Chapter 4



"Uhmm. are you sure you're comfortable?" Jaejoong asked Yunho. He was lying on the sofa which was on one side of their hotel's room wall. He's been lying there for a few minutes now but he can't seem to sleep.

"I'm fine, Jaejoong." Yunho uttered. Judging from his voice, he doesn't seem to be sleepy at all.

Jaejoong's face turned red even though he knows that Yunho can't even see him. He straightened himself a bid on the bed and then turned sideways now facing the door on the way to the veranda. It was open that's why he can heard the deafening sounds of the sea waves and felt the cold breeze coming from outside. He should be so tired. After what happened last night and this morning, plus the few hours ride, he's supposed to be asleep already.

"Jaejoong you moved 5 times already. Are you comfortable?"

He was about to fell off the bed upon hearing Yunho. "Uhm. I'm not used to. uhm. you know. lights off" Jaejoong confessed. It was one of the reasons why he can't be a field agent. He's afraid of the dark.

He looked at the other lad when he felt that Yunho was getting off from the couch. After a few seconds, Yunho the bedside lamp. Jaejoong closed his eyes for a bit from the sudden change. And when he opened his eyes again, he saw Yunho looking at him.

"There. You can sleep now?"

Jaejoong tried to smile. "Yes, thank you."

Yunho smiled back. "Good night. You better sleep this time. You need to be alert tomorrow."

Jaejoong knew that. But he can't seem to be assertive. Since he started to hang out with Yunho, he seemed to be unsure in everything he does.

"Goodnight Yunho."

Yunho went back to the couch. Jaejoong turned to face the other side. Afraid, that his face might be exposed to Yunho even though he's asleep. He's not comfortable knowing someone's watching him sleeping.

He closed his eyes as he reviewed his situation. Last night, they went to a bar to get to know each other's take on the assignment. What happened was, they got to know each other literally.

He bit his lip when he was about to laugh. Maybe he was just exhausted. He took a deep breathe. It was not really bad to have Yunho in the same room. Despite of being irritated to Yunho all throughout the day, he somehow felt safe that he was around.


Jaejoong was awoken by the aroma of the coffee. He smiled when he saw the person who's holding the cup of hot coffee.

"Yunho.." Jaejoong uttered as he adjust to the morning light.

"Good morning." Yunho said energetically.

"Good morning," Jaejoong replied. There was a smile on his lips as he looked around. When he turned his gaze back to Yunho, there was a shed of curiosity on the other lad's face.

He got his eyeglasses above the bedside table and quickly put it on. "Yoochun didn't contact us last night?" he asked as he got the cup of coffee from Yunho.

"Nope. But Eagle called. He just asked for an update. I couldn't report anything besides the trip and that we're going touring with the other guests of the hotel today."

Jaejoong silently thanked God as Yunho's not facing him right now as he talked. Because if not, he would've seen his flushed face. What would Kangta say if he ever found out about the night in the bar? It was something a field agent would report to him, as NDI's psychiatrist. He never thought that he would be in a situation like this.

Did it mean that he needed to talk to someone? He suddenly think of Taecyeon. Agent Pororo is like a mentor to him and he considered him as his second father. There was also Agent Cinderella. But then Heechul would probably play Cupid and that would probably give him more embarrassment.

No! He needed to think of someone else whom he can talk to. There was Seulgi. But his the wife of Kangta, and Seulgi might feel compelled to tell his husband, if ever she thinks it might affect his disposition on his mission with Yunho.

Why was he suddenly in a no man's land? Does he really have no one to talk to?


Their breakfast was given to them by the hotel staff and while they were eating, they talked about their agenda for the day. They already checked the room a while ago so they are pretty much sure that there's no device whatsoever and that they can talk freely there.

They prepared themselves after eating. In an hour or so, the tour will start. Jaejoong was the first one to use the bathroom and that's where he wore his clothes on after showering. He wore a sleeveless top and shorts. He was wiping his hair with a towel when he went out of the bathroom.

Yunho, with his towel and changing clothes, stopped for a while as he saw Jaejoong coming out from the bathroom.

"Why?" Jaejoong nervously asked. Did he wear the wrong clothes?

"Hmmm. Nothing."

He put his hands down, the one holding the towel. "No, there's something." Yunho said.

"Is there something wrong with my clothes?"

"It's fine."

"Then what?"

"I just..." Yunho hesitated for a moment. "It's only now that I saw you wearing casual clothes."

Jaejoong was definitely stunned. He looked at his clothes as he shrugged.

"It's fine. In fact, it's good. You look about 5 years younger."

Jaejoong turned his eyes on Yunho. "Are you implying that I look old?"

A smile curved on Yunho's lips. "No. You're just professional looking everytime I see you. It's a welcome change." Then, he directly walked towards the bathroom leaving a confused Jaejoong behind.

Jaejoong just continued on whatever he's doing a while ago, wiped his hair with a towel, and then he paused for about a minute or two as he assess himself about the difference of his appearance now as Yunho said besides the professional one.

Was the lamp light on that night they almost made love?

He closed his eyes as he tried to erase the thought. He shouldn't think of that today. Instead, he should be focused on their mission.

He deeply breathe as many as he can in order to calm himself. He did all the mind exercises he knew so that he could focus more on his job.

When Yunho went out of the bathroom, he didn't bother to look at him because he might get distracted again on what he's going to see. At that moment, he finally knew what affliction he has.

He was ually attracted to the man. And he was a psychiatrist, he should know.

Personal, ual attraction. Was it a topic he had missed when he was in college? Because in his professional experience, his expert if it happened to other agents.

But in his own case, he was virtually clueless.

