you're my Irene

Christmas in Canada

When Seungwan had suggested they went winter wear shopping to fully shield themselves against Toronto's merciless winter, Joohyun didn't expect the shopping time to be mainly spent on her. The moment they entered the store, Seungwan immediately proceeded to pick out jackets, scarfs, gloves, basically all sorts of layers that would absolutely keep Joohyun toasty despite the harsh cold. The older girl kept trying to divert attention away from herself by choosing clothing for Seungwan as well. But the latter was stubborn, insisting that she already had the necessary gears back in Canada and that Joohyun need not worry.  


A grumpy Joohyun came out of the fitting room looking like an overstuffed dumpling on legs, about to explode. But Seungwan thought she looked adorable still. "How do you feel? Are these clothes comfortable? Do they keep you warm?" Seungwan probed, walking up to Joohyun. 


Joohyun discretely rolled her eyes, scoffing internally. How does she feel?? Well let's see. She was currently wearing 2 thermal inner layers, followed by a wool sweater and finally a long and puffy coat. To top it off, she also tried on a matching set of mittens, beanie and scarf. To say she was warm was the understatement of the century. Nonetheless, she felt Seungwan's care for her with every layer she had been forced to put on. Thus, suppressing her frustration, Joohyun plastered a smile, "Yea they are comfy and alright. I am just sweating slightly that's all."  "Well that's good. Wouldn't want you catching a cold there", Seungwan stepped closer, adjusting the older girl's scarf.  


There it was again- the fluttering in her chest when Seungwan was close. Joohyun's eyes travelled from Seungwan's delicate fingers which were busy with her scarf to her lips where her tongue peaked out- a trait when the latter concentrated. Joohyun wondered how those cherry lips would taste. Such a thought painted a light red across her cheeks. Lastly her eyes travelled further south, only to be met with Seungwan's tender gaze.  Blushing even redder now, Joohyun knew she had been caught staring.  And true enough, Seungwan's gaze turned playful as she teased "ya know it's rude to stare." Seungwan didn't know where this sudden courage had come from but she gave herself a pat on the back as she had caught Joohyun off guard; the latter turning into a red, stuttering mess. "I-I wasn't- I mean" Seungwan cut the latter off, both hands now cupping the latter's face, thumb her cheeks, boring into her eyes, before admitting "It's alright. I stare at you all the time too." The confession made Joohyun smile shyly, blushing even further. 


"Ahem, excuse me." the clearing of a throat startled both the girls, bringing them back to reality. Afterall, the two of them were standing in the middle of the hallway, in their own world and very much blocking the way of the other customers and shop assistants. They jumped apart instantly, apologising profusely. "Uhh, I'll go change now" Joohyun announced, spinning quickly away on her heels, too embarrassed to make any eye contact, leaving Seungwan standing alone, grinning like a fool.


During the flight, Joohyun took the window seat with Seungwan beside her. She gazed out, her mind at ease. The sun was just beginning to rise. Fluffy clouds were gradually becoming visible. The sky was a beautiful mix of orange, yellow and blue. And Joohyun sighed contentedly at such a sight. It was then when she felt a small weight on her right shoulder. Unlike her, Seungwan had no trouble falling asleep on planes. Joohyun adjusted herself, shuffling closer, for Seungwan to rest more comfortably. The latter had fallen asleep listening to music but one of her earbuds fell out of her ear into her lap. Curious, Joohyun picked it up and stuffed it into her left ear. The song that was currently playing had just started and Joohyun bobbed her head to its slow and seductive melody, anticipating the lyrics.


 "Baby girl you're my Irene" 


Joohyun froze, completely confused. Had she heard wrongly? Her name in a song? Correction: Her name in a love song? 


"You're my everything. My Irene"


There it was again. Loud and clear.


The song played on, spewing out lovely and romantic lyrics. But Joohyun was not paying any attention to them. Her brain was in a mess, her heart in a frenzy. Why was Seungwan listening to this? Maybe she just liked the flow of the song? But Joohyun found herself hoping that, maybe just maybe, Seungwan had liked the song for more than just that simple reason. Could the song have reminded her of Joohyun? Maybe she felt something for the latter too? Joohyun was coming up with different conclusions at such an alarming rate that it made her dizzy. Coupled with the subtle sway of the plane, she slowly drifted off to sleep, making a mental note to bring the issue up to Seungwan later on.


(The song's called Irene, by Jimmy brown. Check it out if you haven't)


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hangryeats #1
Chapter 7: this is adorable
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 7: LIKE IT
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Chapter 5: FINALLY
Favebolous 13 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahahaha
Favebolous 13 streak #5
Chapter 3: Joohyun jealous
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Chapter 2: Cute
Favebolous 13 streak #7
Chapter 1: Strart
Chapter 7: Im smiling like an idiot
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Chapter 7: Cute
baejoonism #10
Chapter 7: Cutee!! Thank you!