. He instantly called out to her.


The woman turned around to face the male and greeted him with a nod. When the guy made out what was inside the box he reached for his gun and pointed at the female.

"Freeze! Stand up now! Put your hands behind your head." He commanded as she did as she was told with a weird facial expression while the riot team member continued with his commands.

"Turn this way slowly!"

"Slowly?" The female muttered in confusion while trying to glance at the bomb in the box that was counting down, but couldn't as the male confirmed the command once again.

"Yes, slowly. Turn slowly and come this way slowly. Slowly come my way. Slowly."

She did as she was told while still having the weird expression from earlier on her face as the male repeated for her to come towards him in a slow and steady manner.


december 1, 2019.  


december 1, 2019.  


Kyungeun, Soobin, and the rest of the school were led away from Kevalee High School as they watched the policemen and the riot squad enter the school grounds to search within it.

"Whoa, do you think it's serious?" Soobin whispered as Kyungeun shrugged.

"I'm sure it's something more on the pre-caution side or why else would they have us waiting here instead of actually sending us home."

"Oh, you're right, Kyungeun."

Just then the duo and a few others overheard the radios informing the police that a suspect has been caught.

"A suspicious person in possession of a bomb has been apprehended near the bombing site. Please check all remaining area before clearance."

"Well, that's good." Soobin let out in awe.

Kyungeun smiled.

"As expected of our Nizho Metropolitan Police Department."

A few minutes later the radio also announced that the remaining three bombs were found.

"Ugh. That means we have to go back. That's no fun."

Soobin pouted while messaging her boyfriend back.

"I was thinking that all of us could hang out at Diamond Boba or Orbit Cafe."

"I don't work today so no discounts." Kyungeun said with a smirk.

"And no I'm not gonna use my charms on the other workers to give you guys free stuff either."

"Oh, c'mon. Huncheol would totally fall for your charms even more so no questions asked. Besides, Orbit's a bit pricey this week for me."

"I'm not a manipulative person, Soobin. Also, you need to learn how to manage your finances better."

"I know that, but a high school girl gotta live her life, y'know? Don't you agree, Kyungeun? Anyways, you're a very charismatic person with words that inspire those around you and can have anyone agreeing to you."

"I know, Soobin, but there's a difference."

"Then why can't you just help out a friend just this once?"

"Because it's not just once, Soobin. You're asking for the twelfth time since the school year has started."

"Oh, have I?"


"Oh, by the way, did you ever find out who sent you those flowers?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Going to anyways since I can't convince you to get me stuff."

"Sure. Anyways, which one are you talking about concerning the flowers?"

"Oh right, sorry Miss President." Soobin mockingly joked. "I forget you have many secret admirers."

"Don't start, Soobin." Kyungeun warned with a stern look.

"They're pretty persistent, but this year has been the most tiresome, especially during winter break."

"Which is a good thing I might add, Kyungeun. I mean if you have so many of these secret admirers, then at least one or two of them should be your perfect match. Don't you think? How about giving them a chance?"

"I don't know if you remember during our first year, but the last time I did that it didn't end so nicely."

"So the guy threatened to jump off the roof if you didn't date him, but he's still alive isn't he? No big deal."

"Yes it's a big deal, but he can no longer walk again."

"You know that you can't blame yourself for his actions, right?"

"Yes, I do know, but..."

"But what?"

Kyungeun didn't answer her friend as her mind wandered instead. No matter how much Kyungeun or anyone else tried to convince her that it wasn't her fault for the guy's outcome of his decision, it didn't stop him from sending her a bouquet of salvia flowers. In particular of the colors of blue and red on her birthday and the day of his accident. Blue meaning, 'I think of you' and red meaning, 'forever mine'. She didn't know much about flowers, but her interest piqued when she eventually wanted to learn the meaning of them.

At first Kyungeun thought they only meant a kind gesture to heal her and to wish her a happy and well-being kind of life as what salvia represented, but when she learned that they were from him she felt more of a sordid meaning instead. Still, she played nice since her step-mother liked them a lot without knowing the real reason. So Kyungeun kept the flowers before throwing them out when they wilted and going on with her own life. It was what she knew best despite seeing and living in the past constantly.

Violette, who was the 'supposed' bomber, sat comfortably inside the police van just watching the outside scene from inside the vehicle. She happened to notice a large group of m

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