********** ********

Yunho and Jaejoong are not even out of their hotel room yet Yunho could feel Jaejoong's emotional distance to him. He don't know whether he should be happy about it or not. He knew he should be grateful. He was thankful that he doesn't need to report immediately what happened to them the other night to Kangta. He couldn't report it as an emergency.

But personally, he wasn't enjoying the distance.

But enjoying it or not, he knew that Jaejoong's action are right. He should do the same. Althrough out the afternoon, he followed Jaejoong's example. He carefully act as a professional, so Jaejoong wouldn't blame him. He don't want to get distracted again just like what happened a while ago after seeing Jaejoong coming out from the bathroom.

La Isla Beach Resort of Mungyeong was their first destination. Jaejoong was wearing a standard swimming outfit just like everybody else in the said tourist group.

Yunho had seen many men and women wearing something black, in less clothing than Jaejoong's. But when he noticed a guy in the group eyeing Jaejoong, he wanted to act as a real husband to his so called 'wife'. So when Jaejoong faced his back he gave that guy a death glare.

And that was just the beginning.



Jaejoong looked up at Yunho while lying at the recliner. They were in the 2nd beach resort, still in the island of Myungyeong, where the tourists can dive. Both of them choose to just enjoy the scenery, which looks more attractive because there were less people. For how many times he reminded himself that they were on a mission and they were not just simply sight-seeing. For how many times did he also forget because he was distracted by the beautiful and clean place of the island. He smiled when he saw Yunho, holding a bottle of juice with a straw.

"Who? The Brazillian? He just said that among all the beaches he went to, Korea has the beautiful ones. Since I am Korean, I think he thought I would appreciate that."

"Why didn't he approach you when I was near? I can appreciate that, too."

Jaejoong smiled upon hearing the tone of jealousy in his voice. But he must be acting too, afraid that someone might hear their conversation.

"Oh you don't know? He wasn't interested at the beach," Yunho mumbled.

"You think he's a spy?"


Jaejoong looked at Yunho for a while. Wasn't he playing the jealous husband to the extreme? "So where do you think he's interested?"

Yunho stand and suddenly went beside him. He got the sunblocked lotion and started applying it to Jaejoong. Jaejoong was startled as he felt Yunho's hands on his back. He didn't see this one coming.

"You know that we can't trust someone so easily, we are on an assignment." Yunho mumbled again as he continue what he was doing.

On the other hand, Jaejoong closed his eyes as he enjoyed the massage of Yunho's hand on his back, while he thinks for an answer to other lad's question. "That's why I told him to go away because my husband is a very jealous person."

Yunho stopped for a moment. And Jaejoong moaned as a sign of protest. After a few seconds, Yunho continued to massage him again. And a complete silence followed. He was about to fall asleep because of what Yunho's doing on his back.

"Jae, why did you enter NDI?"

Jaejoong suddenly opened his eyes. "Pororo... I mean, Doctor Taecyeon was a friend of my late father, who was also a surgeon. My dad was involved in an accident and it was Pororo who was with him the last moments he was alive. I think my father made him promise he would look after me. I was still young when my mother died. I was in a graduate school when Pororo asked me to do my first criminal profiling. I guess, during that time, I already knew that the people he wanted me to profile were real criminals and that he was readying me or testing me for something. Pororo is not the kind of person who entertains nonsense. He always has a purpose, he was always direct. I enjoyed it too much, I begged for another one. I was formally recruited after my tenth profile of a psychopath. Since then, I never looked back."

Jaejoong considered then asking Yunho about his own recruitment. As the on-call shrink of NDI, he already knew the background story of each agent. He knew that Yunho's brother who's a lawyer was killed m a pro bono case and up to now, the culprit wasn't seen yet. Yunho was a former military like Kangta, studied and trained in South Korea Military Academy and has a great opportunity to become an official but he resigned right after he was given an option to be an agent. The former chief of NDI, Gen. Choi Siwon was the one who recruited Yunho. According to him, he had his eye on Yunho even when he was still in the Academy. Quiet but purposeful, and extraordinary concentration and marksmanship skills. That was written on its recommendation on Yunho's file on NDI. Obviously, Yunho's excellency on sniping gave him the code name Bambi Sniper.

"Your brother's accident lead you to join NDI?" Jaejoong asked.

"What happened to my older brother was the reason why I entered the military, but I entered NDH, because I can do more work here. No red tape, no corruption, and we only had one boss. I never regretted my decision. Like you, I never looked back."

Jaejoong smiled. "If you continue doing that, I might fall asleep soon," he said because Yunho has been totally consistent on what he's doing on his back.

Yunho then removed his hands.

Jaejoong faced Yunho while he lie down. "Thanks."

Yunho smiled to him. Jaejoong was a bit startled from it, so Yunho lowered his head a bit and kissed the tip of his nose.

He felt the tingle from the tip of his nose to his whole body, like electricity.

"Next time you talk to another man without me by your side, I'll kiss you a little lower than your nose. And I'm going to enjoy that, for sure." Afterwards, Yunho stand up, and went to the other recliner, and lie down.

a/n: an update for you guys. sorry if I haven't been updating this fic. it's been 2 months since my last update. I'm a lazy author, I know. XD.. again. my deepest gratitude to the readers who always drop by comments. you guys boost up my confidence to continue writing this fic. and that means a lot to me.. till next time. =)
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Update na Ate Roba!!!
cant wait for next update soooo update soon <3 XD
IL0v3F00d #3
Hey~ just started reading this~~ can't wait 4 the next update >u< Will there be any 'action' ? *sly grin*
"Jaejoong and me together? As in just the two of us? No other agents. No other friends. No disturbance. And we're married. Yunho grinned." LOL. GO YUNHO! XDDD