Jeongmal mallayo!

Life as his Temporarary Girlfriend

No One PoV.


Hoya impatienly had both of his hand covering his head as sat down in front of Sungyeol's imergency room.

"Hyung!!" Dong Woo yelled out as he come storming in with the rest of Infinite the Hospital.

" What happened ?" they were all asking Hoya, who was now had his outfit and hands covered with Sungyeol's blood. 

" How is huyng?"

" Tell me he is ok!"

" Happened to Sungyeol and you??!"  Infinite were now surrounded Hoya and demanded him for an answer.

They all paused for a couple of seconds waiting for Hoya to response to them. But instead Hoya was shaking his head silently while looking down on the floor. 

" Mollayo, joengmal mollayo," Hoya managed to speak, but his head is still looking down on the floor "He been is in the surgery room for more than 1 hour already," Hoya ended his sentence with a sniff. 

" it was all my fault..." Hoya tried to tell them what happened, or tried to remember what happened, but it all happened to fast. He was just running after Sungyeol, It was dark outside, Sungyeol suddenlly stopped and stood in the middle of the street. " I heard beeps from the car, then the horrible sound."  Then Hoya broke into a cried, ""

L patted Hoya back trying to calm him down, " It is allright Hoya,.. "

" Sungyeol " DongWoo sat down next to Hoya and begun to cry too. *sniff...sniff*

Tired from leaning against Sungyeol's surgeon room for such a long slow hour, one by one; Woo Huyn and Dong Woo  begun to sit down together on the opposed bench from Hoya's and clapped their hands together, paying for Sungyeol to be ok. Sung Gyu, the caring leader had his worriedly eyes looking down on the floor and his hands in his pocket, he  was the only one that still had his energy to stand.

*creakkkkk*  the sound of the door opened and one by one the blue uniform surgeons finally come out from Sung yeol's room.

Every of Infinite members jumped up from the bench at once and raced toward the doctors.

" How is he Doctor?" Sung Gyu asked nervously.

" He had lost alot of blood due to his accident." one of the doctor told them as he started to take of his mask hanging on his ears. "But its seems like his condition is stable.... For now."  he added.

Hoya and infinite exhaled with relieve.

" gamsahamida!!" Hoya thanked them. " gamsahamida! Gamsahamida!!" the rest joined in and gave the doctors several bows.

" Can we see huyng now ?" Sung Jong pleased the doctors .

" I afraid not. Not now," replied the old white haired doctor , "please let the patient rest for now. But you can visit him tomorrow morning."  With that the doctors walked away.

" I'll stay out here tonight," Hoya said quietly, " you guys go home."

" Ani!" dong woo disagreed with Hoya, " huyng  take the rest home I'll stay here," he told Sung Gyu and then turned back to Hoya. " go home and take a nice clean bath Hoya, you been through alot tonight."

" But ! But..." L along with others members dragged Hoya away from Dong Woo before he was able to complete his sentence.


 Author notes: IS He really gonna be OK when they visit him tomorrow???? WHat do you guys think?? I mean the doctor did say he is Ok ..."For now!!!"

I'm sorry for the short chapter. If i made mistakes writing the doctors scene. Mianhae :( . 


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Chapter 6: Please update soon!! When is the oc going to appear again??
MoeLaMollMoll #2
Chapter 4: sungyeol~ XD
update pleasee..
MoeLaMollMoll #3
Chapter 4: sungyeol~ XD
update pleasee..
MoeLaMollMoll #4
Chapter 4: sungyeol~ XD
update pleasee..
Chapter 4: I loved this!!! Please update soon!! **new reader**^^
hwangyeonyeon #6
yes,a bit confusing but it's will be a great story..........
Bla I hate when characters are hurt >.<
The only Infinite member I know is Dongwoo...
I should pay more attention. Lol
I like it :) lol