Chapter 3



Jaejoong woke up. He suddenly regret it when he finally open his eyes. He tried to close it again. His head felt like a bomb about to explode. He can't remember if how many bottles of tequila did he drink last night.

Why did he even accept Yunho's dare?

But as he remember what happened last night. He also remembered their laugh and the sense of freedom the felt while he's with Yunho.

Who would've thought Yunho would turn out to be one of the coolest guy he knew? And one of the iest too. He try to ignore it last night but obviously, all the girls and guys in the bar last night took notice of it and it looks like they are wondering why would a hot guy like Yunho is with someone who looks like a librarian in a bar?

If he's going to be honest to himself, he will admit that he's tempted to prove that he was worth more than the librarian looking person they thought he was. Now that he was sober, his face turned to a deep shade of pink as he remembered how he flirted with Yunho last night

He deeply breathe- eyes still closed-trying to remember all the things that happened the other night. Then, he smiled. Yunho flirted back. He had seen the interest in his eyes as Yunho stared at him, and the grin on his face when he held him and urged him m. Yunho did not actually try to kiss him, did he?

He's not sure though. He was too drunk during that time and he don't know anymore if the things he remember is true or not.

Did Yunho actually say he looked so y an hot, and he didn't know he had it in him?

He suddenly open his eyes as he remember what he felt upon hearing those words from Yunho. That means, that it's true. It really happened.

He had kissed Yunho...

...on the lips.

And as he scanned the place he's in now, he surely knows that it isn't his room. He was not on his bed and he can smell a scent of cologne and aftershave.


He recall the things he hadn't remember a while ago. He also discovered he was under the comforter.

What else happened last night?

He suddenly sit up. And as he moves, his headache turned worse. He put his hand on his forehead as he moaned.

"A long cold shower would help," said by Yunho, who's lying beside him on the bed.

His eyes grew bigger as he looked at the person next to him. He was about to moan again when he saw Yunho wearing nothing and they're both using the same comforter. If there are things he can't remember last night, well what he see now is a big clue for him to guess what it is.

He was totally toungue-tied while staring at the other. He had never seen him like this- just woke up, messy hair with a 5 o'clock shadow on his jaw.

Then he realized Yunho was staring at him the same way he was staring at him. He's face turned into a deeper shade of red as he desperately pull the comforter above his chest.

What did Yunho do last night?

"W-what exactly did we do last...last night?" Jaejoong asked, still holding the comforter tightly. He's body froze just by thinking that they share the same bed and Yunho was probably as as a newborn baby just inches away from him.

Well, he remember some. Their shameful acts as they seductively danced above that bed. But as hard as he try, he could not remember them completing the deed.

"Don't worry, Jae. We did not do anything. You passed out."

He heard it. No sign of dissapointment or relief on Yunho's voice

He passed out.

He closed his eyes for a moment as he ponder on what he had just heard. For the first time in his life, he was brought by a virile, attractive and hot guy on his bed. And he passed out.

How pathetic could he get?

It did not matter that YUnho was a fellow agent. Last night was not important. Last night, right and wrong was not important. Just fact. Last night, he was gay and Yunho was a straight good-looking man.

And he passed out.

How embarrassing !!!

He freaked out when he felt Yunho's hands around his shoulders. And seeing his reaction, the handsome lad quickly remove it.

Yunho sighed. "Look, Jae. I'm sorry that it got out of hand. I did not plan for it to go that far. I know that was very unprofessional."

Jaejoong miserably bite his lower lip. He doesn't know why he was getting more depressed hearing Yunho's apology.

Before he embarass himself more, he decided that he did not want to hear the rest. He forced himself to smile and he slowly look at Yunho. "Look, it's nothing. Let's just forget about it, okay? Both of us know this happened because we were both drunk. This will not happen again."

"Are you okay,?" Yunho asked while staring at his face.

He looked away because he feels that he's melting on Yunho's gaze. "My head feels like a giant ball."


"Thank you," he replied.

Yunho get up from the bed. And Jaejoong was completely shock as he stared at him walking to get all their clothes on the floor. He was right after all. Yunho was as as a newborn baby. He combed his hair using his fingers before he turned around and face him.

