I May Have Killed A Guy

Cupid Screwed Up
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07. I May Have Killed A Guy (good riddance)

It starts to get really obvious when Leah doesn't show up for the third day. Kyungsoo finds his restless heart travelling at a thousand kilometers every second inside his blank heart as her speace in the class stays empty. It doesn't help that she doesn't pick her calls up and Baekhyun stays unusually quiet throughout the entire day. That's just not Baekhyun at all. He knows the other guys notice it too. Sitting at his study table with his books open, he can't find it in himself to study. 


So he dials for Chanyeol and Sehun instead. Both Baekhyun and he live in the same hostel, a five minutes walk from the university while the rest two live in their own places in the city. However, Baekhyun isn't in the same room as him. He is two floors down with two other roommates, much like Kyungsoo. He feels like living with two other can be really inconvenient but there's nothing much to do. Getting a new place is a talk of money and that's what his father won't allow him to have. 


Five minutes later, they are at Baekhyun's door.


"You sure it's this room?" Chanyeol asks in front of the door, removing the baseball cap from his head. It's wet with rain. Kyungsoo nods before knocking again on Baekhyun's door. There's Sehun behind them, peeling the drenched jacket off of his body.


"Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo speaks into the door. There's some shuffling on the other side of it. Before Baekhyun opens it to the three of them with eyes sagged at the corners. Chanyeol suggests to keep the shoes outside.


"What is it?" Baekhyun coldly asks, annoyed at the intrusion.


"Why so rude, Baek?" Sehun passes him a little smile, draping his jacket on the back rest of the chair before sitting on it. Baekhyun doesn't respond to it. "You were talking to her. We heard it all," Sehun informs him.


"So what?" Baekhyun places down his glasses as he sits on the bed beside Kyungsoo. Chanyeol grabs his roommate's chair and straddles it, eyes large as if asking him what they were talking about. "I was studying. I need to go to bed early, guys," Baekhyun started giving excuses to avoid the topic at hand, "There's a load of homework. What are you doing here?"


"Cut the crap, Baek," Chanyeol grumbles. Kyungsoo nods along, the three pairs of eyes now solely looking at Baekhyun's face. The guy closes his eyes before pinching his forehead anxiously. "What happened to Leah?" Chanyeol asks, now more sternly. "Why isn't she picking up our calls but yours? You know something, Baekhyun."


"I don't know anything," Baekhyun emphasizes with wide eyes before they turn into smaller pupil's again. "It's just that you guys annoy the out of her, it's that simple. She doesn't want to hear from you."


"Fine, then explain her absense," Kyungsoo shrugs. "To be honest, you annoy her the most."


"Baekhyun, don't avoid this," Sehun threw his sharp eyes at Baekhyun, "We deserve to hear it too, whatever it is. Leah is not solely yours."


"I never said that," Baekhyun defends himself, cutting in with a edgy tone. "I never said Leah is only mine. But where are we really going with this, Sehun? This doesn't make sense. She doesn't trust us," he looks at the rest of the guys with a desperate look. "Something did happen," he heaves a long sigh, "Shouldn't have happened..." he trails away, as if talking to himself. Kyungsoo studies his restless face, placing a warm hand on his shoulder. Baekhyun just hides his face in his hands, avoiding the gazes shot at him.


"Let's show the wolves," Chanyeol meekly suggests, "It's clawing in me, I swear..." he trails off too, addressing his own wolf inside his body. "And now that I haven't seen her for three days, I'm going crazy."


"Stop it," Sehun clicks his tongue, "You're not the only one. But I do agree with you, this is going nowhere without letting her see what we really are and why we need her."


Kyungsoo isn't even listen to the two of them. His eyes focus on Baekhyun and he tries to see the pain he holds in those two eyes. What really happened? So much to change their cheerful Baekhyun into this stranger. "D-Do you want to talk about it?" Kyungsoo asks, tilting his face to see Baekhyun's. Baekhyun stays quiet for ten more minutes and even though Chanyeol and Sehun drown into their own thoughts, Kyungsoo can't look away from Baekhyun. 


"I-I went with her that day," he finally speaks, catching all of them off-guard with the heaviness of his voice. "To Hendery's house. But of all things that could happen, Kyungsoo, Hendery..." Baekhyun heaves another deep sigh, "I'm so sorry, guys," he looks at them one by one, making Kyungsoo narrow his eyes at him, "but Hendery was forcing himself o-on Leah. And I..."


Kyungsoo feels a big black balloon burst inside his stomach. The sick feeling creep up his throat, to his brain, like a black liquid travelling through his billion nerves. His eyes wide, his hand limply falls on Baekhyun's side. The guy hides his face in his hands again. The room grows utterly silent with tension.


"And you?" Sehun asks, his eyes imploring as he looks at Baekhyun anxiously. "Baekhyun, where were you?! What were you--"


"I was there. I did punch him in the face but I can't get rid of this guilt," Baekhyun cut in weakly, showing his frustration on his face. "We went home and she began crying. She was so frightened and I...I am responsible for t-that

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54 streak #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. finally finished reading this amazing and interesting story.. it was so catchy, mysterious and full of suspense... things got changed so drastically thar it really made me surprised and interested that what would happen next... so unexpected turn and plot twists... I'm so in love with the story and the characters... specially the main characters... it wasn't a typical reverseharem love story but more about the mysterious incident that had started to take place in their lives... but really loved their relationship development and all those funny beginning... specially the starting and the ruined date part.. too hilarious... couldn't stop laughing... in that process that one plot twist changed their lives and relationships though... a new beginning indeed... felt so bad but still felt so good for them and the consequences... also that experiment part really blown my mind... totally speechless... so critical and complicated... loved the way things got better for them and their relationship got more stronger than before.. but what they were going through rn really broke my heart... kyungsoo's real identity revelation part was shocking.. I'm curious about sehun ans baekhyun's situation after that incident... glad that atleast chanyeol and Leah were there kind of safe from all those for now.. I really loved all of their characters and individuality...glad that Leah understood their love and situation after that big incident..hope they meet soon and reunite together like before...so excited for next update... loved it so much so far..really enjoyed reading it from the beginning till this chapter.. thank you authornim for writing and sharing this story... hope authornim continues this awesome story...well written everything ... fighting authornim .. take care of yourself and stay hydrated.
54 streak #2
Woah reverseharem au, one of my favorite genre... aww...
already bookmarked.. will read this soon.. so excited..
Chapter 9: Kyungsoo as her fist kiss, wow! 😍😍😍💚
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Oh, I love these four knights of Leah! 😍
'Had a lot of fun reading this chapter with mom Chanyeol, dadSehun and baby Kyungsoo! 😹😹😹
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I can imagine Baekhyun calling "Leah, Leah, Leah" 😂 Adorable 🥰
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo and his witty nicknames for Hendery 😂, so cute! 😁
'Really having a great time reading this, tysm authornim 💚
Chapter 1: Interesting... Oh, how I love to be like Leah, having these 4 as my mates... 😍😅 I especially love that she is most comfortable with Baekhyun 💚. But really, finding out about this mate and werewolf thing on the first day of class must be much of a confusion for her 🤭
1977 streak #9
Chapter 16: Gasp!!!!when did this two idiot came from.Another obstacles they have to deal with it.