Opposite Attracts (Company Outing Part 2)

Polar Opposites
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We finally boarded the plane, and I must have the best of luck that day since I managed a seat beside Irene!

I felt jittery and happy as I proceeded to adjust myself on my window seat.

“Are you uncomfortable with your spot? Do you want to trade places?” Irene asked when she noticed I can’t seem to settle down on my place.

“N-no, it’s fine. I just feel excited that’s all,” I smiled sheepishly.

Irene only nodded her head as she began to browse the plane’s catalog for any snack during the flight.

“Do you not feel sleepy?” Irene asked as she placed the catalog back behind the seat in front.

“I was feeling sleepy earlier but not now,” I said blushing.

“I see,” Irene smiled, and I was startled when she suddenly took my hand and intertwined it with her own.

“We barely had any sleep,” she mumbled as she closed her eyes and leaned comfortably on her seat.

“I don’t really mind not having much sleep since you know about my insomnia but for some reason I feel really relax right now,” Irene continued.

When she did not proceed speaking any further, I assumed she was asleep, and I continued staring at her sleeping face.

It’s actually my first-time seeing Irene rest like this. She’s always been busy handling and talking to everyone.



One week ago

“Irene, do you mind looking at this. We’re really having a trouble interpreting what standard to apply in this situation,” our manager approached Irene who just came in the office that morning and before I could even greet her a good morning.

Irene took the report from our manager’s hold before reading at an incredible speed. Her eyes blinked for a few times as she scrutinized the details of the report.

“I think this would not be applicable considering there is still no mutual agreement between the two parties. The transaction price is still not settled and since the period is just one year, we can apply the previous standard on this, what do you think?” Irene handed back the report and the manager nodded his head twice.

“I see. You have a fair point. We can discuss this with the client and let’s see what their discretion would be. Thanks, Irene. We’re really on the edge on this,” the manager gave a tap on Irene’s shoulder as a form of acknowledgment and made his way back to his area.

“You haven’t even sat on your chair yet,” I said when Irene had finally settled down.

She chuckled as she pulled out a lipstick and began retouching her make up.

“I know right. That’s why I really hate having a conversation with our manager. He asks too much, and my work would suddenly increase without me knowing,” Irene pursed her lips together as she turned to me.

“Do you want to get some coffee?”



“You’ve always been working so hard,” I said and began to remove strands of hair covering Irene’s beautiful face.

Suddenly my phone rang, and holy guacamole Irene’s eyes shot up open, getting startled from the sudden ringing.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” I apologized as I fished out the stupid phone from my pocket.

I looked at the caller and I saw it was our client. I glanced at Irene who glared at me motioning not to take the call.

“But we still have time and we’re not taking off yet,” I reasoned.

Irene rolled her eyes before telling me to do whatever I want.

I picked up the call and the chirpy client began reminding tasks that should be submitted in 3 weeks’ time. I faked smiled and chuckled as I answered politely and welcomingly.

“I’m really sorry for calling at such an hour but we’re really anxious about the report since we need to have it before the board meeting, we still can’t figure out what to do with the new regulations issued by the regulatory body. Perhaps, is Irene there with you? Can I talk to her for a few minutes if possible?” the client asked politely, and I don’t really have the heart on declining such polite request, so I turned to Irene and motioned her that the client wants to speak with her.

Of course, Irene gave me a wide eye before doing a cutthroat motion with her hand and finally sighing as she gestured to turn the call on speaker mode.

So I did, and I was holding the phone as Irene was a making a conversation with the client.

“Yes, of course we could help you with the computation. We’ll have Wendy here send you the template in 3 days’ time since we’re currently on our way to our company outing,” Irene said politely, and everyone knows the meaning behind those words.

‘Don’t call me in a span of 3 days because I’m having the time of my life you piece of inconsiderate .’

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Chapter 14: what happened????😭
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 7: Where's the after story omg I can't be left hanging like that after them confessing 🤧
Chapter 14: gaaaah i'm still checking out this story from time to time for updates. i miss you, author-nim ㅠㅠ
Favebolous #4
Chapter 14: LIKE ITV❤️❤️
Chapter 14: Winter is here and I love it! Should they adopt her? Really love this story, congrats!
Chapter 14: What did Wendy's last words mean?
Something happened to Irene?
Both of them?
Please ... No angst ...
Get plenty of rest author nim, thank you
Chapter 14: Aww, it’s making me anxious... is it that bad? What would happen? Oh noooo!
Hope your feeling better now tho ><
Chapter 12: b-b-but... T_T
Chapter 10: "smashed~"
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)