His face flushed yet again when Yunho saw him looking at him.

Yunho pointed at the door. "I'll be back. Feel free to use the bathroom," he uttered, as he look at the other door in the room. After a few seconds, he turned his back on him and went out.

Jaejoong shut his eyes again as soon as the door closes. He wished the bed would open and swallow him whole. He could not believe that in the past few days, he didn't have any idea on what's going on in Yunho's head. One didn't have to be a genius to know that he had a bit off more than he could chew.

He slowly went out of the bed and proceeded to the bathroom. He didn't know what he was wishing for when he wished he would know the person. He closed the door when he enter the bathroom and he directly went under the shower. After a few minutes under the hard and refreshing flow of the water, his headache fade little by little. He clearly remember the other things that happened after he and Yunho went inside his pad up to the time when they went to the bedroom. And he didn't know how could he go out on that room to face Yunho.

He couldn't stay there forever so he tried to reason with himself. The logical thing to do was to follow what they agreed after they woke up. Maybe Yunho's eyes could make him feel all mushy and gelatinous inside, but that shouldn't stop him from doing what he had been doing everyday of his adult life. He would be mature and responsible about it. He won't forget that they are on a mission and Yunho was a fellow agent.

If only they were not drunk last night, those things won't happen. And whatever he feels while Yunho's staring at him, it was really nothing. It was just a residue of what happened the other night. Any other gay could understand why last night happened.

With a man like Yunho...

He deeply sighed as he picture out all the things that happened. Which was making him all mushy and gelatinous and hot and bothered again. He deeply breathe to calm himself.

He wore a robe and went out the bathroom. He quickly smell the strong scent of the coffee upon entering the room. He was relieved when Yunho wasn't there. He took the cup of cofee as he slowly sip it.


Jaejoong couldn't tell how he survived through out the day. But he knew, Yunho was a big help for him to do it. When he went out the room, fully dressed and ready to go, Yunho acted as if nothing happened. So he tried to do the same thing as Yunho did. He played like everything was cool.

They stopped at his house for a moment so he could pack his things. They took a cab afterwards to reach their commercial flight towards Jeju island on time. The flight on the place pointed by the coordinates given by Yoochun on NDI was uneventful. It was a group of small islands called "Seoto". They could only reach it with the use of a pump boat from Jeju island.

They still didn't know whether they're going to see Yoochun or his family there, or from that place they're going to get another instruction to head to another place. Before last night, he could not feel any misgivings about their cover as a tourist couple who's having a vacation. Before last night, he's confident that this mission would not last long, and they would go back to Seoul with Junsu and his son and hopefully Yoochun. Before last night, even if the assignment would turn out longer than he hoped, it didn't matter. He was in an assignment and he would do what was expected of him like every agent would. They would stay in one room and in one bed if needed, and it would all be professional.

That's how easy it was.

But that was all before last night.

That's why he's trying to erase the memory of what happened last night.

After more than an hour in the sea, finally they reached their destination. All his worries seemed to fade away when he saw how beautiful the island was. It's like a paradise. He smiled as he wandered on the beautiful scenery.

Then Yunho tapped his shoulder as he looked up at him.

"I can see that you like it here" Yunho said, smiling.

"Yes, I wish we were not on an assignment." he uttered. But he suddenly blushed seeing how Yunho was staring at him.

"The hotel staff are here to fetch us."


Reality was knocking.



He tried to knock some sense in his brain as they walked. He suddenly stopped when he remembered that they were just pretending as a married couple and they were booked on a very beautiful hotel on the hilltop.

"Something wrong?" Yunho asked, holding his shoulders.

"N-nothing" he answered, stuttering a little bit. He automatically went to the hotel staff to give his bag.

Luckily, Jaejoong remained conscious with Yunho's hands on his shoulders until they went inside the hotel's van.

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Update na Ate Roba!!!
cant wait for next update soooo update soon <3 XD
IL0v3F00d #3
Hey~ just started reading this~~ can't wait 4 the next update >u< Will there be any 'action' ? *sly grin*
"Jaejoong and me together? As in just the two of us? No other agents. No other friends. No disturbance. And we're married. Yunho grinned." LOL. GO YUNHO! XDDD