Ashes to Ashes

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Diagnosed with a terminal illness, Hana doesn’t have much to live for. When she unwillingly catches the attention of the flirtatious demon Kāi, he makes it his goal to steal her heart within thirty days. What starts as a funny game to him soon gets serious when they begin to fall for each other, but Hana's life is fading fast... [Demon!Kai x Human!OC]

Since she was diagnosed with a terminal illness, Hana doesn’t have much to live for. When she unwillingly catches the attention of the flirtatious demon Kāi, he makes it his goal to steal her heart within thirty days. What starts as a funny game to him soon gets serious when they begin to fall for each other. However, Hana’s life is fading fast...





“What do you want from me?” Hana sighed.

“Finding out why you’re not interested in me,” he said, his lips curling into a devilish smirk. “You know, Hana, we could have a lot of fun if you weren’t so glum all the time. And if you finally stopped frowning, you would be even prettier.”

She blushed, caught off guard by his flirty behavior. “Shut it,” she said.

“Aren’t you attracted to me at all?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

“No, I’m not."

“But I’m irresistible!”

“Not to me,” she said.

“You’re a tough nut,” he muttered, crossing his arms as he leaned against the kitchen counter. His posture gave her a much too good view of his exposed stomach, and she couldn’t help but stare at his abs. When he suddenly raised his voice, she flinched and looked away.

“I know! I’m going to do all it takes to make you fall for me! I’ll wrap you around my finger,” he smirked. “This is a game I won’t lose.”

“There’s no way I would fall for a weirdo like you,” she insisted. Romance was the last thing on her mind right now. “But if you really want to try… You have 30 days, Kāi. Not more.



This is a spin-off from my Baëkhyun x OC fanfiction Straight to Hell. It's not necessary to read it to understand what's going on in Ashes to Ashes, but it'll give you more background info on the setting and characters.

  • Main pairing: Kāi x OC (Hana)
  • Side pairing: Baëkhyun x OC (Minji)
  • Genres: Romance, Drama, Supernatural
  • Status: Completed

Copying and reposting my work is not allowed!
If you post my work on other pages without my consent, it's considered plagiarism.


The new cover was made by Kurogane Art Studio. Thank you again for your work! ❤️




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45 streak #1
Chapter 5: The story is awesome. I read it so fast, it was interesting with eye capturing moments and full with romance, adding the slight angst made the story even better as it allowed for more character development.

Kai wasn't just a demon anymore but someone loved and cared about. Falling for a human might seem like a bad idea but Hana is someone worth it. Her love has changed him for the best, allowing his sweet side seep through the cracks.

They traveled the world together and it was so fun to see them exploring new places together.

Hana now values her life and cherishes every moment. The lost colors have come back and her life is wonderful.

Thank you so much for this story!
45 streak #2
Chapter 4: Loved the fluff before the sadness. It was great to see Hana so carefree and happy before the illness took its toll on her body.

Kai really believed in doctors only to have his hope crushed. He has grown to care about Hana, more than demonly possible.

Maybe the bond will save her. I really hope it does.
45 streak #3
Chapter 3: Kai might have won the game but still, Hana is slipping from his grasp. She would like a bond with him but doesn't want to take him down with her. That shows how considerate Hana is of others. Even if they are demons.

Kai isn't a regular demon, he has fallen for Hana but Hana doesn't believe that demons could love. Though she enjoys his strong hold.

She wants to live but time is unforgiving as it continues to go forward. At least she made so many happy memories over the past days. Something that made her smile despite the pain.
45 streak #4
Chapter 2: Hana finally showed him that beautiful smile of hers. A smile worth billions. And a demon managed to do that. Someone who can send people to hell just because he wanted to has taken a human girl all around the world, making her last days less miserable and making her actually cherish life.

Maybe if he knew about her condition, he could save her.

Their kiss might not have been passionate but it had feelings flowing freely from both sides. Hana enjoyed it, it most likely being an unusual experience for her. Romance never hurts. It makes my heart melt how Kai always keeps her close when they are on something very high. Maybe the demon has an interest in her. She is very pure and lovely, even though she has lost the spark in her life.
45 streak #5
Chapter 1: Demon Kai is a very interesting creature, used on having people down at his feet, either scared or in love with him.

Hana might have been similar if it wasn't for her illness which had taken out all of her light. Maybe that attracted Demon Kai to her, the emptiness of the light so he could seep his darkness through the shell Hana had become.

Her smile is lost but it makes sense. After learning that she has only one month to live, anyone would lose their smile.

At least Kai took her to Paris, allowing for a few seconds of what seemed to be pure happiness. Just Hana enjoying another day, watching the scenery below her feet.

Kai is pretty tame for a demon, for now. He might end up pulling some tricks up his sleeve. Hana better be careful. Just in case the demon falls for her and doesn't want to let go so easily.
784 streak #6

OMO! Kai the Demon! Heck yes! 😉👌

Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Characters: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Junielly #7
Chapter 5: This story is cute ㅋㅋㅋ. Actually, I haven't read the Baekhyun story yet, but I think I'll read it after this! You did great authornim :3
SummerLuv #8
Chapter 5: Hahaha I like how demons have issues with all these cute pet names lmao 🤣
Sykrh_ #9
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh!!! This is absolutely adorable! It's interesting to see this side of Kāi. Knowing how mischievous he can be, it must be fun to have him around. 😂 & free vacation is a huge plus!! Teleportation might be one of the best ability there is😁
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH??????!!!!!!!! I LOVE KĀI!!!!!!!!