too soon for baby?

Christmas in Canada

Joohyun woke up to the most breathtaking sight in the world- her sleeping girlfriend. She wondered how she had gotten so lucky to call Seungwan hers. She hated how much Seungwan's beauty was underrated; how the public always shamed her for looking a certain way, how management pressured her into losing weight. Seungwan was beautiful in Joohyun's eyes, just the way she was. How she wished the others could see that. Internally, Seungwan was crazy talented, freakishly capable, hard working and caring to a scary extent. It hurts Joohyun to see Seungwan feeling inferior, feeling as though she didn't deserve to be loved.  Joohyun took her time to soak in Seungwan's features, from her long eyelashes to her adorable cheeks and finally her plump lips. Joohyun felt the urge to love Seungwan so well, so much, that the latter would forget about her insecurities and be unafraid to be herself. 


"How many times have I told you that it's rude to stare?"  Seungwan suddenly spoke out, half awake, one eye cracked open, a gentle smile on her face. Her deep morning voice made Joohyun feel some type of way. Joohyun propped herself onto her elbows, grinning down playfully at Seungwan, teasing "Well, since you're my girlfriend now, I can stare at you whenever I want." 


"Merry Christmas, love" Joohyun whispered before swooping in for a kiss, to which Seungwan reciprocated fervently, despite her half asleep state.


"Merry Christmas, baby" Seungwan breathed out once they had parted, already craving for more of Joohyun.


However, the endearment, 'baby', jolted Joohyun's memory. 


"Baby girl you're my Irene" 


Joohyun pulled away, leaving Seungwan confused.


"Too soon for 'baby'?" Seungwan timidly questioned.


"No, you can call me 'baby' anytime."

"It's just that it reminded me of the song I heard on your playlist when we were on the plane. The song had my name in it." Joohyun recounted.


Seungwan's eyes shot open. Oh she was wide awake now.


"Ehh.. I think you heard wrongly."


"Nope I heard it loud and clear, several times in fact."


Closing and opening several times, Seungwan struggled to find an excuse.


"Tell me about that song." Joohyun relentlessly probed.


Seungwan fervently shook her head. 


"Tell me please." Joohyun whined cutely, her lips in a pout, her puppy eyes full fledged.


"I can't. Not now." Seungwan averted her eyes away from her girlfriend's face. She had to stand her ground.


Sensing Seungwan's determination, Joohyun automatically became competitive. She was going to get her way.


Joohyun brought her face down to Seungwan's neck, tenderly on the flesh, while her hands sneaked her way under the latter's shirt. She grinned into Seungwan's neck when she heard the younger girl's breath hitch. She looked up, only to see Seungwan's brows furrowed, eyes squeezed shut, lips parted. Now that she had her victim under her spell, it was time for Joohyun to get what she had come for. 


"Baby, you know you can tell me anything right" Joohyun whispered seductively into Seungwan's ear, before nibbling on her lobe. Whimpering, the latter squirmed as Joohyun raked her fingers up and down her stomach.


Seungwan knew exactly what Joohyun was doing. But she just couldn't stop herself from falling prey to the latter's sly tactics.


Senses overloaded and mind in overdrive, Seungwan caved, stuttering out "Err.. Umm.. It-it's for.."


"Breakfast is ready!!"


Seungwan's eyes snapped open, her mother's loud voice bringing her out of Joohyun's bubble.

Finally regaining control of her body, she sat up abruptly, essentially forcing Joohyun to get off of her, before swinging her legs off the bed, sprinting out of the bedroom whilst shouting "I can't tell you. It's a surprise!!" Joohyun was left alone in the room, cursing under her breath, "dammit, I almost got her." 



Before the gift exchange had officially begun, Seungwan called for the attention of everyone, excited to make a special announcement.


"Everybody, Joohyun and I are together now!" Seungwan exclaimed proudly, holding their intertwined hands up for the rest to see. 


Her enthusiasm, however, was met with an anti-climatic response- perfunctory smiles and nonchalant "happy for you"s- leaving the new couple confused.


"Wha-what.. Aren't you guys happy for us?"


"We are. But I mean we saw it coming all along. It just took you two slowpokes so damn long to figure things out." Mrs Shon mocked, the rest nodding in agreement.


Both girls were speechless. Seungwan, especially, didn't expect such honesty to come from her mother.

Damn, were they really that oblivious to one another this whole time? 

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Chapter 7: LIKE IT
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