Opposite Attracts (CSR)

Polar Opposites
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a type of international private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically-oriented practices. (Wiki)


The third day of our company outing came, and it was also the day we were bound to head back to the airport, back to the busy city and living the life of a responsible adult. Yeah right, a responsible adult. I can’t imagine how our life will turn out the moment we’re back from that busy life. Leaving this island is like waking up in a dream I never wanted to wake up from. But who knows, as they say, what makes the special days special are the normal days. I sighed remembering the scene from last night.

We’re screwed. Definitely screwed. It’s not like dating is prohibited in our workplace. But it’s a different case when you are dating your direct superior. I turned to Irene who is now comfortably leaning on my shoulder, peacefully sleeping as the plane takes us back to where we came from three days ago. I stared at her beautiful face and caress it gently. Sometimes I still wonder how such perfect being managed to also fall for me.

The manager said that night that he’ll be talking to Irene when we get back. Heck, he didn’t even pay any attention to me. Irene nodded only in response and didn’t say anything.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep. Right, we’ll think about it when the time comes. No need to fret over it now. One thing I know is for sure though.

‘I’ll never leave Irene.’



“So you two got found out?” Seulgi approached me when she noticed I haven’t been myself ever since we came to office that day.

“Yeah, Irene is in a meeting right now with our manager,” I sighed and tried to focus on my current work.

“Well it’s just a matter of time before you two will get expose I think.”

“I know. But getting caught kissing in a public place is not a good way of getting found out.”

I heard Seulgi exhale as she ruffled my hair for comfort.

“Relax Wendy. It’s not like the two of you are gonna break up or –“

Seulgi was cut off when a pair of arms suddenly engulfed my neck for a tight hug, making me jolt from the abrupt action.

“You’re not my staff anymore.” Irene mumbled.

I was beyond shock, Irene never hugged me inside the office and doing so would be very weird and bold. But I didn’t care about that as her words kept ringing in my ears.

‘I’m not her staff anymore.’



“Eric?” I repeated to check if I heard correctly.

“Yeah, he’ll take charge of you from now on,” Irene said after taking a bite of her hamburger steak. We decided to dine out after that shocking news she got earlier.

“I see,” I mumbled. Well, it isn’t like I haven’t predicted this will happen. It’s a common move actually since it’s not like they can tell us to break up.

“Were you scolded earlier?” I asked.

“Hmm, I wouldn’t call that a scolding just a few reminders and such. You know it’s not really a taboo dating a co-worker. But it’s a different case to us since you’re directly reporting to me. They say it could impair my judgment and it isn’t really professional,” Irene took a sip of her soda.

“But I’m sad,” she said after. “Since you will also have to change your seat. I won’t be able to reach for you anymore,” she continued while poking the half-eaten burger.

I smiled. It’s rare for Irene to voice out her thoughts and feelings like this.

“I should be the one saying that. I was really shock when you said I’m not your staff anymore,” I smiled sadly but still took her hand to comfort her.

“What do you think of him anyway? You’ve worked with him in a previous project, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, we did. We’re not really awkward with each other. But he’s not capable of reading my mind unlike you,” I smirked.

Irene merely chuckled as she finished her food.

“I see. That’s good then,” she said and sighed in assurance.

“By the way, you have a CSR tomorrow right? Are you going with Joy or Seulgi?” Irene continued.

Our Company is one of the sponsors in a foundation focusing primarily on education of those who are financially unstable. Every year, the Company sends people to teach high school students. Since the operations division of our Company is divided into teams, each team sends two representatives to teach a certain topic every week. This time, it’s our team’s turn this weekend. I’ve actually volunteered to the said event since no one wanted to when we were asked. Aside from experience, I think it would be a good opportunity as well to try teaching as my field.

“Actually, uhm, I would like to go with you Irene,” I said slowly, fully knowing what her reaction would be.


As expected, she was shocked.

“I thought you’d want to go with your friends? And also, I’m not really good with these things you know,” she looked sideways, fully hesitant on such request.

“I know,” I squeezed her hand tighter. “I just thought that we could spend more time like this and it would be a good experience,” I smiled.

“But I’ve already experience this before,” she argued. “And it didn’t really excite me,” she sighed.

“Maybe you could try it this time with me?” I insisted, looking at her with puppy eyes I knew she’ll never say no from.

Irene let out a deep sigh and I knew I already won.

“Okay, fine. But in exchange,” Irene pulled a quick kiss so swift I wasn’t able to respond.

“You’ll have to stay over to my place after.”



Saturday came, Irene and I met up at the office and we were transported by the Company’s service to the Foundation. It was a one-hour ride and as expected, Irene slept through the entire ride. We were greeted by a kind looking old lady, expecting for our visit. We were then escorted to a classroom inside the compound. I scanned the area and found it pretty wide. There’s a playground for elementary school kids, small libraries and laboratories. There are kids playing soccer and some parents were watching their kids with loving stares. Such simple and kind happiness from people who doesn’t have much in life but are full of joy.

I glanced at Irene who was strolling from behind and noticed her only staring at the ground. I slowed down to walk beside her, intertwi

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Chapter 14: what happened????😭
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 7: Where's the after story omg I can't be left hanging like that after them confessing 🤧
Chapter 14: gaaaah i'm still checking out this story from time to time for updates. i miss you, author-nim ㅠㅠ
Favebolous 11 streak #4
Chapter 14: LIKE ITV❤️❤️
Chapter 14: Winter is here and I love it! Should they adopt her? Really love this story, congrats!
Chapter 14: What did Wendy's last words mean?
Something happened to Irene?
Both of them?
Please ... No angst ...
Get plenty of rest author nim, thank you
Chapter 14: Aww, it’s making me anxious... is it that bad? What would happen? Oh noooo!
Hope your feeling better now tho ><
Chapter 12: b-b-but... T_T
Chapter 10: "smashed~"
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)