possessive in all caps.

Christmas in Canada

The pair touched down in Toronto the night before Christmas Eve. Joohyun was greeted with a strong gust of chilly wind the moment she had stepped out of the airport. But she was prepared, thanks to Seungwan's overprotective tendencies. As they neared the latter's home, Joohyun could not help but feel nervous, wanting very much to make a good first impression. As if Seungwan had read her mind, she reached out and grabbed her partner's fidgeting hands and reassured " Hey, there's no need to be anxious. You have met my parents before and they love you." Joohyun nodded numbly "but this time I am staying over at their place and I think I have feelings for their daughter." she wanted to say but didn't. 

But it turned out that Seugwan was right and that her worries were indeed uncalled for.  The moment the door flung open, Joohyun was immediately pulled away from Suengwan's side, right into Mrs Shon's warm embrace, followed by a firm handshake with Mr Shon, mutual greetings filling the air. The old couple then wasted no time in leading her into the house, essentially leaving Seungwan alone at the door and their bags still outside. Overwhelmed, Joohyun looked back at the latter for support. Seungwan merely shrugged her shoulders, a grin plastered across her face.  But in her head, she was very confused. Was she invisible to her parents? They clearly only cared for Joohyun. What about their daughter? Honestly Seungwan was a little offended. But then again, it was no surprise; everyone loved Joohyun. And she was no exception. 

The four of them sat in the living room, sipping mugs of hot chocolate, warming themselves up. Joohyun took this time to really take in her surroundings. The house was neat but cozy. A classy chandelier hung from above, casting a warm orange glow throughout.  A record player was situated in the corner, with a small bookshelf of vinyls beside it, revealing the family's love for music. The walls were adorned with fond memories, from Seungwan's and her sister's childhood pictures, to their academic and school accolades. One of the pictures caught Joohyun's eye. It was that of Seungwan on stage, in one of their recent concerts. Her eyes were shut in concentration, hands gripping the mic. Jooyhun could practically hear her belting her heart out. And she couldn't help but think that Seungwan was the prettiest on stage, in her element. 


"Joohyun, we are so glad that you're able to spend the holidays with us. I think you have gotten even prettier since the last time we saw you." Mrs Shon praised, breaking Joohyun's train of thought.  The latter blushed at the compliment "It's a pleasure to be here. Thank you for taking me in at such last minute notice. I have always wanted to visit but our last stay in Canada was rushed because of the tour schedule. But now I have the holidays to know the people Seungwan loves and for you guys, me." Joohyun finished off.  

"Oh, my dear, but we already know so much about you." Mr Shon butted in, much to Joohyun's confusion.

"This girl over here won't stop talking about you over the phone. Irene this, Joohyun that. I swear it's never ending."  Mrs Shon added on in tandem, referring to her daughter.

"Wha- Mom!! How could you expose me like that??" Seungwan exclaimed embarrassingly, her cheeks flushed. 

Mrs Shon ignored Seungwan's protests and continued on her roll.  "Ya know, you're the first person Seungwan has willingly brought home. She's usually so shy over her personal stuff. You must be real special to her, Joohyun-ah"  

"Oh my god. Please don't listen to a word she's saying." Seungwan turned to Joohyun, hands all over the place, eyes wide and face red.  The latter giggled at the commotion and relished in the sight of a flustered Seungwan. 

But she decided to take the teasing to another level. "Why, I didn't know you'd liked me that much Wan-ah" Joohyun added shyly, linking her arms with the younger girl, batting her eyelashes.

Seungwan was speechless, surprised by Joohyun's teasing. But she was snapped out of her trance when her father nudged her side, whispering but for everyone to hear " Feisty. I like it. She's a keeper."   Joohyun, embarrassed at Mr Shon's confession, laughed into Seungwan's shoulder.   "Dad!!!" the latter exclaimed, burying her head in her hands. 

Oh this was going to be one long holiday. 


Amidst the hearty banter, 2 sets of loud footsteps coming down the stairs filled the air. They belonged to Seungwan's sister, Seung-hee, and another girl Joohyun failed to recognize. 

"Welcome home lil sis!!" Seung-hee wrapped Seungwan in a tight embrace before turning to Joohyun. "Well you must be the famous Irene I've been hearing a lot of." She commented, slyly side-eyeing Seungwan, to which the latter responded with a death glare. Joohyun nodded shyly before uttering a soft 'nice to meet you'. 

"Surprise?" The girl Joohyun didn't know the name of finally spoke up. "Emma!! You didn't tell me you were visiting?" Seungwan exclaimed in surprise, pulling her into an embrace. Joohyun later learnt that Emma was Seungwan's childhood best friend who had decided to visit before she went overseas for work next year. For some strange reason, Joohyun didn't quite like Emma very much. Sure, Emma had been nothing but friendly, greeting her with big smiles and praises about how amazing her voice was and how beautiful she was in real life. But there was something off putting about Emma. Maybe it was the way she could make Seungwan laugh out loud, a sound that Joohyun has come to love. Or maybe it was the way how both of them  reminisced their childhood, making Joohyun feel like an intruder. Point is Bae Joohyun was jealous. Well that explained her death grip when she had shaken Emma's hand earlier on. OoPs.


Once the due formalities and greetings were exchanged, it was finally time for the new-comers to head upstairs for the night. It was quite late already, almost 1 in the morning.

"Where will I be sleeping? The guest room?" Joohyun wondered out loud, as the rest of the family guided her through the house, with Seungwan trailing behind her, carrying both their bags. Of course the latter had volunteered. Gentle-wan.  It was then everyone came to an unexpected halt, almost making the 2 singers collide. "Well.. there is only one guest room and Emma is using it. So I guess you can sleep with Seungwan?" Mrs Shon stated. "But if you don't wanna, I can share a room with Seungwan instead." Emma reasoned.  Immediately, Joohyun's mind was made up. "It's alright, I'll sleep with Seungwan." Emma and Seung-hee exchanged knowing smiles, while wiggling their eyebrows at Seungwan. The latter blushed crimson red, refusing to meet their eyes. The thought of sharing a bed with Joohyun did make her all nervous and excited. Joohyun, on the other hand, was feeling ever more competitive. In her head, only she was meant to sleep with Seungwan. She didn't want anyone else to wake up in the latter's arms, anyone except her. 

Bae Joohyun was possessive, IN ALL CAPS.

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hangryeats #1
Chapter 7: this is adorable
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 7: LIKE IT
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Chapter 5: FINALLY
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Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahahaha
Favebolous 13 streak #5
Chapter 3: Joohyun jealous
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Chapter 2: Cute
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Chapter 1: Strart
Chapter 7: Im smiling like an idiot
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Chapter 7: Cute
baejoonism #10
Chapter 7: Cutee!! Thank you!