Chapter 2


Jaejoong and me, together? As in just the two of us? No other agents. No other friends. No disturbance. And we're married. Yunho grinned.

At that moment, he's alone in one of the briefing rooms of the headquarters. That's where he went after the meeting to study the folder of their new assignment before their briefing in half an hour. And he need to remind himself that they're just gonna pretend, a cover while doing their assignment.

But he can't erase the thought. They are married, even though it's just make believe.

He assesed himself and the thoughts he had on this new assignment. He had been attracted to Jaejoong for as long as he could remember, a feeling that he had successfully hidden from him, and was the least priority to him. Just like all his other personal issues that isn't related to his job. For him, as he enter the door of NDI's headquarters, he's Agent Bambi, and not Jung Yunho. It was a serious, and most of the time, very dangerous. And in order for him not to be killed, he need disregard those things that could distract him from doing his job.

But this kind of assignment had never happened before. Should he accept the assignment or not?

He wanted to slap himself. He had never refused an assignment. Besides, this was not even a dangerous mission. Jaejoong wasn't a dangerous person either. In fact, he is the safest agent in NDI. He just can't understand why is he attracted to him.

Jaejoong was a walking manual book. He doesn't even dare to wear revealing outfits. And he doubted if he even knew how to flirt.

Unfortunately, he never saw Jaejoong took off his eyeglasses, but he's still one of the gorgeous guys he had ever seen. In that thick eyeglasses of him, lies a beautiful and expressive eyes. He had a pretty nose and luscious pink lips. He might don the getup of a psychiatrist everyday of his life, but inspite of those conservative clothes, you can greatly see the mixture of a feminine and manly physique of his.

It's alluring for him to see Jaejoong's every move. He always stare at those candle like fingers, which slowly moves above the laptop's keyboard, coz he always bring that with him. No one would argue that Kim Jaejoong was one of the prettiest psychiatrist there was.

You can obviously see that he doesn't care about that, if he was even aware of it. And that very unassuming air was what attracted him most to Agent Falcon. Not that he would ever find out about it. He would never mix work with pleasure. There was too much at stake. Too many lives were counting on good agents like the ones NDI had. And he doesn't have any intention of retiring unlike the other field agents who were married. If an agent marrys, he would just be a consultant. Others would be trained to replace him. There were too many fights left in him to stop fighting.

Well, I always see him everyday, he thought before he restrain himself. He almost winced, knowing that he was doing it again.

He diverted his attention to the brief of their new assignment and even though he already know what's in there, he read it again.

That's what he was doing when Jaejoong entered the room.


Yunho appeared as if he didn't even notice him coming into the room, but Jaejoong knew better. He knows that Yunho's aware of it. He waited until he take notice of his presence. He didn't even wait for that long. Yunho closed the folder and looked at him.

"Eagle's coming is a minute," he said. His heartbeat spiked the moment those eyes focused on his face. He suddenly feel nervous and confused. He knew Yunho wasn't going to hurt him.

He didn't even knew why he smiled. He looks like an insecure child who wants assurance. Usually, he would smile at an agent when he knew that could give assurance. But with Yunho, it's completely the opposite.

He was never sure of what he was thinking. Whenever he was near him, it was like he was invading a very personal space where he wasn't invited. It was more a feeling than a fact. He can't conclude that Yunho's doing it intentionally. He can't even say that they're friends which leads to his curiosity.

Why is it that among the original elites, they are not that close compare to those other agents who are so close to him.

He suddenly feel the heat of his cheeks upon the thought. Greater than a colleague-friends. He felt ridiculous defending himself to his own self. That's what he wants to say on his brain, that's why he can't understand why he's blushing.

Yunho's staring at his face, that's a factor adding up to the redness of his cheeks. It looks like he wanted to melt or be eaten by the floor at that very moment.

Kangta entered the room at last and what he was thinking a while ago was completely forgotten. He diverted his gaze away from Yunho in order for him to concentrate on their briefing before their mission which will officially starts tomorrow morning. On their flight, which will bring them to Jeju - as "husband and wife"

But at the back of his mind, he wondered if Yunho also felt what he felt everytime he would look at him. He looked at him secretly for a moment and when he saw that Yunho was listening attentively to Kangta, he deeply sighed in relief.

Whatever that was, he better get it out of his system. It was just an unfortunate mistake, a tweak of weirdness.

His nervousness fade away little by little as he listens to Kangta. It was always the facts that made him feel safe, it isn't quirks of human emotions which is nameless and can't be explain by our brain.

After the hard facts, Jaejoong was confused again. Yunho's besides him on their way to the wardrobe department, he's trying to name the "moment" that happened to him a while ago. He secretly looked at Yunho again.

Why is it that he really don't know Yunho personally? Did he even try knowing Agent Bambi?

As he try to remember all of their missions together, he realized that they don't have any relation outside of their work. Unlike him and Flower Boy Hyunjoong and all the other agents who hang out with him after their work to chill and relax. While with Agent Bambi, he only see him on debriefings. After an assignment ends, Yunho was gone. He goes home early. He don't know if other agents experienced the same thing whenever they're on a mission with Yunho. Maybe it's just a coincidence?

Why not start now?

Jaejoong pursed his lips. Why not? A little something could turn out to be a good thing, an important thing. Usually, any detail that he will discover on an agent's personality may help him on the future. He could tell if an agent is near burnout, he would immediately propose for an appropriate action. Most of the time, that agent would inform him if there was a problem. And if he know that agent, he immediately tell Kangta if it's wise to put that agent on a mission or not. Most of the time, Kangta asked for his opinion. He doesn't like this feeling if he;s not sure on what he's going to say at that time. He feels that he's not doing his job well.

"Hey," he said before they enter the wardrobe department.

He looked at Yunho.

He courageously continued. "We don't talk talked the other details yet regarding this mission. You know that it's not really a part of my agent description to go out in the field, and I need to ask you a few questions. Actually a lot of questions." He felt like he was blabbing. "How about we go out and discuss about this assignment further?"

It's obvious that Yunho was shocked on his sudden request. For a moment, he thought that Yunho would reject the offer. And he quite freaked out, although he can't exactly explain why.

Yunho suddenly smiled. "Don't worry, Falcon. I wasn't thinking inappropriate things. Of course, I know it's work related. No worries." Afterwards, he turned his hand on the door and pushed it. "How about after we get our gear? Then, I'm all yours."

He was left speechless outside of the door, taken aback by Yunho's words. In almost 8 years they had worked together, that was the longest personal statement he had given him. The man could surely talk.

/I'm all yours/

He pushed the door and entered the room still thinking of what Yunho meant by those words.


It was the best idea Jaejoong had ever hatched as NDI support. He's currently holding a bottle of beer as he smirk at the other guy in front of him. "How did I ever think that you're the most quiet agent in NDI?" Jaejoong chuckled. "You really can't judge book by it's cover, right?"

Yunho smiled as he looked at him. "Right," he answered. "Very applicable to us agents. Especially you. Look at you Jae. Who would ever believe that you're more than the psychiatrist you appear to be?"

"It's quite effective, but I really happen to be a nerd in and out. I was just included in the other skirmishes of NDI before but I'm not like you guys. I've owned 0.9 mm for years, but I've never even used it except in an indoor, firing range."

"Shooting shoulders, knees, hands and all the parts that would incapacitate a person, but would not kill." Yunho said with a soft voice. "I heard that you can't even shot the heart of the target on a shooting range."

"And you're secretly laughing at me the way others do"

"No one's secretly laughing at you, Jae. Everyone know how soft your heart is and how indispensable your dedication to NDI is. That's why you can't go out in the field without a field agent as your company. In a moment, a hesitant decision to kill or not to kill could make all the difference in the world.

He suddenly think of his going to contradict what he said or not. Then he decided it wasn't worth it. "You're right," he said as he sighed. "And thank God. I didn't want to go there and it would terrify me to decide if I should kill or not. I'd rather be with the books and my analysis and my consultations. Thank God I never had to point my handgun at a real person."

"So why accept this assignment? Why volunteer for it, even? You know you'll still have to carry your gun even though you have me as your company."

Jaejoong's thinking if he's going to answer the question or not. Damn! He was supposed to ask him questions, not the other way around! But despite of it, he knows that he accomplished something bigger that night.

Their conversation did not center on the mission the way he had anticipated that it would. It was too crowded in that bar for them to do so. But they were talking like friends. And seeing him relaxing, smiling, laughing, talking, and asking questions was way better than before and was more than his expectations.

"I feel that I know how to help him." Jaejoong answered. He paused to think of how his going to explain it. "I feel that I have found the surgical solution to be able to help him have a normal life with his family. I've been discussing this with Agent Pororo, and he agreed that it was possible. But he needs to be confine in the hospital, undergo tests..."

Yunho look at him warningly, giving him signals that it's too dangerous for them to talk about Agent Ghost in the place where they are right now.

"Why did we go here, anyway? We can't talk here." Yunho said. Jaejoong was the one who decided that they should go there.

Jaejoong grinned. "You don't go to bars?" he curiously asked.

"It's a night of first times," Yunho laughed as he answered.

Jaejoong nodded, he understand what Yunho mean. Yunho looked at the bottle of alcohol in front of him. "Why not make the best of it? Let's have a life tonight. I'm going in for hard." He pointed at the stool at the bar. "How about you?"

No response from Jaejoong.

"C'mon Jae. Show me your wild side, if you have any."

Jaejoong stared at Yunho's grinning form. He can't understand why at that moment he wants to go for the temptation of Yunho's dare. "I can do tequila," he proudly said. He already experienced drinking tequila before in Taemin's house with Heechul.

Yunho laughed out loud. Jaejoong hit him softly. Afterwards, they went to the bar for them to explore their "wild side."

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Update na Ate Roba!!!
cant wait for next update soooo update soon <3 XD
IL0v3F00d #3
Hey~ just started reading this~~ can't wait 4 the next update >u< Will there be any 'action' ? *sly grin*
"Jaejoong and me together? As in just the two of us? No other agents. No other friends. No disturbance. And we're married. Yunho grinned." LOL. GO YUNHO! XDDD